Title: Global Issues
1Global Issues
- When in Rome do as the Romans do?
2Multinational Corporations
- Advantages for multinationals
- Inexpensive labor
- Natural resources
- Favorable taxes
- Fresh markets
- Advantages for host country
- New jobs
- Better jobs (higher pay and greater challenge)
- Technology transfer
- Social benefits from sharing the wealth
3Multinational Corporations
- Issues
- Loss of jobs at home
- Host country loss of resources, control of trade,
and political independence - Multinational usurping control of host government
- Moral responsibilities fo corporations and
individuals operating is less developed countries
4International RightsAre ethics relative or are
there absolute rights to
- Freedom of physical movement
- Ownership of property
- Freedom from torture
- A fair trial
- Nondiscriminatory treatment (based on race or sex)
- Physical security
- Freedom of speech and association
- Minimal education
- Politcal participation
- subsistence
5Example Cases
- Union Carbide (Bhopal) tried to hide knowledge
of safety violation - Lockheed (Japan) authorized secret payments of
around 12 million to representative of Japans
Prime Minister - Shell (Nigeria) disregarded the safety and
livelihood of local people when drilling and
laying pipelines - WTO trade agreements bar US from imposing
environmental restriction of imports
6Defense Industry Issues
- Military buildups are prone to problems due to
- Secrecy (limited oversight, limited availability
of technology, cover-up of mistakes) - Urgency (waste, oversight issues)
7Defense Discussion Topic
Just-War Theory war acceptable when 1. the war
must be fought for a just cause 2. the motives
are good 3. it must follow a call from higher
authority to legitimize it 4. the use of force is
based on necessity 5. noncombatant immunity 6.
proportionality of damage and consequences to
need and cost
Describe a scenario for the conduct of a just
war. Describe the kinds of weapons engineers
might have to develop to wage one.
8Global Market
- Web sites support easy access to global markets
- Must be able to handle various methods of payment
- Non-credit card business
- Checks on foreign banks
- Wired transfers
- Must be able to communicate with customer
- Emails in foreign language
- Phone calls from those not speaking English
- Must be able to translate Web material to
appropriate language - Some programs available for this purpose