Title: Governance Issues
1Overview and Status of Governance Issues
3rd PRAGMA Meeting Fukuoka, Japan
2Governance Issue Topics
- Accomplishments since July in Seoul
- Goals Set in Seoul in Governance Issues
- NSF Proposal
3Schedule of Meetings
- PRAGMA 1 11-12 March 2002, San Diego, CA, USA
- NPACI All Hands Meeting 7-8 March
- Philip Papadopoulos(UCSD/SDSC/Cal(IT)2/CRBS)
Chair, vice Chair Sangsan Lee - PRAGMA 2 10-11 July 2002, Seoul, Korea
- GFK 12 July
- Sangsan Lee (KISTI) Chair, co-chair Yoshio
Tanaka - PRAGMA 3 23-24 January 2003, Fukuoka, Japan
- APAN 22-23 Jan 2003
- Satoshi Sekiguchi (AIST) Chair, co-chair David
Abramson - PRAGMA 4 5-6 June 2003, Melbourne, Australia
- ICCS2003 3-4 June
- David Abramson (APAC) Chair, co-Chair Fang-Pang
Lin - PRAGMA 5 October 2003, Hsinchu/Fushan, Taiwan
- Taiwan Grid Meeting
- Fang-Pang Lin (NCHC) Chair co chair TBD
4Accomplishments and Activities
- Expanded Telescience Collaborative Activity (3)
- Demos at iGRID 2002 and SC02
- Expanded Data Farm Grid Resources (4)
- Demo at SC02
- Exchanged information about local
- and national grid activities
- Active Participation with many conferences
- Built partnerships with ApGrid, APEC Tel, GGF,
APAN Grid Working Group
5Other Accomplishments
- Resource sharing More than 240 nodes (8)
Osaka, Indiana, UCSD/SDSC - Technology deployment
- Japan and Thailand (NLANR monitor deployment)
- Training and exchanges
- Singapore Bioinformatics Institutes (Clusters,
Grid, Portals, EOL, SRB) - Grid Forum Korea (SRB)
- Computer Network Information Center (Measurement
Analysis) - New collaborations NCNC and TERN
- Ecogrid
PRAGMA Success Contributions from ALL
- Presentations
- Tutorials
- Meetings
7Goals Set in Seoul
- Mission Statement
- Ready by Supercomputing
- Charter
- Principles, Procedures, Expectations
- Membership
8Overarching Goals
Establish sustained collaborations and Advance
the use of the grid technologies for applications
among a community of investigators working with
leading institutions around the Pacific Rim
Working closely with established activities that
promote grid activities or the underlying
infrastructure, both in the Pacific Rim and
- The mission is to establish sustained
collaborations and to advance the use of grid
technologies in applications among a community of
investigators working with leading institutions
around the Pacific Rim. - PRAGMA will work closely with established
activities that promote grid activities or the
underlying infrastructure, both in the Pacific
Rim and globally.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Encourage and conduct joint
(multilateral) projects that promote the
development of grid facilities and technologies
in the Pacific Rim countries -Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Share
resources to ensure project success -Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Conduct multi-site training in the use of grid
technologies methodologies to support
international collaborations -Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Exchange
researchers between participating institutions
and promote exchange more broadly -Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Meet
and communicate regularly -Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Collaborate
with and participate in major regional and
international activities such as APAN, APGrid,
GGF -Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Disseminate and promote knowledge
of using the grid among domain experts and
scientists - Disseminate proceedings and summary
of events and meetings on the world wide
web -Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Provide and raise resource for
PRAGMA members to raise level of awareness and
funding for grid activities
11Expected Outcomes
- Advance scientific applications
- Increase interoperability of grid middleware
- Contribute to the development of international
grid efforts - Increase productive and effective use of the grid
by researchers and scientists in the Pacific Rim - Increase collaboration on the grid in the Pacific
Rim - Increase grid activities within member countries,
throughout PRAGMA and the world - Provide core resources and model testbeds for
regional e-science projects
12Used at iGRID and Supercomputing 2002
13Operating Principles and Procedures Rationale
- Create an agreed to set of principles
- Articulate mission, activities, outcomes
- Define membership
- Set expectations for existing and potentially
interested new participants - Establish key procedures
14OPP Outline
- Preface
- 1. Definitions
- 2. Understandings
- 3. Objectives
- 4. Steering Committee
- 5. Intellectual Property
- 6. Financial and Hosting
- 7. Adding, Withdrawal, or Removing Participants
- 8. Other Matters
- Appendices Founding Members, Initial Steering
Committee Members, Membership Propositions,
Procedure for Selections of PRAGMA meeting Host
Site, Relationships.
15Key Principles and Understandings
- Open to all institutions that align with the
goals of PRAGMA - Individual and resources contributions are
acknowledged - Promote open access to software and data
- Decision making by consensus
- Members bear cost of their own participation
- Members encourage cooperation amongst themselves
in implementation of PRAGMA, - Document not legally binding
16Steering Committee
- Initial Compositions
- List in OPP, from Founding Institutional Members
- Vote
- One per institution
- Responsibilities
- Review applications for membership
- Determine/maintain relationship to other groups
- Review applications to host PRAGMA meetings
- Set concrete milestones
- Others
- Proposed Structure
- Chair / co-Chair
17Types of Participants
- Members, both for Institutions and for
Individuals These are the institutions,
organizations, consortiums of institutions or
research groups, or individuals, who actively
participate and have responsibilities, and who
express support for and intentions to observe the
provision of the OPP document.Normally
universities or university based, publicly
funded, not-for-profit research institutes - Observers These are institutions who are not yet
ready to become members, but who can be involved
in a mutually beneficial way. A possible example
may be a institutions starting activities in the
grid. - Affiliates These are institutions that have
overlapping interests but are not eligible.
