- Ballarat Health Services
- 2008
- Marilyn Kearney
- RN., M. Ed.Tng., B. Ap.Sci., BCN., Cert IV
Assess.Tng., Adv. Prac..Reflex., Basic Cert.
Reflex., MRCNA.
2December 1993Incineration Licence Expires
- The Ballarat Base Hospital may have to find an
extra 150,000 in its budget to pay for the
disposal of hospital waste. Stringent new
guidelines from the Environmental Protection
Authority (EPA) for high temperature incinerators
means the current licence which expires in
December is unlikely to be renewed - (The Ballarat Courier, 20/11/93, pg. 1)
3When We Began
- Waste management committee established late 1995
- Staff from all areas invited (environmental
services, nurses-acute subacute and residential
care, infection control, pathology ) - starting point conduct an audit
4Our First Audit
- An investigation of
- All Infectious Waste
- All General Waste
- One (1) Large Sharps Container
- A Staff Survey
5- Our audit indicated there was potential for the
hospital to reduce the cost of disposing of
infectious waste by up to 43 (19,000 per
annum), by the accurate segregation of general
waste from the Infectious Waste stream.
6Philosophys of thought for a Waste Management
- From Cradle to Grave
- And
- The 3 Rs
7Strategies for Waste Management
- 1. Education Program to all
- staff
- 2. Posters
- 3. Recycling
- (accurate segregation)
8Strategy OneEducation Program
- All areas given education
- Updates annually and as
- required
- Included in Staff Induction Program of all new
9Strategy Two Posters
- Strategically placed in all departments
10Poster Example SHARPS
- Needles
- Syringes (discard intact where practicable)
- IV Giving Sets (intact)
- Stitch Cutters
- Lancets
- Trocars
- IV Cannula Stilettes
- Broken Glass
- Discard into Designated
11Strategy Three Recycling
- All wards and Departments have Recycling Stations
- Initially Recycling Station one unit (Red
Earth style) - Now Separate Bins (labelled)
12Strategies for Waste Management Published paper.
- Talking Rubbish Getting Serious
- a paper written regarding BHS s strategies
introduced to staff to encourage accurate
segregation of waste . - the approach utilized
- Prevention, Reduction and Recycling
- Principles
- Authors Marilyn Kearney Hilton Bourke
- This paper was printed and published as a case
study in the Waste Reduction Manual of Eco
Recycle Victoria May 1998
- Types of items to recycle ?
- What can be recycled ?
- Ideas are progressively developed and added to
the recycling program
14Recycling Examples A-Z
- Aluminium Cans
- Co-mingled with glass and plastic
- Eg. Soft drink
- water milk
- bottles
- All clean plastics
- (Non medical waste)
- Collected by Cleanaway (local contractor)
15Recycling Examples A-Z
- Batteries
- Large batteries (from engineering ) and smaller
rechargeable batteries - - Collected by a local recycler
- Small alkaline batteries
- - Yet to find an adequate grave site
16Recycling Examples A-Z
- Disposable Trays
- Egs. Dressing, Suture,
- mouth toilet trays,
- syringe used for
- IV flush
- Encourage Clinical/Biomedical Waste Disposal
- helps to eliminate some plastics biodegrading
in the environment
17Recycling Examples A-Z
- Fluorescent tubes
- Replaced with Triphosphor tubes
- Higher efficiency - energy saving
- Longer life span
- Low mercury (lt3mg)
- Less than 3 mg meets the environmental protection
technology parameter - 1 fluorescent tube can pollute 30,000 litres
water - Collected by Sita Environmental Solutions
18Recycling Examples A-Z
- Ink Cartridges
- All ink cartridges are collected for
recycling -
- The users send to environmental services
Dept in a sealed plastic bag-avoid leakage - BHS boxes the cartridges ready for collection
- Collected by Mammoth Recycling Company.
(Melbourne) - Mammoth separate the metal, plastic and ink and
recycle -
19Recycling Examples A-Z
- Metal
- Scissors, forceps, etc.
- -separate bin
- -washed/sterilized
- Purchased by local scrap metal
- company (ACE Metals) for
- melt down
20 Recycling Examples A-Z
- Oxygen Masks Tubing
- and other equipment/
- stock that can be
- used
- packaged and sent to
- 3rd World Countries
21Recycling Examples A-Z
- Paper Waste
- Survey 97 of paper waste is Recyclable
(Eco-Recycle Victoria 1998) - Cardboard recycling boxes (Visy Recycling)
- for the collection of paper
- available from environmental services
22(No Transcript)
23Recycling Examples A-Z
- General Paper including Newspaper
- some is given to BRI (local industry)
- -pulped mixed with cement for cement
bricks -
- BHS shreds some
- -local Vet, RSPCA and staff
24Recycling Examples A-Z
- Confidential Paper
- -locked bin with mailing slot
- Collected by company
- (Recall Melbourne)
25Recycling Examples A-Z
- Cardboard
- Compressed
- Collected locally
- BRI and Cleanaway
26Recycling Examples A-Z
- Pharmaceuticals
- Tablets etc.- Returned to Pharmacy
- Collected by an authorized
collector - Injections/IV bags-discarding fluid
- Sharps containers-absorbent
layer - Take Care of Waterways
27Recycling Examples A-Z
- Pinkies Vs Blueys
- Variable size alternative
- bed overlays (laundered-
- reusable product)
- vs
- Plastic paper blue liners
28Recycling Examples A-Z
- Plastics
- 1000s of N/S and Water Bottles
- single use items
- eg. bowl sets theatre
- plastic jugs-midwifery
- Collected by Cleanaway local contractor
29Recycled Plastic Becomes
- garden furniture
- garden creeper trellis
- road works witches hats
- racing car barriers
- Local outlets sell garden furniture in Ballarat
30Recycled Plastic Initiative
- Geelong City Council constructed the longest 100
recycled plastic boardwalk in Victoria - Now in the process of creating Podium Signs that
promote their initiative - Taronga Park Zoos demonstration arena- recycled
plastic seat slats.
