Title: Developing Windows and Web Applications using Visual Studio'NET
1Developing Windows and Web Applications using
Visual Studio.NET
2Admin Stuff
- Attendance
- You initial sheet
- Hands On Lab
- You get me to initial sheet
- Homework
- Certificate
- At end of 10 sessions
- If I say if you have completed successfully ?
3Session 1 Overview
- Agenda
- What is ADO.NET?
- Whats New in ADO.NET 2005?
- DataBinding
- The DataGrid
- Input Validation
4The 10 Sessions
- http//www.ssw.com.au/ssw/events/2005UTSNET/defaul
6What is ADO.NET?
7What is a DataSet?
- Think of a DataSet object as a local in memory
copy of database tables. - Why is it disconnected?
- Problems we had with the client server model
- client apps held onto connections
- Client apps and updated and added records at
will - Many Trips are bad
- Changes can be reconciled against any datasource
at any time. - A Dataset is not limited to database tables. It
can work with XML or for that matter any other
8- SqlConnection cnn new SqlConnection("Persist
Security InfoFalseIntegrated SecuritySSPIdatab
asenorthwindservertunaConnect Timeout5") - SqlDataAdapter adp new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT
FROM Products", cnn) - DataSet ds new DataSet()
- cnn.Open()
- adp.Fill(ds)
- cnn.Close()
- dataGridView1.DataSource ds.Tables0.DefaultVie
9- Recordsets are now DataReaders and DataSets
- Data binding controls can bind to these objects
- Listbox
- ComboBox
- DataGridView
- Not
- TreeView
10DataSet Structure
11- Untyped is
- A generic DataSet that can store data
- All columns are an object
- Eg. Int I Convert.ToInt32(datarow(Rank))
- Typed is
- Any DataSet that is derived from the base DataSet
class that applies the information contained in
the XSD to generate a typed class - All columns are strongly typed
- Eg. Int I datarow.Rank
12Typed DataSet Structure
13- http//www.ssw.com.au/SSW/Standards/Rules/RulesToB
14What are the controls
- DataSet Represents a in-memory cache of data
- DataGridView Displays rows and columns of data
in a grid you can customize - BindingSource Encapsulates a data source for a
form and provides navigation, filtering, sorting,
and updating capabilities - BindingNavigator Provides a user interface
for navigation and manipulation of data bound to
controls on a form - ReportViewer Displays reports
15- Once Datagridview is on form, you get a smart tag
for configuration settings
ADO.NET is Cool
16- Data source wizard allows you to bind to
different sources - Even objects
17- Wizard allows you to choose the data to display
18- Datagridview support photos straight from
database with no customization
19How do I call a SQL stored procedure?
- if(sqlConn.State ConnectionState.Closed)
- sqlConn.Open() SqlCommand cmd new
cmd.CommandTimeout 180 cmd.CommandType
CommandType.StoredProcedure - //Add parameter 1
- SqlParameter parm parm cmd.Parameters.Add(new
SqlParameter("_at_oid", SqlDbType.VarChar,50))
parm.Direction ParameterDirection.Input
cmd.Parameters"_at_oid".Value OrderID - //Add parameter 2 parm cmd.Parameters.Add(new
SqlParameter("_at_custName", SqlDbType.VarChar,50))
parm.Direction ParameterDirection.Output - //Get the data
- SqlDataAdapter tempDA new SqlDataAdapter()
tempDA.SelectCommand cmd DataSet dataSet1
new DataSet() tempDA.Fill(dataSet1) - DataTable resultTable dataSet1.Tables0
20What's New in ADO.NET v2
- ADO.NET API is Evolving
- Backward compatible to ADO.NET 1.x
- SqlClient has close ties to SQL Server 2005
- Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS)
- Bulk Copy Operations
- SQL Server Notifications
- Others
- Transactions with SQL Server Snapshot Isolation
- Database Mirroring in SQL Server 2005
- Batch Processing
- Schema Discovery
21DataTable Grows Up
- No longer dependent on DataSet for
- ReadXML WriteXML
- Transfer via Web Services
- Merge
- Merge multiple DataTables
- Note CANNOT merge DataRow Collections
- DataSets could not be serialised
- Now DataTable becomes iXMLSerializable
- DataTable/DataSet.Load Method
- Convert from and to DataReader
- Dataview.ToTable Method
- Rowstate was readonly
- Rowstate.SetAdded/SetModified
- Provider Independent API
22Stream Data into DataTable DataSet
- DataSet/DataTable.Load
- Get a DataTable/DataSet from a DataReader
- Load dbDataReaders
- OLEleDbDataReader
- SqlDataReader
- DataTableReader
- Etc.
