Title: Alternative Manure Management
1Alternative Manure Management
2What is Alternative Manure Management?
- The development of innovative farm
technologies to reduce the volume of manure to be
stored, transported or applied to the land while
transforming manure components into marketable or
useable products.
3Why Change?
4Why Change?
5AMM Primary Goals
- Improve management of the plant nutrients in the
manure - Control of N, P and K that allows balanced
applications at agronomic rates - Minimal loss of nutrients
- Segregation of P and other components
6AMM Primary Goals (continued)
- Economically viable systems
- 6 - 8 year return on investment
- Cost sharing only provides incentives
- Value added uses for manure components or
fractions - Zero to minimal chemical inputs
- Sustainable soil tilth
7AMM Ancillary Benefits
- Energy production
- Offsetting bedding needs
- Land base efficiency
- Nutrient marketing
- Odor and pathogen reduction
- Green house gas reductions or conversions to less
potent gases - Weed seed reduction
8AMM Hurdles
- Marginal economics
- Traditional designs
- only suitable for the largest farms
- Perception of complicated operation
- Problematic designs causing high maintenance
9AMM Hurdles (continued)
- Gas quality
- low BTU
- H2S is corrosive
- Sale to grid was complicated
- Low historic wholesale price
- Little to no existing service industry
- Odor or green house benefits not quantified
10AMM Hurdles (continued)
11AMM Hurdles (continued)
- Time
- Farmers already working long days and do not want
more headaches
12MFO Digester Foster BrothersOnline in 1985
- Mature Animals 240
- Construction Concrete, soft top, dual chambers
- Designer Spencer Bennett
- Engine 85 kW Caterpillar
- Elec. Generation Hybrid diesel-biogas,
Self generation
13MFO Digester Nordic FarmOnline in 2005
- Mature Animals 240 (designed for 300)
- Cost 350 k
- Construction Slurrystore, external
heating, continuous feed - Designer Stan Weeks VT Ag
- Biogas Production 100 cf /animal
- Engine 65 kW GMC 350
- Boiler Smith 500,000 btu/hr Steam
- Electrical Generation 40 kW, Net Metered
14Nordic Farm Heat Exchanger
- Stage 1 hot digested manure from digester to cold
manure from storage - Stage 2 hot water to pre-warmed manure from Stage
15Nordic Farm Flow
Pump feeds manure from barns though grinder to
external heat exchangers
Two chamber heat exchanger 1st solids
accumulation and removal 2nd exchange heat with
Whole manure stratified flow silo digester
Steam injection final heat stage
Manure for field application
16Nordic Farm Slurrystore
Digester before insulation
17Nordic Farm Insulated Slurrystore
Digester after insulation
18Boerger Rotary Lobe Pump
19Nordic Farm Pictures Borger Grinder
Boerger Multi-Chopper
20Old Undersized Pump
21Gervais Family Farm
Variable speed rotary lobe pump
Single pass external heat exchanger
22LFO Digester Blue Spruce Farm Online in 2006
- Mature Animals 1000
- Cost 1.5 million
- Construction Concrete hard top
- Designer GHD
- Biogas Production 80 cf / animal
- Engine 180 kW 85 kW Caterpillar
- Electricity Generation 265kW, Wholesale
Renewable Attributes
23Blue Spruce Farm Flow
Pump manure from barns to digester feed reception
Whole manure agitated plug-flow digester
Solids for bedding, field application or export
to Balance P
Liquid for field application
24Blue SpruceFarm
Digester Tank Under Construction
25Blue Spruce Farm
Digester tank and support buildings
26Blue Spruce Engine and Solids
27MFO Digester Williston Cattle Co.Online in
- Mature Animals 230
- Cost 350 k
- Construction 2-4 day attached growth, liquid
fraction, fiberglass tank - Designer BioProcess VT Ag
- Biogas Prod. 30 cf / animal
- Boiler Smith 300,000 btu/hr hot water
28Williston Cattle Co. Flow
Liquid faction from separator
Two stage heat exchange system 1st exchange heat
with exiting liquids 2nd exchange heat with
Solids for field application, Compost
or bedding
Agitated attached growth digester 2 day
retention time
Remediation system
Clean water
Nutrient rich sludge
29Williston Cattle Co. Approach
- Totally different approach to manure handling
- Separate manure first
- Solids for remote field application and compost
- Liquid to a digester designed to
- Be delivered fully assembled
- Digest in 2 days (normally 20)
- Liquid then goes through a system that outputs
- Nutrients in a sludge
- Clear water that meets groundwater standards
30North Williston Pictures
Barn and Existing Manure Storage
31North Williston Pictures
Digester Tank Delivery
32North Williston Pictures
Setting Digester Tank
33Reception Pit
- Manure needs to be intercepted before reaching
the manure lagoon - 1 to 2 day covered concrete storage
- Pit needs to be agitated and pumped
- Frozen manure excluded
34Pumps and Agitators
Problems May need to add water with centrifugal
pumps or substantially increase horsepower.