31Recycling Examples A-Z
- Supply Packaging
- Requested companies to change from
Polystyrene packaging ? paper - Some containers/crates are wood
- and are returned
- Bubble/Shrink plastic wraps recycled in
33Worm Facts
- Have no eyes but are sensitive to light
- Have no ears but are sensitive to noise and
vibration - Have no lungs but breathe through their skin
- Double their number every two months
- Eat their body weight each day
- Have between 3 and 5 pairs of hearts
- Are hermaphrodites, having both male and female
reproductive organs - Are disease resistant, and present no health
related problems to humans
34Worm Facts
- Produce a cocoon every 10 days
- Reduce any dead plant and animal matter back to
soil - Produce a casting (manure) which contains all the
nutrients that the plant need - Produce the richest plant food known to man
- Live in complete harmony with each other and
living things in the earth
35Worm Facts
- Compost worm castings
- attract the tunnelling worms
- into the garden to aerate
- the soil
36Worms Eating Habits
- Food Scraps
- Flowers
- Vacuum dust
- Some paper hand-towel
37Worm Farming
- 23 of our 37.5 recycling is for the worm farm
- BHS 2007 Data
38Just a load of old garbage?
- Estimated that Australian hospitals produce more
than 600 tonnes of solid waste each day - Waste Reduction Manual Eco-Recycle Victoria
39- Many Research Articles suggest that 89 of
hospital waste can be recycled
40Current Statistics of the many Waste Streams at
BHS (Feb 2008)
- General Waste 49
- Waste to Landfill
- Recycled Waste 37.5
- Aluminium, Batteries, Fluorescent tubes,
Food scraps, Flowers, Ink cartridges,
Metal,Oxygen masks, Paper, Plastics, - Clinical Waste 13.5
- Biomedical, Sharps, Pharmaceuticals, and
- Cytotoxic Waste.
- The total waste has increased 30in the last 6
41Waste Minimisation Hierarchy
- Waste Avoidance
- ?
- Waste Reduction
- ?
- Waste Re-use/recycling/reclamation
- ?
- Waste Treatment
- ?
- Waste Disposal
42- -----------Residues------------
Licensed Incineration Eg. Cytotoxic waste
Licensed Treatment Eg. Clinical/ Biomedical Waste
43Secrets to Success
- Maintain a high level of Consultation, Education,
Communication and Information
44Secrets to Success
- An active committee with willing staff and
management - Executive/management support is essential for
success - Consult with managers and union reps, changes
that will affect departments - Accessible information
- Savings data sent to management
- Adequate resources displaying graphs, photos
and charts - Adequate resources
45Secrets to Success
- Ongoing auditing including Regular updates
regarding progress - (notice board displays, annual report,
individual areas receive data) - Being prepared to listen and a Constant search
for new ideas - Media release
- Library journals (Waste Management and
Environment) - Continued development and delivery of waste
education program - Green Frog Award
46Green Fog Award
47 Further Waste Initiatives
- Electricity/Gas --- Energy Saving
- Areas currently being fitted with people
sensor lighting - Plant Control Equipment fitted with Opto
computer - -selective time clocks - on/off day and night
heating/cooling/air handling etc.
48Further Waste Initiatives
- Water ---Savings
- Flow restrictors in showers in many patient
care areas (gt 5oo) - Recycle all steam
- (condensation-gtwater-gtback to boiler house)
49Further Waste Initiatives
- Water ---Savings
- Reverse osmosis Unit (CSSD)
- -processed water directed to
- flusher system
- (offsets fresh water usage)
- Instillation of water tanks
50Current Review
- Biodegradable Bags
- (made of vegetable starch)
- Nurse/Patient gowns
- (made of SMS Polypropylene)
- -ability to recycle
51Current Review
- EverLed Fluorescent tube
- No mercury, no lead, no phosphor powders,
long life(10yrs), no light wasted on reflector - Worm Farmer
- Future retirement
52Waste Management Strategy
- By adopting Waste Strategy recommendations and
acting on them we can - Minimise the impact of Hospital Waste on our
environment - Minimise Costs (1000s of dollars to be saved)
- Reduce Workcare Incidents
- Make better use of our resources
53- We only have one earth
- Please
- Protect and Care for the Environment
54Thankyou to Don Colbert and Shane Quinlan for
their contributions
55For Further Information
- Contact
- Marilyn Kearney
- Co-ordinator Graduate Nurses
- Equipment Resource Nurse
- Ballarat Health Services
- PO Box 577
- Ballarat 3353 Victoria
- Telephone 03 53204823
- Email marilynk_at_bhs.org.au