- Enables Merge functionality with DataReaders
- Like a Union
- LoadOption (also new to DataAdapter) to deal with
concurrency issues
- Get a DataReader from a DataTable/DataSet
- Inherits dbDataReader
- (SqlDataReader, OleDBDataReader, etc)
- DataSet/DataTable.CreateDataReader Method
- DataReader needs a database
- But not this DataTableReader
- Iteration without a database connection
- Populating list controls and more
- Navigate similar to SqlDataReader
- Handles changes to underlying data source well
- Create a DataTable from a DataView!
- Rather than building from iteration or a new
database query - DistinctRows parameter is a blessing
- DataRow.RowState is no longer read only
- Unchanged rows can be modified
- SetAdded
- SetModified
26Provider Independent API
- Database Independent Coding
- System.Data.Common Namespace
- Provider Factory Class
- Flip in database type at run time
example APINameSpaceSystem.Data.SQLClient Publ
ic Function GetDS(byVal APINameSpace as String)as
DataSet Dim provider as DbProviderFactory
Dim connection As DbConnection-provider.CreateConn
ection Dim adapter as DbDataAdapter
provider.CreateDataAdapter code to connect
command, connection and dataadapter
adapter.fill(ds) Return ds End Function
27Evolution Performance
- Batch Updates
- True Binary Serialization for Remoting
28Batch Updating
- Works with DataAdapter.UpdateCommand
- Sends groups of queries to the database
- Fine Tune based on client and network resources
- Time to build multiple queries
- Network latency
- Processor
- Connection pooling
- Better control on web servers than deployed smart
client apps
29Binary Serializaton in Remoting
- V1.x
- DataSet is still xml
- V2.0
- DataSet is truly serialized as binary
- Major performance benefit with large amounts of
30Batch UpdateBigger is not always Better!
Speed of 10,000 Record Update
Speed of 100 Record Update
Batch Size
Batch Size
Not official benchmarks. Based one developers own
tests LocalSQL2005 Remote Hard WiredSQL2000
31EvolutionSQL Server 2005 Integration
- Flexibility
- SQLDependency and SQLNotification
- Usability
- MARS (Multiple Active Resultsets)
- Reuse Connections
- Performance
- Asynchronous SQL Command
- Bulk Copy
32SQL Server Query Notification
- Tied into SQL Server Service Broker (2005)
- System.Data.SQLNotification
- System.Data.SqlDependency
- ASP.NET has its own implementation
- System.Web.Caching.SqlCacheDependency
- Backwards compatible to SQL7 through polling
- Many rules and caveats
- This one is not documented (yet)
- Be sure DataBaseCompatibilityLevel is set to
Version90 - Use wisely
- Enable reuse of database connections
- On by default
- MultipleActiveResultSetsfalse in connection
string to turn off - Benefits
- Multiple SqlDataReaders on one connection
- Allows multiple updates in one transaction
- note System.Transactions.TransactionScope
- Caveats
- Possible performance costs compared to connection
34Asynchronous Command Object
- Great for middle tier
- Keep working while waiting for a command to
complete processing
35Bulk Copy
- Load data into SQL Server via ADO.NET
- Nearly as fast as DTS!
- Sample Loading 104,225 records into SQL2005
- ADO.NET Team says
- We like ADO.NET and want to keep it!
- API stays consistent in its design
- ADO.NET 2 improves on
- Usability
- Flexibility
- Performance
- ADO.NET 2.0 leverages SQL Server 2005
- Whats New in ADO.NET 2.0
- Julia Lerman, MSDN Magazine April 2005
- Caching Improvements in ASP.NET Whidbey G.
Andrew Duthie, MSDN Online February 2004 - Improved Caching in ASP.NET 2.0 Stephen
Walther, MSDN Online, June 2004 - Asynchronous Command Execution in ADO.NET 2.0
Pablo Castro, MSDN Online, July 2004 - ADO.NET and System.Xml v.2.0 The Beta Version
Alex Homer, Dave Sussman, Mark Fussell,
Addison-Wesley, March 2005 - New Features for Web Service Developers in Beta 1
of the .NET Framework 2.0 Elliot Rapp,Yasser
Shohoud and Matt Travis, MSDN Online, July 2004
38Resources cont.
- Using CLR Integration in SQL Server 2005
Multiple Authors from Microsoft Corporation, MSDN
Online, Nov 2004 - ADO.NET 2.0 Multiple Active Result Sets per
connection in Sql Server 2005 (MARS) FAQ
Angel Saenz-Badillos, Weblog Post, Sept 7, 04
(blogs.msdn.com/angelsb) - Transaction Processing in ADO.NET 2.0 William
Ryan, Sept 14, 2004, 15 Seconds website
(www.15seconds.com) - Query Notifications in ADO.NET 2.0 Bob
Beauchemin, MSDN Online, September 2004 - Whats new in ADO.NET 2.0 http//msdn2.microsoft.c
392 things
40Thank You!