Title: ROTEX
ROTary EXchange studentsEX ROTary students
Tampere 3.10.2009 Seppo Huotari
The one thing that all members of ROTEX have in
common is the successful completion of the Rotary
International Youth Exchange Program. In other
words, each of us has been sent by our Rotary
District to live in another country for a year on
an emotional roller coaster ride that took us to
new highs of frustration, stress, curiosity, and
joy. For some of us, ROTEX is an opportunity to
repay Rotary for their generosity. They run a
first class program, and were always there to
help us. Other ROTEX members join for the
emotional support. Returning students often have
trouble readjusting to things back home. There
are family problems, relationship problems, and
academic problems that we all experience at one
point or another. Still other ROTEX members have
joined because they just want to be understood.
There is a bond among us that rivals even those
of brothers and sisters. We have all been there,
and know what it is like to have your life
turned upside down, inside out, and then dry
- Association/Forum for former exchange students
working under - supervision of Rotary District or Multi
district - Channel to meet
- Support to Rotary Youth Exchange
- Organized in many countries
- Finland, Switzerland, Brazil, Australia, New
Zealand, USA, - Netherlands, Belgium, Argentina, Germany,
Japan, Taiwan . - Not officially RI program
4Rotex activities
- Expand RYE program through
- activities with IB and OB students
- support, training, tutoring
- Support club YEOs in training of families and
students - Support in District training, country specific
programs - Tutoring in orientation camps and programming
district OB camps - Tutoring YE travel programs like Eurotours etc..
- Rotex councellor for each IB student
- District conference youth program
- Speaking in Clubs
- Participate in Rebound debriefing
- Help in selecting OB students
- Have some fun too.
5Rotex is of great helpfor Rotary
- It is up to Rotary District to get Rotex started
- Reasonable funding from Rotary for Rotex
activities - Hundreds of WEB sites available in Internet
- to support the foundation
- Best ever future potential for new Rotarians
- Global point of view
- 12 months experience in Rotary Clubs already
- Motivated
- Easily volunteers for YEOs job
7D 1400
D 1380
RYE Multidistrict
D 1390
Mgmt Team President Vice president Secretary Trea
surer 3 members
D 1430
D 1410
D 1420