Title: Intelligent Software Agents Group
1Intelligent Software Agents Lab
The Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon
University 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA
15213-3890 (U.S.A.)
2Transform the Internet to ServiceNet
- from a network of information providers
- user must find information sources
- user must integrate information
- to a network of service providers
- agents find requested unanticipated information
for the user - agents perform requested and implied services for
the user - agents present finished product to user
- Ubiquity
- Fitness
- Constructability
- Policy
Mobile Communication of Heterogeneous Agents
- Anytime, Anywhere Interfaces
- Context-sensitive preference management
- Integrates Devices and Agentified Services
5Improve and Diffuse Accessibility
- Any Time - Any Place Computing
- Agents accessible from any device
- Information conveyed on most appropriate device
- Information conveyed at most appropriate time
- Unobtrusive Computing
- Reduce the overhead of humans having to specify
their intentions - Agents proactively assist humans based on their
awareness of the users goals and context
- Ubiquity
- Fitness
- Constructability
- Policy
7Fitness Through Agent Security and Formal Analysis
- Security in Agent Communities
- www.cs.cmu.edu/softagents/security.html
- Secure Agent Infrastructure
- www.cs.cmu.edu/softagents/security_agent.html
- Security Applications
- wireless collaboration and communications
- military logistics planning
- financial portfolio management
- non-combatant evacuation operation
- Ubiquity
- Fitness
- Constructability
- Policy
- Open and Dynamic Environments
- agents / services will not always exist
- agent locations change
- system load balancing
- agent mobility
- agent identity changes
- cannot predict its name
- cannot predict the vocabulary used to describe it
- Assume Service Redundancy
- multiple/ competing service providers
- differentiate on service parameters
- speed, price, security, reliability, reputation,
10Achieve Ideals of Software Engineering
- Truly reusable software components
- Accessible to lay-programmers
- intuitive and imprecise
- Scalable, reliable, robust, and fault-tolerant
computing - Program by high-level service requirement
descriptions - Example
- To find the best flights,
- find any airline reservation system
- that publishes departure / arrival times
- of four or more commercial airlines and
- comparative prices for those legs.
11MAS Infrastructure
Individual Agent Infrastructure
MAS Interoperation Translation Services
Interoperator Services
Interoperation Interoperation Modules
Capability to Agent Mapping Middle Agents
Capability to Agent Mapping Middle Agent
Name to Location Mapping Agent Name Service
Name to Location Mapping ANS Component
Security Certificate Authority Cryptographic
Security Security Module Private/Public Keys
Performance Services MAS Monitoring Reputation
Performance Services Performance Service Modules
Multi-Agent Management Services Logging Activity
Visualization Launching
Management Services Logging and Visualization
ACL Infrastructure Public Ontology Protocol
ACL Infrastructure Parser, Private Ontology,
Protocol Engine
Communications Infrastructure Discovery Message
Communication Modules Discovery Message
Transfer Modules
Operating Environment Machines, OS, Network,
Multicast Transport Layer, TCP/IP, Wireless,
Infrared, SSL
12Necessary Network Technologies
- Local Area Network Discovery
- Wide Area Network Discovery
- Agent-to-Agent Discovery
- Network Security
- protection from malicious attacks and spoofing
- Encryption, Authentication, Repudiation
- Agent Location Schemes
- White Pages, Yellow Pages, LDAP
13RETSINA Functional Architecture
User 1
User 2
User u
Goal and Task Specifications
Interface Agent 1
Interface Agent 2
Interface Agent i
Task Agent 1
Task Agent 2
Task Agent t
Info Service Requests
Information Integration Conflict Resolution
Middle Agent 2
Information Agent n
Information Agent 1
Info Source m
Info Source 1
Info Source 2
14Interface Agents
- Solicit input from user for the agent system
- Present output to the user
- Frequently part of task agent
- Often representative of a device
15Task Agents
- Know what to do and how to do it
- Responsible for task delegation
- May enlist the help of other task agents
16Middle Agents
- Infrastructure agents that aid in MAS scalability
- Many have been identified in Sycara Wong 00
- Most common
- Agent Name Service (White Pages)
- Matchmaker (Yellow Pages)
- Broker
- MAS Interoperator
17RETSINA Matchmakers
- Enable an agent to find another agent
- by functionality, capability, availability, time
to completion, etc. - without knowing who or where the provider agent
might be - Enables multi-agent systems MASs
- to dynamically reconfigure themselves to suite a
need - reduce agent systems administration overhead
- to scale in the number of agents that are
distributed in a computer network - RETSINA has two main types of Matchmakers
- RETSINA Matchmaker
- http//www.cs.cmu.edu/softagents/matchmaker.html
- Please try it http//www.cs.cmu.edu/softagents
/a-match/index.html - LARKS Matchmaker
- Language for Advertisement and Request for
Knowledge Sharing - http//www.cs.cmu.edu/softagents/larks.html
18The Matchmaking Process
2. Request for service
3. Unsorted full description of (P1,P2, , Pk)
1. Advertisement of capabilities service
4. Delegation of service
5. Results of service request
Provider 1
Provider n
19MAS Interoperators
- Translate between MAS architectures
- Advertisements
- Queries and replies
- Informational messages
- Achieve economic MAS scalability
20Information Agents
- Present information sources to MAS
- Port MAS output to external data stores
- Represent data and events
- Four well-known and reusable behaviors
- Single-Shot Query
- Active Monitor Query
- Passive Monitor Query
- Update Query
21RETSINA Agent Architecture
Reusable Environment for Task-Structured
Intelligent Networked Agents
- Four parallel threads
- Communicator
- for conversing with other agents
- Planner
- matches sensory input and beliefs to
possible plan actions - Scheduler
- schedules enabled plans for execution
- Execution Monitor
- executes scheduled plan
- swaps-out plans for those with higher priorities
- Ubiquity
- Fitness
- Constructability
- Policy
23Contact Information
Prof. Katia Sycara Principle Investigator The
Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon
University 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA
15213-3890 (U.S.A.) Tel 1 (412) 268-8825 Fax
1 (412) 268-5569 katia_at_cs.cmu.edu http//www.cs
Joseph Giampapa Project Manager The Robotics
Institute Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes
Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 (U.S.A.) Tel
1 (412) 268-5245 Fax 1 (412)
268-5569 garof_at_cs.cmu.edu http//www.cs.cmu.edu/