Title: Arctic Ocean Observations and their Outcomes over the ASCSYSDecade
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2Arctic Ocean Observations and their Outcomes over
the ASCSYS-Decade Takatoshi Takizawa /JAMSTEC
3From Silent Arctic to Live Arctic The
ACSYS-decade is an epoch that we began to
recognize the variability of the Arctic Ocean
4 In 1990s, classified observational data were
released and many historical datasets such as EWG
Arctic Ocean Atlas (1997, 1998) were complied.
The comparison of 1990s observational results to
the historical data gave us a new outlook of
Changing Arctic
5Annual minimum sea ice extent and concentration
for 24 years, from 1979 to 2003. The year 2002
showed lowest level of sea ice on record. Credit
NASA Top Story/ NASA Home Page, October 23,
2003 Author J. Comiso Paper is appearing in J.
Climate, 2003
6Annual minimum sea ice extent and concentration
for 24 years, from 1979 to 2003. The year 2002
showed lowest level of sea ice on record. Credit
NASA Top Story/ NASA Home Page, October 23, 2003
7April 2000 March 2001
8Changing Arctic
9 - Banner headline of ACSYS-decade
- From Silent Arctic to Live Arctic
- Complexity and Variability
- Findings, Doubts and Objections
101. Pathway and transport of Atlantic Water 2.
Pathway and transport of Pacific Water 3. Water
mass and halocline
11Pathway and transport of Atlantic Water
12Aagaard 1989
13Rudels et al. 1994
14Apparent mean current speed about 1cm/s
3.5 Sv
East Siberian Sea
Barents Sea
0.5 Sv
Laptev Sea
Kara Sea
Observation ARK IX/4 1993
Apparent tritium/3He age (year) Reference to 45?N
Frank et al. 1998
15Reduced propagation in the western Arctic Barents
Sea Opening to Lomonosov 6-7 yrs Lomonosov to
Alaska 10yrs
16Blue italics The times of transit from North Sea
(60 ?N)
Inventories of contaminant Pb and excess 210Pb .
Circulation pathway of Atlantic Water from
Rudels et al., 1994.
Gobeil et al. (2001)
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19Pathway and transport of Atlantic
Water Evolution and spreading of the warm
anomaly event
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22Observed time series of AW temperature
Time series of simulated yearly mean AW
Observed time series of AW temperature
Karcher et al. (2003)
23W2 (1990)
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25Warming of the Atlantic water in the Canada Basin
Spatial distribution of temperature maximum in
the Atlantic Layer in 1995-1998 (left) and 2000
26JAMSTEC, IOS, SCICEX data after 1990
27No Warm water
JAMSTEC, IOS, SCICEX data after 1990
JAMSTEC, IOS, SCICEX data after 1990
JAMSTEC, IOS, SCICEX data after 1990
30Warming of Atlantic Water on the eastern flank
of the Northwind Ridge
Increase by 0.4?
31Pathway and transport of Pacific Water
32Aagaard 1989
33Jones (2001)
34September 1988
September 2002
Recorded ice edge retreat
35Summer ice retreat and spatial distribution of
ECSW in 2002
Temperature on S31.3psu
NOAA16 AVHRR July 19 2220UTC
Low sea ice Concentration ? Open water
36Stratification of the Western Arctic Ocean
Ice melt
Sea Ice
Sea Ice
River Melt Waters
Mixed layer (cold fresh)
Single halocline (cold)
Upper halocline Shallow temperature maximum
waters (warm)
Pacific Summer Waters
heat source
Winter Water
Pycnostad (cold)
Pacific Winter Water
Lower halocline (cold)
Main thermocline
Primary heat source
Secondary heat source
heat source
Atlantic Water (Warm salty)
Atlantic Water
Atlantic Water
Pacific Summer Water
Deep water (Cold Salty)
37Upper Ocean Circulation
Mirai Louis S. St-Laurent 2002 data
38Temperature distribution on S31.3 surface (about
30-50m deep) in 2002
Temperature on S31.3psu
No warm water
39Schematic circulation of surface water masses in
the Canada Basin (Shimada et al., 2001)
Beaufort Gyre
Spread of Mackenzie water
Spread of Alaskan Coastal Water
40Mike Steele et al. (2003) Accepted
41Water mass and halocline
42Stratification can be classified into three
- (A)Nansen Basin Southern Amundsen Basin No or
weak halocline - (B) Northern Amundsen Basin Makarov Basin
Single halocline - (C)Canada Basin Double halocline and two Tmax
(two heat source)
43Southern flank of LR
Eastern Amundsen Basin
Barents Sea slope
Evolution of the Arctic Ocean surface water and
halocline. Rudels e et al. (1996)
44Source of Lower Halocline Water
J-CAD Data
46Observational results in 2002
1. Temperature salinity at 120, 180, 250 m
depths are higher in the Nansen Basin than
in the Amundsen Basin and over the Arctic
Mid Ocean Ridge.
