Title: Design
1Design Technology OPTIONS
- The Design Technology Faculty offer five
subjects at GCSE - Design Technology - Resistant Materials
- Design Technology - Systems Control
- Design Technology - Food Technology
- Design Technology - Textiles
- Design Technology - Graphic Products
2GCSE Design Technology
- All GCSE subjects in Design Technology are made
up of 60 coursework. - 40 exam.
- Coursework takes about nine months and is
- carried out during lessons and for homework.
- The rest of the time is used to cover theory
- work and learn skills that will be useful
towards - your GCSE.
3Design Technology - Resistant Materials
- Resistant Materials
- This is a design and make based subject making
use of - Woods, Metals, Plastics etc.
- All Design Technology subjects make use of ICT
in many ways.
4Design Technology - Resistant Materials
Yr 9 will introduce the skills and techniques
needed to complete your coursework. Projects
undertaken include-
Key fob made in Aluminium
5Design Technology - Resistant Materials
Yr 9 will introduce the skills and techniques
needed to complete your coursework. Projects
undertaken include-
CAD/CAM Clock in Acrylic
6Design Technology - Resistant Materials
Yr 9 will introduce the skills and techniques
needed to complete your coursework. Projects
undertaken include-
Group Project TREBUCHET
7Design Technology - Resistant Materials
Yr 10 will be when you begin your GCSE
coursework! Projects undertaken by other students
CD Storage
8Design Technology - Resistant Materials
Yr 10 will be when you begin your GCSE
coursework! Projects undertaken by other students
Mood Lighting
9Design Technology - Resistant Materials
Yr 10 will be when you begin your GCSE
coursework! Projects undertaken by other students
Display Cabinet
10Design Technology - Resistant Materials
Yr 11 will enable you to finalise your coursework
and begin on preparation for the summer
Further practical tasks are done to re-enforce
knowledge and understanding.
Past papers are practiced to understand how to
answer the different question styles..
Games and quizzes are used for revision sessions..
11Design Technology - Systems Control
- Systems Control
- This is a design and make based subject making
use of - Electronic components.
- All Design Technology subjects make use of ICT
in many ways.
12Design Technology - Systems Control
Yr 9 will introduce the skills and techniques
needed to complete your coursework. Projects
undertaken include-
Use of CAD, Crocodile Clips and PCB wizard
13Design Technology - Systems Control
Yr 9 will introduce the skills and techniques
needed to complete your coursework. Projects
undertaken include-
Use of Prototyping Boards
14Design Technology - Systems Control
Yr 9 will introduce the skills and techniques
needed to complete your coursework. Projects
undertaken include-
Building and assembling the final product
15Design Technology - Systems Control
Yr 11 will enable you to finalise your coursework
and begin on preparation for the summer
Further practical tasks are done to re-enforce
knowledge and understanding.
Past papers are practiced to understand how to
answer the different question styles..
Games and quizzes are used for revision sessions..
16Design Technology - Food
- Food
- This is a design and make based subject making
use of - Food ingredients and prepared food products e.g.
bread and pastry. - All Design Technology subjects make use of ICT
in many ways.
17Design Technology - Food
At the beginning of the programme of study we
will make a range of products using basic
18Design Technology - Food
Bread is a major food commodity that we will
investigate in the early part of the programme
19Design Technology - Food
Later, moving on to using small scale industrial
equipment . . .
20Design Technology - Food
Analysing existing commercial products
21Design Technology - Food
Using textbooks and revision guides
22Design Technology - Food
A typical GCSE task may be
Because of changes in our society there is now an
increasing demand for single portion food
products. Â A supermarket chain is keen to
respond to this situation and has asked you to
investigate the possibilities of producing a new
single portion product for an identified section
of the community (target group) Â
23Design Technology - Food
The task is analysed using Mind Map
24Design Technology - Food
Coursework is highly technical and requires
great effort and hard work. The results can be
very rewarding!
25Design Technology - Food
Again, an excellent piece of work that took focus
and a mature attitude in class
26Design Technology - Food
Making new products
27Design Technology - Textiles
- Textiles
- This is a design and make based subject making
use of - Fabrics, Dyes, Beads etc.
- All Design Technology subjects make use of ICT
in many ways.
28Design Technology - Textiles
- At the beginning of year 9 you will learn how to
use different construction techniques by making a
cushion and a pencil case.
29Design Technology - Textiles
- At the beginning of year 9 you will learn how to
use different construction techniques by making a
cushion and a pencil case.
30Design Technology - Textiles
- At the beginning of year 9 you will learn how to
use different construction techniques by making a
cushion and a pencil case.
31Design Technology - Textiles
- You will use various pieces of equipment
including the CAD-CAM (Computer Aided) Sewing
Machine and batik pot.
32Design Technology - Textiles
- You will work from 2 text books.
33Design Technology - Textiles
- GCSE - example task
- Hotels often sell fabric products as mementoes to
their visitors. Investigate gift products, which
could be sold in hotels in a particular country.
Design and make a fabric gift product, which
reflects the culture of a country. The product
should be suitable for batch production by local
crafts people.
34Design Technology - Textiles
- You will design and make your own items based on
the brief you have been given. Some examples
include - Beach Wear.
35Design Technology - Textiles
36Design Technology - Textiles
37Design Technology - Textiles
- You will have to do your own research and
38Design Technology - Textiles
- .produce a mood/image board
39Design Technology - Graphic Products
- Graphic Products
- This is a design and make based subject making
use of - Paper, Card, Drawing Equipment, etc.
- All Design Technology subjects make use of ICT
in many ways.
40Design Technology - Graphic Products
The early stages of Graphic Products introduces
different drawing and colouring techniques.
41Design Technology - Graphic Products
Graphic Products goes through methods of
producing design ideas in the form of sketches to
Technical Drawings of a final solution.
42Design Technology - Graphic Products
Homework time in Graphic Products can be used to
develop drawing techniques.
43Design Technology - Graphic Products
Theory work in Graphic Products includes such
things as Equipment, Product Analysis,
Orthographic Drawing etc.
44Design Technology - Graphic Products
Graphic Products develops ICT skills in a number
of ways, including Computer Aided Design (CAD)
in the form of 2D Design Computer Aided
Manufacture (CAM) using the Vinyl Cutter.
45Design Technology - Graphic Products
Mini-Projects in Graphic Products include things
like Special Offer packages for Chocolate Bars.
46Design Technology - Graphic Products
The coursework theme in 2005-6 was to design a
Point of Sales (POS) display for a CD and
Insert Card for a CD. The choice of music was
completely open.
47Design Technology - Graphic Products
The Point of Sales (POS) display and Insert
Card for a CD could be based on a theme of any
48Design Technology - Graphic Products
The Point of Sales display and Insert Card
for a CD made use of different colouring
techniques, ICT and card modelling.
49Design Technology OPTIONS
- The Design Technology Faculty offer five
subjects at GCSE - Design Technology - Resistant Materials
- Design Technology - Systems Control
- Design Technology - Food
- Design Technology - Textiles
- Design Technology - Graphic Products