35Screw Press Separator
Feed and return lines from reception pit
Solids drop into truck bay below
Separated liquids to holding tank
36Separator Screen
37Digester and Liquid Tank
Liquid from separator
38First Tank After Heat Exchange
- Liquid goes through a system outputting
- Nutrients in sludge
- Clear water meeting groundwater standards
39BioProcess Towers
- Oil heat during start-up
- Methane burned in natural gas boiler provides
heat during operation - Engine and generator set will be installed after
gas production is known
41Lessons Learned, When to Separate
- Separate up front
- Easy to pump, conventional centrifugal pumps and
grinders work - Reclaim heat from digested liquids
- Loss of potential energy production
- Separate after digestion
- Difficult to pump, rotary lobe pumps adapted from
waste water industry - Heat recovery not possible without additional
pumps - Maximize energy generation
- Fine solids still remain Fine solids are
limiting the biological process and nutrient
separation - Cascading screw press separators
- Addition of a centrifugal separator
- Chemical addition and flocculation
42Two Stage Belt Press
43Major Ramifications
- No hauling water on the roads
- Reduced manure storage needed
- Less rainwater collected
- No odors from spreading liquid manure
- Potentially P and N nutrients will be segregated
- Farmers could easily match application rates to
soil needs - Potential additional income streams for farm
44LFO Digester Pleasant Valley Farm Online in
- Mature Animals 1600
- Cost 2.5 million
- Construction Concrete hard top
- Designer GHD
- Biogas Production 80 cf / animal
- Engine 2 300 kW Guascor
- Electrical Generation 500 kW, Wholesale
Renewable Attributes
45Pleasant Valley Farm
46LFO Digester Green Mountain Dairy Online in
- Mature Animals 1000
- Cost 2.0 million
- Construction Concrete, hard top
- Designer GHD
- Biogas Production 80 cf / animal
- Engine 300 kW Guascor
- Electrical Generation 200 kW, Wholesale
Renewable Attributes
47Green Mountain Dairy
Screw Press Separator
Conveyor belt used to transport solids to a
covered storage area for use as bedding
48LFO Digester Montagne Farm Online in 2007
- Mature Animals 1000
- Cost 2.0 million
- Construction Concrete hard top
- Designer GHD
- Biogas Production 80 cf / animal
- Engine 300 kW Guascor
- Electrical Generation 200 kW, Wholesale
Renewable Attributes
49Montagne Farm
Houle 5 Roller Separator
50Houle 5 Roller Separator
Separated solids for bedding and sold for compost
51LFO Digester Gervais Family Farm Online 2008
- Mature Animals 850
- Cost 1.5 million
- Construction GHD
- Designer Gervais Family Farm
- Biogas Production 80 cf / animal (est.)
- Engine 200 kW
- Electrical Generation Single Phase, Wholesale
Renewable Attributes
52SFO Digester Foote FarmUnder Construction 2007
- Mature Animals 80
- Cost 200,000
- Construction Horizontal plug flow,
- dual 6 fiberglass pipe
- Designer Avatar
- Boiler Hot water
53Foote Farm Pictures - Entering
External heating, then transfer to parallel tanks
54Foote Farm Pictures - Exiting
Manure Transfer to Separator and Trickle Towers
56Trickle Towers A system of hanging media in
which the separated manure liquids drip through
and provide a place for aerobic bacteria to grow.
57LFO Digester Neighborly Farm Online in 2009
- Mature Animals 800
- Cost 1.5 million
- Construction Concrete hard top
- Designer GHD
- Biogas Production 80 cf / animal
- Engine 300 kW Guascor
- Electrical Generation 175 kW, Wholesale
Renewable Attributes
58Neighborly Farm
Maxwells Neighborly Farm
59Sand Separation Newmont Farm Under Construction
- Mature Animals 800
- Cost 750,000
- Construction Mechanical Sand Separation
- Sand Separator McLanahan Corp
- Solid Separator Screw Press
- Secondary Separation DAF Unit
60Newmont Farm
Insulated Barns Outside temperature -35o Inside
temperature 35o
61Sand Settling Lanes
62Newmont Farm
McLanahan Corporation
63Newmont Farm
Residual Processing and Energy LLC Nutrient
recovery cell, chemical feed system, and control
66Manure Injection
- Improves nitrogen capture in soil
- Reduces manure runoff in fields
67Tomorrows Technology
- Small Farm Digesters
- Algae Systems
- Sand Settling Lanes w/ Digesters
- Manure Separation Units
- Manure Injection
68- VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets
69- Thank you for your attention.
- Questions?