Title: Writing Illiad SQL Queries
1Writing Illiad SQL Queries
- or how I learned to stop worrying and love the
result set
2Why Write SQL?
- Need data in machine readable format
- Need to manipulate data
- Want automated or triggered queries
- Want to build a user friendly, abstracted front
end to your data - SQL is a standard
- Its fun and will impress your friends at parties!
3Tools for writing SQL queries
- Query Analyzer (MS standard)
- Access (GUI, but adds nonsense to your SQL)
- Toad (free version! www.toadsoft.com)
These programs allow you to write ad-hoc SQL
queries. Often, when you have a finished query,
you will be running it in a programming/scripting
language outside of them. You use Enterprise
Manager to administer the SQL Server (add
logins/users, administer rights, etc)
4MS SQL Server Security Basics
- Two stages of authentication
- Login used to connect to SQL Server
- User user account granted rights to database
objects (tables other fun stuff) - Users can be SQL Server Users OR NT/Win2K Domain
Users - SQL Server Users maintained in DB (live in
dbo.master) - Domain Users Users already authenticated on your
windows network
5MS SQL Server Security Basics
Logins in Enterprise Manager
DB Users in Enterprise Manager
6MS SQL Server Security Basics
- Choosing to use SQL Server Users (login/pass) vs
Windows Domain Users depends on your needs,
however Domain users are more secure, create
accountability, and can be easier to maintain.
7MS SQL Server Security Basics
- Roles fixed sets of rights that can be assigned
to Users at DB level. Common ones - Public (equivalent to everyone group)
- db_owner has full rights
- db_dataread SELECT rights on all tables
- db_datawriter modify rights on all tables
- In additon, DBAs will often have the sysadmin
role associated with their login (gives full
rights to SQL Server)
8Diving into SQL
- SQL Structured Query Language
- ANSI compliant standard
- More than just queries can modify data through
the Data Manipulation Language (DML) set - SELECT (extract records from table)
- INSERT INTO (insert new records into table)
- UPDATE (update records in table)
- DELETE (delete records from table)
9SELECT Statement
- Basic SELECT statement syntax
- SELECT field1, field2 FROM table_name
- Simple Illiad Queries
- SELECT LastName, FirstName, EMailAddress FROM
UsersAll - wildcard for select all fields
- the second query specifies only three fields to
return - query returns a result set, or table of data
10WHERE Clause
- What if I want conditionality?
- use the WHERE clause
- SELECT LastName, FirstName, Department
- FROM UsersAll
- WHERE Status 'Faculty/Staff'
- Returns all users specified as Faculty/Staff
- Use single quotes () to denote strings, do not
use for number values
11WHERE Clause
- Other operators for WHERE clause include lt, gt,
lt, gt and LIKE (which allows wildcards) - SELECT LastName, FirstName, Number
- FROM UsersAll
- WHERE Number LIKE 20000
- This query returns all users with a Number
(barcode) starting with 20000 (they have an OHSU
library card) - wildcard, use anywhere in string (can also
use more than one)
12JOINing Tables
- JOINING tables (i.e. one result set for multiple
tables) - Done in WHERE clause, or in FROM clause (more
ANSI compliant) - Links two or more tables utilizing a primary key
(a unique row in one table) that correlates to
one or more rows in another table - What follows are the table relationships of the
Illiad DB
13JOINing Tables
14JOINing Tables
- Yeah, I know they are too small, you can view the
real deals at - http//www.atlas-sys.com/documentation/illiad/cont
ent/ILLiadDatabaseDiagram.pdf - http//www.atlas-sys.com/documentation/illiad/cont
ent/ILLiadSSSDiagram.pdf - http//www.atlas-sys.com/documentation/illiad/cont
15JOINing Tables
- JOIN example in WHERE
- FROM dbo.Transactions t, dbo.UsersAll u
- WHERE t.Username u.Username
- in FROM
- FROM dbo.Transactions t INNER JOIN dbo.UsersAll u
ON (t.Username u.UserName) - Notes
- - Either usage tells the DB where the join occurs
in other words it creates a virtual table for
your result set combining the two tables on this
column - Shortcut letter after table name makes for less
typing later!
16JOINing Demo
- Joining Demo
- SELECT u.Status, u.Department, t.TransactionDate,
t.LoanTitle, t.LoanPublisher, t.LoanDate,
t.LoanEdition, t.ISSN, t.LendingLibrary - FROM dbo.Transactions t INNER JOIN dbo.UsersAll u
ON (t.Username u.UserName) - WHERE LOWER(t.TransactionStatus) 'request
finished' - AND LOWER(t.DocumentType) 'loan'
- AND LOWER(u.Status) IN ('faculty/staff',
'student', 'distanceeducation') - AND ((t.TransactionDate lt '1/1/06') AND
(t.transactionDate gt '1/1/05'))
17JOINing Demo
- Notes from demo query
- JOIN creates a clean dataset as if the two tables
were one - using LOWER function to ensure data consistency
- using ANDs to logically specify multiple
conditions in my WHERE clause (you can use ORs
and NOTs too) - using the IN keyword instead of millions of ANDs
where I have a list of values
- I am anal and want my result set sorted!
