Title: Population Patterns
1Population Patterns
section 21.1
2Population Distribution
- Worlds highest birth and growth rates
- 3 growth rate means the population of
sub-Saharan Africa ( 570 million ) will double in
20 years - Worlds shortest life expectancy and lowest
economic growth rate - Uneven population distribution is closely linked
to physical geography. - Deserts and arid steppes cover 2/3 of Africa,
resulting in dense populations on coast lines of
Western and Southeastern Africa and the lakes of
East Africa.
3Population and Economics
- 70 of sub-Saharan Africans are farmers but due
to exhausted soil and drought food production has
dropped 20 since 1970 causing famine and poor
nutrition to claim lives. - Impure water- only 37 sub-Saharan Africans have
clean water to drink - Disease- the tsetse fly carries viruses and AIDS
is widespread - a lack of doctors and health care equipment make
the problems worse
- SSA suffers the lowest standard of living in the
world - The population grows at 3 , but its economy
grows at only 1.5 - Total Gross Domestic Product is 150 Billion
- Most cities lie on the coast,along major rivers
or near resources. - Trade and urbanization play an important part in
growth - urbanization-movement of people from rural areas
into cities. .
- Africa is the least urbanized of any continent.
- In the next 50 years,the number of urban Africans
will have increased 10 times!
6Population Diversity
- Ethnic groups- people with similar histories and
cultures. - Ethnic groups dont control their own land,
instead they are brought together or divided by
political boundaries. - Africans speak more than 800 languages and
numerous dialects.
7SSA has been far more severely affected by AIDS
than any other part of the world. The United
Nations reports that 25.3 million adults and
children are infected with the HIV virus in the
region, which has about 10 of the world's
population but more than 70 of the worldwide
total of infected people. The overall rate of
infection among adults in sub-Saharan Africa is
about 8.8, compared with a 1.1 infection rate
worldwide. Sixteen countries, mostly in eastern
and southern Africa, have HIV infection rates of
more than 10, and the rate has reached 35.8 in
Botswana. An est. 17 million Africans have lost
their lives to AIDS, including 2.4 million who
died in 2000. AIDS has surpassed malaria as the
leading cause of death in Africa, and it kills
many times more Africans than war. In Africa, HIV
is spread primarily by heterosexual contact, and
sub-Saharan Africa is the only region of the
world where women are infected at a higher rate
than men.
8The overall life expectancy in sub-Saharan Africa
has dropped precipitously over the past 10 years,
mostly because of the AIDS epidemic, the WHO
says. Life expectancy dropped for female babies
from 51.1 years to 46.3 years. For males, the
level dropped from 47.3 years to 44.8
years. All of the bottom 10 countries were in
sub-Saharan Africa, where the HIV-AIDS epidemic
is rampant. In ascending order beginning with
191, those countries were Sierra Leona, 25.9
years of healthy life for babies born in 1999
Niger, 29.1 Malawi, 29.4 Zambia, 30.3
Botswana, 32.3 Uganda, 32.7 Rwanda, 32.8
Zimbabwe, 32.9 Mali, 33.1 and Ethiopia, 33.5.
9Selected Gross Domestic Products
- U.S.- 9.9 Trillion/ 36,200 per capita
- Germany- 1.9 Trillion/ 23,400 per capita
- Mexico- 915 Billion/ 9,100 per capita
- Uganda- 24.2 Billion/ 1,060 per capita
- Sierra Leonne- 2.7 Billion/ 510 per capita
- South Africa-369 Billion/8,500 per capita
- Nigeria- 117 Billion/ 950 per capita
- Namibia- 7.6 Billion/ 4,300 per capita
- Chad- 8.1 Billion/ 1,000 per capita
10Civil War in Sudan
- An article in National Geographic from Feb. 2003
chronicles the situation in Sudan. A civil war
which has been going on for years due to
different ethnic groups being forced together in
one country by colonialism (British) is now being
affected by the presence of oil. - Read the article and turn in a 2-page reaction
paper for 20 extra credit points. - Due Thursday, 2/10/05.