2. Salinity in the convective layer, which
temperature is near freezing point, is
lower in the Nansen Basin than in the Amundsen
Basin and over the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridge.
47Convective cold halocline from Steele and Boyd
Cold, salty (winter) mixed layer Fresh
water input sea ice melt and/or low salinity
shelf water
Temperature with the salinity of surface water
inferred from the mixing line is higher than
freezing point. Amundsen Basin
AMOR Nansen Basin
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50ltlt Mean Current gtgt
Near the Lomonosov Ridge 4.0 5.0 cm/s
Along-isobath (toward GL) (Apr.-May 2000)
In the Amundsen Basin 2.0 3.0 cm/s LR -gt
AMOR (May-Sep. 2000 Apr.-Jun. 2002)
Over the Arctic Mid Ocean
Ridge 1.5 2.0 cm/s along-isobath (toward
GS) (Sep.-Oct. 2000 Jun.-Oct. 2002)
51ltlt Mean Current gtgt
Over the Arctic Mid Ocean
Ridge 1.5 2.0 cm/s along-isobath (toward
GS) (Sep.-Oct. 2000 Jun.-Oct. 2002)
In the Nansen Basin 2.0 2.5 cm/s WSW
(toward Fram Strait) (Oct. 2002 Feb.2003)
Ocean current at 50-100m depth
Convective cold halocline
52Distribution of CLHW in 2000-02
Convective LHW was advected along the ridge
from the eastern side of the basin and covered
over the AMOR and the Nansen Basin in 2000-02.
We could also find that, in the Amundsen Basin,
ocean current in the Lower Halocline layer had
a direction from LR to AMOR in the spring season
of 2000-2002.
53Speculate the origin of CLHW/LHW from the
climatological data
Depth of S34.1 surface and Freezing Temperature
Departure (FTD) (EWG winter climatology)
Nansen Basin Typical CLHW
Over the AMOR
Amundsen Basin
54Interannual variability
1991-93 CLHW covered only in the Nansen Basin,
which is similar to the result from the
1994-96 The line of FTD 0.2 moved to the
boundary between the AMOR and the Nansen
1997-99 Moreover, the line moved toward the
Lomonosov Ridge and we could find CLHW
not only in the Nansen Basin but also
over the AMOR and in the Amundsen Basin.
2000-02 Typical CLHW still covers over the AMOR
and the Nansen Basin, but the property
of CLHW has been weakened in the Amundsen Basin.
- These results correspond to the previous results
on the variability of surface - salinization in the Eastern Arctic Ocean.
- Change of Cold Halocline was caused by frontal
shift in the upper ocean -
rather than only by a change of surface salinity
55Stratification in the western Arctic Ocean
NOT Halocline, but Pycnostad
56Spreading of halocline water into the basin in
Old halocline water Remote source region
Hanna Canyon
Newly ventilated halocline water
Barrow Canyon
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59In closing, I would like to say a few words
60We have too many water masses. I am so confused.
I think we need to re-classify and re-name them.
Lazy days
61The Arctic Ocean has strong seasonality and
Lazy days
Ekwurzel et al. (2001)
62How much do I trust the circulation pathway and
current speed derived from the tracer
distribution ?
Lazy days
63Chemical tracer just says, I am here. I think I
was born at Norwegian Sea and 7 years old.
Pathway ?? Speed??
Chemical tracer Dynamics (Physical
64You shall not discuss the circulation in the
Arctic Ocean without visiting CANADA HOLE and
RUSSIA HOLE (Makarov Basin )
65Recent hydrographic sections with a full sampling
programme for high quality hydrographic and
tracer measurements Adapted from ACSYS HP
Makarov Basin
Canada Hole
66Thank you for your kind attention !
??????? Ocean Observation Research Department