Title: Junior Racing and Training in the SE
1 Junior Racing and Training in the SE
- Queen Mary SC
- 17th November 2005
- Bruce Bonar
- RYA South East East Zone High Performance
Manager - (Kent, Medway, E W Sussex, Surrey, Greater
London) - (Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambs, Bucks, Beds, Herts,
Essex) - E mail bruce.bonar_at_rya.org.uk
- Phone 07909 994642
3My role..
- First port of call for all issues regarding
junior racing and race training in the SE Zone. - Information point for clubs, parents, sailors,
youth coordinators, coaches. - Responsible for RYA Volvo Champion Club Scheme
- Managing RYA Zone Squad programme
- Managing RYA SE Zone Championships
- Coach development within Zone.
4The RYA Junior Youth Pathway
GBR Youth Team
RYA Youth Class Association Open Training
RYA National Youth Squad
RYA Transition Training
RYA National Junior Squad Training
RYA Junior Class Association Open Training
Delivered at Zone Level, RYA Subsidised
RYA Zone Squad Training
Volvo RYA Champion Club Training
5Aims of RYA Junior Programme
- To provide develop healthy, vibrant and
inclusive junior racing and junior race training
programmes. - To provide an established pathway to enable
talented sailors to move into the Youth and
Olympic Classes at the optimum age and ability -
- Assist our young sailors to deliver the best
results for RYA Team GBR at major international
competitions, now and in the future
6Two types of recognition
- Pathway
- Strong domestic competition
- World Class national training
- International Competition
- Established pathway
- to Youth Olympic
- RYA Squads (ZS/ NJS)
- Support Classes that develop technical,
physical, and mental skills to succeed at Youth
Olympic level.
- Recognised
- Suitable
- Safe effective training
- Established Class Association Racing Programmes
7The Pathway Junior Classes..
- Pathway
- Laser 4.7 (2005)
- Optimist
- Topper
- Cadet
- Mirror
- Bic Techno 293OD (2005)
8The Recognised Junior Classes
- Recognised
- RS Feva (2005)
- Hobie Dragoon (2004)
9New for 2005
- Laser 4.7 has become an RYA Pathway Junior Class
10Laser 4.7 Recognition
- Provides a natural progression to Laser Radial
and Standard for boys and girls - Rewards the popularity of the class
- Brings young sailors back into the RYA pathway
- Class Association open training programme
11RYA Class Recognition- 1 year on
- Laser 4.7
- Two phases of NJS training (1 12, 2 14 boats)
- Support to Worlds in USA
- National Coach (employed by RYA)
- Many sailors progressed to RYA TT
12New for 2005
- RS Feva has become an RYA Recognised Junior Class
- Recognised due to its popularity and the need to
engage sailors through a modern double hander
13RYA Class Recognition- 1 year on
- RS Feva
- Support/ advise RS class association
- Grant to facilitate training
- Developing resources
- Class organised (effectively OT)
- National Squad
- National Transition squad
- Regional Squads (East South)
14Opportunities Events in the Zone
- RYA SE Zone Squads
- RYA SE Zone Championships
- Class Association Open Training
- Class Association Traveller Events
- Local NSSA events
15RYA Zone Squad Programme
- Aim To deliver high quality, squad based
training locally to the sailors who have the best
prospects of progressing to the RYA National
Junior Squads and winning medals in the future.
16RYA SE Zone Squad Programme 2006/7
- RYA Optimist Zone Squad
- Sailors normally aged Under 13 on 31.12.06
- RYA Topper Zone Squad
- Sailors normally aged Under 14 on 31.12.06
- RYA Mirror Zone Squad
- Sailors normally aged Under 14 on 31.12.06
- RYA Windsurf Zone Squad
- Sailors normally aged Under 15 on 31.12.06
17RYA Zone Squad Programme 2006/7
- How to be selected
- Fill in application form available from HPM in
summer 2006 - Attend RYA South East Zone Championships on 30th
September/1st October 2006 - Attend one nominated class traveller event in
September - Attend Class Open Training events in Autumn
- Selection Policy available soon
182006 South East Zone Championships
- 30th September 1st October 2006
- Bewl Valley Sailing Club
- Oppy, Topper, Mirror, Windsurfers, Laser 4.7.
Feva, Handicap (Under 17)
19Class Association Open Training
- Available generally through Autumn, Winter and
Spring - Aimed at all sailors (Open)
- Topper, contact Andy Taylor (SE Topper Rep)
www.gbrtopper.co.uk - Oppy, contact Barry Goacher (SE Oppy rep),
www.optimistsailing.org.uk - Mirror, contact John McNulty
- www.ukmirrorsailing.com
- Feva, contact John Partridge, ( RS Feva Rep)
- www.rs-association.com/entrance.asp
- Laser 4.7, contact Peter Walker (UKLA Open
Training C-ordinator) - www.laser.org.uk
20Class Association Local Traveller Events
- Local Traveller events for
- Topper
- Oppy
- Mirror
- Laser (TV traveller series, contact John Peck)
- Feva events developing
- Windsurfing T15 interclub events
- The issues
- QMSC is a SE Zone VCC
- QMSC is a S Zone T15 club
- Where should the sailors go??
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