Examples here include industry, or non-profit
groups that do not have the resources to play the
role of an active member - Subscriber Individuals who want to learn about
PRAGMA by subscribing to the pragma-discussion
18Balanced Growth
- Growth is healthy
- Need it balanced to maintain focus and community
19Procedure to Add Participants
- Steering Committee selects
- Criteria (some)
- Potential contribution to PRAGMA
- Experience interacting on projects
- Institution invited to attend meeting and submit
application - Final decision by Steering Committee
20Additional Organization Notes
- Founding Members
- Steering Committee Members
- Members of PRAGMA, from Institutions who are
members - Institutional Participants
- May be that new institutional members are not
represented (directly) on steering committee
21Participating Institutions
- Australia Partnership for Advanced Computing
- Bioinformatics Institute of Singapore
- Computer Network Information Center, CAS
- Global Scientific Information and Computing
Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology - Grid Technology Research Center, National
Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology - Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Information - National Center for High Performance Computing,
National Science Council - Research Center for Ultra-High Voltage Electron
Microscopy and the Cybermedia Center, Osaka
University - STAR TAP/StarLight initiative, supported by NSF
and organized by the University of Illinois at
Chicago, Northwestern University and Argonne
National Laboratory - Thai Social/Scientific Academic and Research
Network (ThaiSARN-3), National Electronics and
Computer Technology Center - TransPAC initiative, supported by NSF at Indiana
University - Universitis Sains Malaysia
- University of Hyderabad
Founding Institutional Members
22Open Issues
- Formulate explicit outcomes
- Define jointly relationships to other activities
- (As needed) Construct process to evolve steering
23Next Steps
- Finalize discussion on OPP
- Modify as needed and implement
- By June implement OPP
- Address interest on part of other organizations
to participate - Challenges
- Holding meetings at application meetings
24NSF Proposal StructurePRAGMA Renewal
Training, Exchange, Additional Coordination
Structural Genomics
Chem- informatics
Eco- informatics
Grid Development and NMI Software Coordination
Travel for Meetings, Coordination, Web
Equipment (16 node cluster)
25NSF Proposal - Applications
- Telescience M. Ellisman, A.Lin, S.Peltier
(UCSD) F.P.Lin, (NCHC) S.Shimojo (CMC, Osaka
University). Potential Partner KISTI. - Structural Genomics P. Bourne, W. Li (UCSD)
L.Ang, K. Sakharkar, and A. Krishnan (BII
Singapore). Prospective Partners KISTI Osaka
University Titech. - Cheminformatics K. Baldridge (UCSD) P.
Uthayopas (Kasetsart University) H.Wahab (U.
Sains Malaysia). Potential Partner KISTI - Ecoinformatics T. Fountain, L. Ding (UCSD) F.P.
Lin (NCHC) S. Ninomiya and M. Laurenson
(National Agriculture Research Center)
26NSF Proposal Developing, Fielding and Supporting
Grid Infrastructure
- P.Papadopoulos, M.Katz (UCSD) R. Chitradon
(NECTEC), J. Lee (KISTI) F-P Lin (NCHC), K.Nan
(CNIC) K.Sakharkar (BII) S. Shimojo (Osaka) Y.
Tanaka (AIST) O.Tatebe (AIST) P.Uthyopas
(Kasetsart University) H. Wahab (U.Sains
Malaysia) J.Williams (TransPAC). - Human Infrastructure Role of the technical
Liaison/Developer - Development of Tools
- Dedicated Endpoint
27NSF Proposal
- Support for continued interactions via
participation in PRAGMA workshops, project-based
visits by researchers and students as well as the
hosting of PRAGMA workshop in the United States - Probably 2004 bring in new applications,
possibly new institutions/countries - Extension of PRAGMA organization via training,
dissemination, and outreach
28Schedule of Meetings
- PRAGMA 1 11-12 March 2002, San Diego, CA, USA
- NPACI All Hands Meeting 7-8 March
- Philip Papadopoulos(UCSD/SDSC/Cal(IT)2/CRBS)
Chair, vice Chair Sangsan Lee - PRAGMA 2 10-11 July 2002, Seoul, Korea
- GFK 12 July
- Sangsan Lee (KISTI) Chair, co-chair Yoshio
Tanaka - PRAGMA 3 23-24 January 2003, Fukuoka, Japan
- APAN 22-23 Jan 2003
- Satoshi Sekiguchi (AIST) Chair, co-chair David
Abramson - PRAGMA 4 5-6 June 2003, Melbourne, Australia
- ICCS2003 3-4 June
- David Abramson (APAC) Chair, co-Chair Fang-Pang
Lin - PRAGMA 5 October 2003, Hsinchu/Fushan, Taiwan
- Taiwan Grid Meeting
- Fang-Pang Lin (NCHC) Chair co chair TBD