Title: Upper respiratory Infections
1Upper respiratory Infections
- Upper respiratory tract infections cause ,
incidence, clinical manifestations, management
and prevention
- Management of a patients with epitasis
- Management of a patient with upper airway
2What is Influenza?
Health Canada 1998
- 500 to 1,500 Canadians die from influenza or its
complications every season
- Influenza vaccine may reduce hospital admission
for pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis emphysema
by 70 and mortality by 85 ( Health Canada 2001)
4Recommended for
- Adults children with chronic heart /Lung
- Persons resident in nursing homes / chronic care
- Persons with chronic conditions diabetes, immuno
suppression, kidney disease
- Children and adolescents on long tern
acetylsalicylic acid
- People who are capable of transmitting influenza
( Health care workers household contacts)
5 Nevertheless only 70 of long term care facility
residents and 20 to 40 of adults children
with medical conditions listed previously receive
the vaccine annually ( Duclos et all1996, DeWals
et al (1996) Health Care workers in hospitals and
long term care facilities have shown vaccination
rates of 21 to 61 (Adal 1996, Nickol (1997)
Fowles (1998)
6Demystifying Myths
- Vaccination is 70 to 90 efficient
- The vaccine does not cause flu
- occasional soreness at injection site may occur
may occur
- Side effects are rare but may consist of fever,
aching muscle /joints lasting for one/two days
and beginning six to 12 hours after immunization
7Demystifying Myths
- Vaccination is considered safe for pregnant women
and does not adversely affect breast feeding
mothers and their infants
- Influenza vaccine should not be given to people
who had an anaphylactic reaction to previous does
or who are allergic to eggs
- Individuals with acute febrile illness should not
be vaccinated until their symptoms have abated
8Indications for Tracheotomy
- Relief of acute / chronic upper airway obstruction
- To assist in aspiration of bronchial secretions
- To aid prolonged ventilation
A surgical opening through the skin of the neck
into the trachea
10Tube Characteristics
11Anatomical Position of tube
12Pre operation
- If client is to undergo elective tracheostomy,
reinforce education
- A visit by a patient with a permanent
tracheostomy may be desirable
- In emergency situations patient education needs
to be brief or may have to be postponed/given to
significant others
13Post Operative Care
- Ineffective airway clearance /gaseous exchange
- Impaired verbal communication
- Ineffective management of therapeutic regime
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16Complications of tracheostomy
- Wound and respiratory tract infections
- Tracheoesophageal fistula
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