- use the ORDER BY clause
- SELECT u.Status, u.Department, t.TransactionDate,
t.LoanTitle, t.LoanPublisher, t.LoanDate,
t.LoanEdition, t.ISSN, t.LendingLibrary - FROM dbo.Transactions t INNER JOIN dbo.UsersAll u
ON (t.Username u.UserName) - WHERE LOWER(t.TransactionStatus) 'request
finished' - AND LOWER(t.DocumentType) 'loan'
- AND LOWER(u.Status) IN ('faculty/staff',
'student', 'distanceeducation') - AND ((t.TransactionDate lt '1/1/06') AND
(t.transactionDate gt '1/1/05')) - ORDER BY t.TransactionDate, u.UserName
- Sorts by first field alphabetically, then second
if there are more than one value for the first,
19Dupe Records
- Wait a minute buddy, I am getting duplicate
records! - The DISTINCT keyword tells SQL Server to only
return unique rows - SELECT DISTINCT a.Type AS 'Type',
- u.Username as 'UserName',
- u.LastName as 'LastName',
- u.FirstName as 'FirstName',
- u.Status as 'Status',
- u.EMailAddress as 'EmailAddress'
- FROM UsersAll u
- JOIN UserAccountsLink l ON (u.UserName
l.UserName) - JOIN UserAccounts a ON (l.InternalNo
a.InternalNo) - WHERE u.NVTGC 'ILL' AND u.Cleared 'Yes' And
a.Active 'Yes' AND a.Type like 'VISA' - ORDER BY u.LastName
- So, in this instance, it says only give us rows
in our results set that are unique (go ahead, be
20Manipulating Data
- INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements are used for
manipulating data - INSERT to add new records to table(s)
- UPDATE to modify existing record(s)
- DELETE to remove records.
- INSERT example (I dont have a tested example for
use with Illiad, but here is the context) - INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2,....)
- VALUES (value1, value2,....)
- Here we are saying insert value1, value2, into
colum1, column2, of table table_name
- UPDATE example (setting user accounts to inactive
who have visa cards) - UPDATE UserAccounts
- SET UserAccounts.Active 'No'
- WHERE UserAccounts.InternalNo IN
- (SELECT a.InternalNo FROM UserAccounts a
- JOIN UserAccountsLink l ON (l.InternalNo
a.InternalNo) - JOIN UsersAll u ON (u.UserName l.Username)
- WHERE u.NVTGC 'ILL' And a.Active 'Yes' AND
a.Type like 'VISA') - The embedded SELECT query runs first returning a
result set of user accounts in our site (ILL),
which are Active (Yes) and the type of their
account is VISA (wildcard to catch spaces and
other funky characters) - THEN the outside UPDATE query sets the field
Active for each of those user account to No
- DELETE example (delete accounts for users with
visa cards) - DELETE FROM UserAccounts a2
- WHERE a2.InternalNo IN
- (SELECT a.InternalNo FROM UserAccounts a
- JOIN UserAccountsLink l ON (l.InternalNo
a.InternalNo) - JOIN UsersAll u ON (u.UserName l.Username)
- WHERE u.NVTGC 'ILL' And a.Active 'Yes' AND
a.Type like 'VISA') - Here we are again using an embedded SELECT query
to find all the user accounts with VISA cards in
our site (same as before) - then we use a simple delete query to remove
those records from the DB
24What do I do with my SQL?
- Limitless options. Common ones
- Create an Access view (easy) and show staff how
to run that view on their own (giving you more
YOU time so you can work on your golf handicap) - Create a stored procedure or user defined
function (UDF more difficult). This abstracts
your query (and data) and makes it simple to
integrate into things like web front ends (ASP,
PHP, etc) or scripting languages (visual basic,
perl) - Use those applications and scripts to give users
the data and reports they need from a GUI
25A Few Resources Online
- Resources online (I didnt make this stuff up, I
stole it) - Straight forward/no nonsense SQL reference
(geared towards web work) - http//www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp
- SQL Server security model and security best
practices, tips - http//vyaskn.tripod.com/sql_server_security_best_
practices.htm - Should I use a view, a stored procedure, or a
user-defined function? - http//www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id2537
- MSDN reference for SQL syntax, Server functions,
T-SQL, etc - http//msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/tsqlref/ts
- Contact
- Nick Peterson
- Oregon Health Science University
- Library Computer User Support Analyst
- Email peterson_at_ohsu.edu
- Questions? Insults?