Title: Standby Power
1Standby Power IEC62301
2Standby Power
- Legislative drive to reduce standby power
consumption - Increased consumer awareness of cost to pocket
and the environment
With the political and market forces of climate
change and rising energy costs their has been an
International Agreement to reduce the energy
consumption of electrical equipment in the
standby mode , this is known as the IEA 1-watt
Plan The agreed measurement standard and
accuracy is IEC 62301
3Who Does This Affect ?
All manufacturers of domestic products
Every country can apply its own limits by
directive or legislation. In Europe the generally
accepted directive is the Energy Star but
Germany also has Blue Angel and Scandinavian
countries have adopted the Nordic Swan The
measurement standard for all the world wide
directives is IEC62301
4Measurement Overview
5Check Test Environment
The Voltage source must be verified through the
test to comply with Total Harmonic Content
(THC) of the supply voltage must be less than 2
The THC is up to and including the 13th
harmonic Voltage Crest Factor shall be between
1.34 and 1.49 during the measurement
6Power Measurement Accuracy
Power Measurement Accuracy The measurement
standard requires a Watts measurement resolution
of 0.01W Load 10W or less 0.1W Load 10-100
W 1W Load greater than 100W Requires an
instrument with a minimum current range of 10mA
7Measurement Requirements
The product should first be allowed to stabilize
for a minimum of 5 minutes Then run a measurement
test for 5 minutes Recording every second Vrms,
Vcf, Vthd, V Harmonics ( up to 13th ) Arms, Acf,
Wrms Freq
8Measurement Requirements
Standby power is very small, with short bursts of
power. The PM1000 has a 1MHz bandwidth and high
sample rate to capture these distorted waveforms
9The Measurement System
Key Points Universal Plug Socket for UUT External
1 ohm Shunt for low power 10Wlt resolution Direct
shunt connections for measurement of asymmetric
waveforms which include a DC component (H0)
10Power Stability
Less than 5 deviation from the maximum value
observed Measurements are stable and the Watts
reading can be directly reported
11Stable Power ? No
If the power measure varies by more the 5 then
either of the following options may be
chosen Average Power calculate the average of
all the power readings over the test
period Accumulated Energy- measure the Whrs
consumed by the load. To calculate the Average
Power, divide the energy consumed in Whrs, by the
measurement period.
12The Compliance Test Report
Product Details
Test Parameters
Measured Data
Laboratory Details
13Voltech Solution
PM1000 Universal Break Out Box IEC62301 Software
14Benefits to the Manufacturer
Complete Solution Ease of use Provides full Test
Report Provides full Test Data PM1000 provides
both accurate and stable readings due to superior
bandwidth and high sample rates Provides