Title: Conf' Port Development Sofia, 112006
1- Port Reform at Port of Hamburg
- Wolfgang Hurtienne, HPA
2Port of Hamburg aerial picture
3Legal Framework for Port Development
City State Free and Hansestic City of Hamburg
European Law
Federal Law
- Port Affairs Responsibility of the individual
states - But Federal Responsibility for
- Maritime access
- Hinterland Connections national roads, railways
and inland waterways
4Legal Framework for Port Development
- Hamburg Port Development Act
- Definition of Port Area
- No selling of land owned by City State
- Right of preemption for City State, when private
land is sold - Port Development is a public task
- Definition of Port Activities
- Special planning rules
5Political Principles for Port Development
- Port Development is a public task
- - Land rented out to port companies
- Universal Port
- Economical Port Concept
- Sharing of Investment
- Infrastructure City State / HPA
- Suprastructure Private Enterprises (operators)
- Internal Competition
- Hamburg Port Development Plan (Masterplan),
up-dated about every 5 years
6Responsibilities for Infrastructure /
Suprastructure - before reform -
- Infrastructure
- City of Hamburg, e.g.
- site construction
- traffic links (road, rail, waterway)
- bridges
- quay walls
- berths for rental
- Investment dependent of the City budget!
- Suprastructure
- Private Enterprises, e.g.
- pavement
- gantry cranes
- straddle carrier
- stock equipment
7Responsibilities before Reform
- port management was part of governmental
administration - responsibilities spread over several departments
- all activities dependent of City budget
- political interventions in daily business
- revenues of the port flew to the general City
budget - budget cutting independent of economical aspects
8Port of Hamburg current situation an prognosis
9Terminal Burchardkai current situation capacity
2,6 m. TEU
10Terminal Burchardkai final extension-capacity in
2012 5.2 m TEU
11Terminal Burchardkai Cross-section of quayside
and storage areas
Heutige Situation
Current Situation
Traffic and storage area Straddle Carrier
Track 18 m
Nach Ausbau
After Extension
Traffic area
Storage area with
Straddle Carrier
gantry cranes
New quay construction
12Public Port Administration
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Ministry of finance
Ministry for economic labour affairs
Economic port policy development
Harbour master office
Technical port development
Land lease business
former system Since 10/01/2005
HPA Hamburg Port Authority Public Corporation
13Responsibilities for Infrastructure /
Superstructure - after reform -
- Infrastructure
- municipal City of Hamburg, e.g.
- site construction
- traffic links (road, rail)
- bridges
- commercial Hamburg Port Authority, e.g.
- quay walls
- berths for rental
- Superstructure
- Private Enterprises
- pavement
- gantry cranes
- straddle carrier
- stock equipment
14Model of finance
Commercial infrastructure
Municipal infrastructure
- planning, construction and maintanance of
- Streets / bridges
- Waterways
- Railways
- Storm flood protection
- Site construction
- preparation and rental of sites and quay walls
for private operators
tariffs and port dues
rental fees
public subsidies
City of Hamburg
refund of other authorities
15HPA acts as independent company
- daily business decisions independent of politics
- reliable budget
- responsibility for resources
- extended business field
- (shareholder represented in supervisory board)
16Objectives of HPA-formation
HPA Hamburg Port Authority
application of economical principles
increased organisational efficiency
enhanced flexibility e.g. in investments
benefit for the customers
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19HPA in performance figures
All rounded values
20Port Authority Financing the Port Infrastructure
HPA Hamburg Port Authority
Municipal infrastructure
Commercial infrastructure
e.g. construction of quay-walls and berthes for
construction, maintenance and management of
general infrastructure e.g. streets
public grants allowed costs partly covered by
port dues, other tariffs surplus profit of
commercial business
no subsidies allowed costs to be covered by
following EU-law