Title: Quagga and Zebra Mussels
1Quagga and Zebra Mussels
Picture from http//nas.er.usgs.gov/taxgroup/mollu
2Quagga mussels were found on the hull of a boat
at Lake Tahoe on August 22.
3Quagga and Zebra Mussels
Quagga mussel
Zebra mussel
2 inches
1 inch
Picture from http//nas.er.usgs.gov/taxgroup/mollu
5How are the mussels being spread?
Zebra/quagga mussels are typically transported
from one water body to another on boats. Adult
and juvenile mussels are also carried downstream
by natural currents. Remember Larvae are
microscopic and can be easily transported.
Adult zebra/quagga mussels can survive out of
the water for up to a week.
Pictures from http//cache.daylife.com/imageserve/
6Quagga/zebra mussels can.
 Reproduce quickly and in very large numbers
up to 1 million eggs per female in one spawning
season. Colonize and coat hard and soft
surfaces, including boat hulls, propellers,
anchors, docks, and boat trailers, piers,
pilings, rocks, cables up to 400 feet deep.
Attach to aquatic plants, sediment, and native
mussels. Infiltrate and damage boat engines
and steering components. Threaten water
treatment plants, hydroelectric facilities, and
reservoirs. Disrupt the food chain by
filtering the water column of phytoplankton and
out-competing other species. Change water
conditions and cause oxygen loss. Result in
infested waters being closed to boating and
Pictures from http//www.zeestop.com/images/musse
ls_in_pipe.jpg http//upload.wikimedia.org/wiki
pedia/commons/3/3d/Zebra_mussel_GLERL_4.jpg http/
atm3.jpg http//dls.fws.gov/DATA/files/852C1693
8Economic impact of quagga/zebra mussels
- From 1993-1999, the zebra mussel infestation of
the Great Lakes area cost the power industry 3.1
billion. - In the same six-year period, the economic impact
on industries, businesses, and communities was
more than 5 billion. - In California, spread of the mussels threatens
- water delivery systems
- hydroelectric facilities
- agriculture
- recreational boating and fishing
- the environment
Picture from http//www.valleywater.org/media/2008
9What can be done to prevent the spread of mussels?
- Education
- Clean, drain, and dry!
- Inspections
- Restrictions
11Fish Game Regional Contact Jason Roberts
JDROBERTS_at_dfg.ca.gov Office (916) 358-2895
Fax (916) 358-2912
Picture from http//www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk