Title: Population Management
1Population Management
2Desert Bighorn Sheep
3Whitetail Deer
4Wild Turkey
5Wood Duck
6Restoration of desert streams and fish populations
Before After
7Reintroductions more successful when
- organisms must be translocated into undegraded
habitat - substantial numbers of individuals must be
reintroduced - often many of them over a long
period of time - careful husbandry of the species may be required
- providing food, water or controlling species
which may have a negative effect on the species
8(No Transcript)
9Pacific Salmon Species
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11(No Transcript)
12Desert Tortoise
13Desert Tortoise Habitat
14Austrian Ibex
15(No Transcript)
16Peregrine Falcon British subspecies - peregrinus
17Peregrine Falcon Alaskan coastal subspecies -
18Peregrine Falcon Range Map
19Economics of Conservation
20Economics - Basic
- Economics is a tool which helps us answer 3 basic
questions - 1. What commodities should be produced and in
what quantity? - 2. How should we produce those goods? and
- 3. For whom should we produce those goods?
21Descriptive Economics
- The description of economic facts and
relationships falls under the category of
descriptive economics - it is relatively
speaking, a pure science and is objective and its
questions can only be answered by facts
22Normative Economics
- Normative Economics addresses questions that
cannot be answered by facts and figures - where
there are no right and wrong answers but rather
questions of should or ought, instead they
are questions about value judgments and must be
decided by social and political processes
23Two Basic Economic Systems
- 1. Command economy in which the government
dictates production and distribution goals - 2. In a market economy companies generally
produce goods and services which produce the
highest profit thus answering the first question
of what to produce and how much. Profit also
dictates how goods are produced. For whom is
answered by ability to pay.
24Elephant Ivory for Sale
25Oil Prices
26BFI Monopoly?
27External Cost
- External Cost, a cost to society not paid by the
manufacturer or its customers
28External Costs