Title: Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
1Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
2Rural Development
- Mandatory spending programs
- Spending over the life of the bill (6 years)
- Water and waste infrastructure backlog-360
million - Value added agriculture--240 million
- Broadband-- 100 million
- Rural strategic investment program--100 million
- Rural business investment program-100 million
- Television loan guarantees-80 million
- Firefighters and emergency personnel-50 million
- Total mandatory spending-1,030 million
3Rural Development Loans and Guarantees
- To be used to fund pending projects
- Water and wastewater grants
- Emergency community water grants
- Total 360 million (mandatory)
4Value Added Agriculture Product Market
Development Grants
- Defines value added agriculture
- Renewable energy is an eligible purpose (energy
cooperatives) - Grants to producers and producer groups up to
500,000 - 40 million per year
- Total 240 million (mandatory)
5Rural Broadband Access
- Loan and Loan Guarantee for rural broadband
service - Providers of broad band telecommunication
services, as well as, state and local governments
are eligible - 20 million per year for 4 years , 10 million
for each of last 2 years in budget authority - Total 100 million (mandatory)
6Rural Strategic Investment Program
- National Board on Rural America
- 14 members
- 100 million one-time funding (mandatory)
- 8 million for planning grants to Regional Boards
(at least 80) - 87 million for innovation grants to Regional
7Rural Strategic Investment Program
- Regional Investment Boards
- Regional areas must show outmigration
- More than one county less than a state
- Develops Regional Plans
- Infrastructure, human capital services, financing
- Innovation grants to carry out regional plans
- Up to 3 million per region
8Rural Strategic Investment Program
- National Conference on Rural America
- Telecommunications, health, transportation, human
capital, diversification, financing, etc. - 2 million one-time funding (mandatory)
9Rural Business Investment Program
- To create and provide grants to rural business
investment companies - Grants of 10 percent of private capital up to 1
million - 280 million in loan guarantees
- 44 million one-time authorization for grants and
administrative costs - Cost is 100 million (mandatory)
10Local Television Loan Guarantees
- 80 million one-time mandatory allocation
- Unused funds are shifted to Rural Broadband
Access Program
11Rural Firefighters and Emergency Personnel Grant
- Scholarships and support of training centers for
emergency personnel - 10 million per year mandatory allocation
12Intergovernmental Rural Policy Working Group
- Sense of Congress Proposal that the President
should - Appoint a special assistant for rural policy
- Designate senior officers in each agency to
provide rural policy leadership - Create a rural policy working group comprised of
special assistant to the President and agency
13Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant
(REDLD) Program
- Creates a new source of funding to be used by
rural electric and telephone cooperative to fund
rural development projects - New guarantees will allow bonds to be used lower
interest rate, decreasing the cost of elect
14Business and Industry (BI) Loan Guarantee Program
- Guarantees funds to buy stock in all types of
existing farmer cooperatives - Simplifies paperwork for loan applications
15Establishes Northern Great Plains Regional
- The authority is expected to develop a series of
comprehensive coordinated plans for the economic
development of the region (Iowa, Minnesota,
Nebraska, north Dakota, and south Dakota) - Authorization appropriations of 30 million per
16Why Did Chairman Harkin Want an Energy Title in
the Farm Bill?
- To increase farm income
- To support rural economic development
- To bolster energy security and independence
- Reduce energy price spikes
- To benefit the environment and public health
17Biomass Opportunities are Great
- DOE estimates tripling biomass energy could
provide up to 20 billion in new income for
farmers and rural communities this same
increase could reduce GHG emissions by the same
amount as taking 70 million cars off the road
18Biofuels Make Sense
- Biofuels represent future of value added
agriculture - Ethanol industry demand for corn increases value
of each bushel sold by 0.14, or 1.4 billion - USDA has found each Btu used to produce a Btu of
gasoline could be used to produce 8 Btus of
ethanol - Can be produced from most crops, in most places
19On-Farm Energy Efficiency Opportunities
- Efficiency savings of 10 to 30 readily
achievable through farm audits and related
programs (ACEEE) - Hogging the Light Iowa State researchers showed
that 1000 hog farms could save energy with
efficient lighting while simultaneously
benefiting piglet development - Dairy Dairy farm energy audits in NY helped
reduce consumption by 25 to 50 by increasing
milk pumping efficiency
20Biobased Product Development
- Speeding development, commercialization and
adoption of biobased products benefits farmers
and rural areas, an emerging biobased products
industry, and the environment.
H. Ford taking an axe to the trunk he made from
21Summary of Farm Bill Energy Provisions
- First ever energy title IX 405 million over 6
years - Conservation title II Wind and biomass energy
development allowed on Conservation Reserve
Program lands - Rural Development Title VI Renewable Energy
eligible for grant and loan programs - Research Title VII Energy efficiency supported
22Energy Title Highlights
- Sec. 9002 Federal Procurement of Biobased
Products - Federal agencies must
- give preference to products on biobased products
list (created by USDA) - Incorporate preference in agency guidelines and
establish a preferential procurement program - Require use of biobased products to maximum
extent (price, performance, availability)
23Eleven Biobased Categories
- Adhesives
- Construction composites
- Fuel additives
- Landscaping products/compost
- Lubricants/functional fluids
- Materials/Fibers/Paper/Packing
- Paints and coatings
- Plastics
- Solvents/Cleaners/Ag Chemicals
- Sorbents
- Vegetable Oil Inks
24Voluntary USDA Label
- Manufacturers can receive a USDA certified
biobased product label if they meet certain
criteria established by agency - Concept similar to DOE/EPA Energy Star program,
but for biobased products only - Intended to further support agricultural
producers and biobased products industry
25Biorefinery Development Grants
- Supports commercialization of new and emerging
technologies for converting biomass into fuels,
chemicals and electricity from renewable
resources - Consultation role for DOE
- USDA grants available on a competitive basis up
to 30 of development/construction costs of
projects - Authorized, funding subject to appropriations
26Biodiesel Fuel Program
- USDA grants for public education on benefits of
biodiesel fuel use by govt and private entities
operating vehicle fleets and others - Consultation role for DOE
- Eligibility limited to non-profits and
institutions of higher education with expertise
in this area - 1million/yr in 03-07
27Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development
- New competitive grant program for organizations
to assist farmers, ranchers by conducting energy
efficiency audits and renewable energy
assessments linked in part to financing in 9006 - Consultation role for DOE
- Recipients must pay 25 of the cost of the audit
- Eligible grantees to carry out program include
regional energy centers, State energy office,
REC/utility etc - Authorized and funding subject to appropriations
28RE Systems Energy Efficiency Improvements
- USDA to make low-interest loans, loan guarantees,
and grants to farmers, ranchers, rural small
businesses to purchase RE systems, and make
energy efficiency improvements - Consultation role for DOE
- Cost-share capped at 50
- Considerations include type of system, quantity
of energy likely to be generated, expected
environmental benefits, payback period etc - 23m/yr for 03-07
29Biomass RD
- Extends authority of the Biomass RD Act of 2000
through September 2007 - Acts goal is to find breakthroughs for biomass
conversion into sustainable fuels, chemicals, and
power - Funding at 5m in 2002, 14m/yr in 03-07
- Additional 49m authorized in 02-07
30Bioenergy Program
- Continues CCC payment support program for
producers of ethanol and biodiesel (bioenergy)
derived from various commodities, and cellulosic
commodities (such as hybrid poplars and
switchgrass) - Payments higher to smaller producers
- Cap of 5 for any one producer on total funds
available - Up to 150m/yr from 03 to 06 is available from
the CCC to carry out the program
- Increases conservation funding 80 above current
level. The biggest increase in conservation
spending in a farm bill EVER. - 17.1 billion in new funding for a total of 38.5
billion over the next 10 years. - Strong new investment in existing conservation
programs and creates new programs.
32Conservation Security Program
- A voluntary, locally-driven, flexible program
that provides incentive payments to all
participating farmers. - Rewards farmers for adopting new conservation
practices and for maintaining already adopted
practices. - Payments rise with greater conservation.
33Strong Spending for Existing Conservation Programs
34Strong Spending for New Conservation Programs
35Contacts for Senator Harkin
- Des Moines Office
- 210 Walnut Street Rm.733
- Federal Building
- Des Moines, Iowa 50309
- (515) 284-4574
- Washington DC Office
- 731 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
- Washington, D.C. 20510
- (202) 224-3254
Senate Agriculture Committee 328-A Russell Senate
Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 (202)
36Further contacts
- Websites
- http//harkin.senate.gov
- http//agriculture.senate.gov
- http//www.usda.gov
- http//www.usda.gov/farmbill/index.html
- Email contacts
- tom_harkin_at_senate.gov
- ellen_huntoon_at_harkin.senate.gov
- bob_soukup_at_harkin.senate.gov