Title: Building a Healthy Nevada
2Building a Healthy Nevada
Presented by the HHS Committee on Future
- College of Health and Human Sciences
3Building a Healthy Nevada
Goal to identify strategic direction for the HHS
directed toward addressing Nevadas most pressing
social/health needs
- Process
- Input from HHS Faculty, summer 2005
- Inclusive of all HHS units
- Data-driven, macro-level working plan
4Building a Healthy Nevada
- This presentation is the first step in
- Planning for new directions that will enhance
current college initiatives - Presenting our plan for addressing Nevadas most
pressing social/health problems - Clarifying for key constituents what HHS does
- Requesting your reaction to the direction we are
proposing to make HHS a more vital,
problem-solving, proactive college, with a more
clearly defined, easily communicated mission
5Building a Healthy Society
- Initiative Objectives
- Assessment
- Plan for accreditation
- On-going impact assessment
- Produce a statewide Report Card
6HHS Mission Statement (abbreviated)
- To create and communicate health and human
sciences knowledge - Through education, research and scholarly
activity, and service - To enhance the quality of life of the citizens of
Nevada, the nation, and the world
7Charges from the Provost
- What are Nevadas most pressing problems?
- What needs to be done to address these issues?
- What resources are necessary to address these
issues more effectively? - This presentation will focus on 1
8Building a Healthy Nevada
- UNR Faculty teach, engage in basic/applied
research, outreach - Uniquely, HHS faculty
- Provide in-service pre-service training for
current and future professionals to conduct
research and provide professional service
delivery (including prevention and intervention
activities) - Participate in collaborations with other
University units, community partners, and
statewide collaborators - Examples include HAWC Clinic, Advanced
Directives for Health Care Decisions, CYFERNet,
and the Child and Family Services Analysis
System, a variety of research-based efforts
with state and county health departments - Conduct significant outreach education and
service - Make contributions to the Land Grant and
statewide mission through our Centers
9Social Health Indicators
All Ages Homicides Alcohol-Related Traffic
Deaths Food Stamp Coverage Housing Cost
Burden Income Equality
- Children Infant Mortality
- Child Abuse
- Child Poverty
- Youth Teenage Suicide
- Teenage Drug Abuse
- High School Completion
- Adults Unemployment
- Average Weekly Wages
- Health Insurance Coverage
- Aging Poverty Among Those Over 65
- Suicide Among Those Over 65
1The Social Health of the States, 2003, The
Fordham Institute
- Nevada has a poor overall social health
scorefourth from the bottomwith a rank of 46
for the second year in a row. It is a social
recession state, and one of only four in the
nation to receive 8 or more Fs. (out of the 16
indicators from the previously cited Fordham
report). - (The Social Health of the States, 2003 by the
Fordham Institute for Innovation in Social
11Social Health of the States, 2003
State Rank
Social Health Score
Iowa 1 Minnesota 2 Pennsylvania
3 Maine 4 Nebraska 5 Connecticut
6 New Jersey 7 Wisconsin
8 Vermont 9 Utah 10
72.5 70.4 66.4 65.9 65.8 65.5 64.3 62.3 62.1 62
Above average performance Range of 54.9
61.1 Average performance, Range of 47.5
54.4 Below average performance Range of 36.8
Excellent Performance
Range of 62 72.5
Rank 11 20 Above Average Performance Rank 21
30 Average Performance Rank 31 40 Below
Average Performance
36 35.4 34.3 34 34 30.9 29.1 29 27.9 20.8
California 41 North Carolina
42 Alabama 43 Montana 44 Texas
44 Nevada 46 Arizona 47 Mississippi
48 Louisiana 49 New Mexico 50
Poor performance
Poor Performance
1 Each state receives a social health score from
1-100 based on its cumulative performance on
these indicators and is ranked accordingly among
the fifty states. 2 Source Fordham Institute
for Innovation in Social Policy
Range of 20.8 - 36
12Building a Healthy Nevada
- In addition
- The elderly in Nevada are almost 5 times more
likely to commit suicide than elderly people in
Rhode Island. - Nevada covers less than half of those eligible
for food stamps, while Hawaii covers nearly all. - (The Social Health of the States, 2003)
13Social Health Indicators
All Ages Homicides (46th) Alcohol-Related
Traffic Deaths Food Stamp Coverage (50th) Housing
Cost Burden Income Equality
- Children Infant Mortality
- Child Abuse (41st)
- Child Poverty
- Youth Teenage Suicide (44th)
- Teenage Drug Abuse (47th)
- High School Completion (49th)
- Adults Unemployment
- Average Weekly Wages
- Health Insurance Coverage (41st)
- Aging Poverty Among Those Over 65
- Suicide Among Those Over 65 (50th)
Scores of F are shown in TEAL
1The Social Health of the States, 2003, The
Fordham Institute
14Guiding Premises
- Nevada ranks poorly compared to other states on
these indicators - Nevada is the fastest growing state in the nation
- Growth and increasing diversity stress
infrastructure and magnify problems
15Elements of a Healthy Society (9 domains)
- Physical Health
- Social Well-Being
- Behavioral Health
- Economics
- The Environment
- Public Safety
- Informed Citizenry (Education)
- Aesthetics
- Spirituality
16HHS Priorities Through research, teaching, and
outreach efforts, the College of HHS currently
focuses on addressing 5 (of the previously cited)
9 elements
- Physical Health
- Social Well-Being
- Behavioral Health
- Public Safety
- Informed Citizenry
17Physical Health
- Percentage of overweight Nevadans has increased
35.3 (2000) 38.8 (2004) well above lt25 goal of
Healthy People 2010(BRFSS, 2000 2004) - HHS Initiatives Nursing, SPH, HDFS, SW, and
Campus Recreation and Wellness (CRW) to combat
obesity and overweight - Other HHS Initiatives immunization, access to
care, infectious/chronic diseases
19Social Well-Being
- 2nd highest pregnancy rate in the nation for
15-19 year olds (2000) - Nevada teen pregnancy rate 53.9/1000 (2002)
- HHS Initiatives HDFS/Social Work, SPH on teen
pregnancy - Other HHS Initiatives family stability,
domestic/child/elder abuse
20Public Safety
- 8th highest rate of violent crime per 100,000
population (2003) - HHS Initiatives CJ SW domestic violence
- Other HHS Initiatives conflict resolution,
bioterrorism preparedness - Violent crime defined as murder, forcible rape,
robbery aggravated assault.
21Informed Citizenry
- 49th lowest high school graduation rate
- Wellness promotion
- HHS Initiatives HDFS/Cooperative Extension
parenting education, family literacy
intergenerational learning juvenile delinquency,
child development, Early Head Start, SPH, CRW
Nursing in senior wellness, cardiovascular
health, diabetes prevention - Other HHS Initiatives conflict management
- (The Social Health of the States, 2003)
22Behavioral Health
- 10th highest number of individuals in the nation
26 and older who need, but do not receive,
treatment for alcohol use (unmet treatment need). - 6th highest national rate for the number of
adolescents diagnosed with a substance abuse
dependence disorder - HHS Initiatives CASAT, Nursing, SPH alcohol and
drug use - Other HHS Initiatives prevention
- (National Survey of Drug Use and Health, 2003)
Building a Healthy Nevada
Building a Healthy Nevada
1 Center for Application of Substance Abuse
Technologies, 2Campus Recreation and Wellness,
3Child and Family Research Center, 4 Center for
Program Evaluation and Partnership Development,
5Gerontology Academic Program, and 6Nevada Center
for Ethics and Health Policy
25Building a Healthy Nevada
- HHS three-phase plan
- Phase One Macro-level work -- domain
identification sample indicators - What are Nevadas most pressing problems
- Phase Two Intensive micro-level work --
finalize domains, specific indicators
associated data points - What needs to be done to address these issues?
- Phase Three Identification of resources needed
to address issues more effectively
26Building a Healthy Nevada
- Our goal is to address Nevadas most pressing
social/health needs and to invite others to help
build a Healthy Nevada.