Title: Hindenburg
1Hindenburgs Dilemma
- The Last Days of the Weimar Republic
2Germany was defeated
3Germany had endured years of crises
- After the defeat of 1918, there were years of
crises the Reds almost seized power and
ex-soldiers battled on the streets with communist
insurgents. - In time, the violence petered out and the German
public yearned for stability. In the elections,
you, Hindenburg, put yourself forward. You offer
continuity and moderation
4The situation in 1925
Gustav Stresemann
- You have been elected President of the Weimar
Republic. As a veteran of the Great War, and its
most important administrator, you are no stranger
to governing in a crisis. However, Germany has
changed. It is now a democracy. Your press chief,
Otto Dietrich, advises you how to present
yourself to the German public and the first great
test for you will be your reaction to the
democratic Constitution
6You are handed the new constitution, do you?
Accept it with good Grace, Promising To uphold
All its precepts
Gruffly, accept it, but promise nothing
Accept it, But favour the old Right wing In
Reject it And declare The Kaiser The restored
Monarch Of the Reich
7You have been sacked!
Right wing colleagues ask you to resign
You are overthrown by revolutionaries! The
Reichstag is burned down, leading politicians are
murdered, the streets are filled with flag waving
masses and barricades, the army is overwhelmed
and your retreat to a small cabin in Sweden,
reviled by your people!
It appears you have made the right decision!
Colleagues breathe a sigh of relief as Germany
has averted another crisis. Your leadership and
statesmanship is applauded.
Well, colleagues are a little disappointed but
you have averted a crisis. Many Germans are
disappointed by your decision and there is
grumbling in the press, but you have survived
politically. Some speculation reaches you to the
effect that you are not really suitable for the
job of President, so youd better watch your step
from now on.
Brunings ministry begins well enough, although
this conservative seems unable to do much about
the agricultural depression. German farmers
simply are unable to compete with the cheap food
flooding in from the USA. You agree to set up an
Aid Project for the worst hit area of East
Prussia and your aristocratic friends thank you.
The Nazis have already begun stirring up country
people against the government when the Depression
begins. Within months, millions are unemployed.
Bruning suggests that this is the fault of the
British and French. The nationalist card fails to
ignite the German people and they are more
concerned with their wage packets. The Nazis
recruit thousands into their SA paramilitaries.
Bruning loses the election.
13Bruning has lost the support of the Reichstag, do
Keep him Believing him To be the Best
moderate politician
Sack him And Replace him With von Papen, your
Appoint Hitler
Suspend The Reichstag And rule By decree For
the Reich
It appears you have made the right decision!
Colleagues breathe a sigh of relief as Germany
has averted another crisis. Your leadership and
statesmanship is applauded.
Well, colleagues are a little disappointed but
you have averted a crisis. Many Germans are
disappointed by your decision and there is
grumbling in the press, but you have survived
politically. Some speculation reaches you to the
effect that you are not really suitable for the
job of President, so youd better watch your step
from now on.
Papen served with your son in the First World War
in the same cavalry regiment. He is an old family
friend. However, it pains you to find that he
commands no majority in the Reichstag. Extremists
and other uncouth types heckle in the most
ungentlemanly fashion. He keeps coming back to
get legislation through using your emergency
powers. This cant go on.
17Papen suggests that you authorise him to run
Germany by a permanent state of emergency using
article 48, do you?
Accept it And allow Papen to continue in
Argue that Papen must Avoid a dictatorship
Sack Papen
Take advice From your advisor Kurt Schleicher
18Good, but
- Now that Papen is no longer in command of the
Reichstag the immediate crisis is over, but the
worsening Depression and street violence between
the Reds and the Nazis SA is getting worse. You
observe the following event
The Nazis stage a rally in old Nuremburg and
incite street violence.
20To deal with the street violence, do you?
Send the army onto the streets
Get Schleicher to negotiate with the Nazis
Declare a state of Emergency and rule by decree
Declare all paramilitaries are banned
21Rule by Decree
- This works for a few weeks and people believe
that, as a war leader, you can get them out of a
fix. However, it soon becomes apparent that you
are unable to do anything about the economic
crisis that has now engulfed the Reich. Six
million are unemployed and starvation is a real
possibility for many. You turn to your close army
advisor Kurt von Schleicher for a solution.
22The unrest worsens
- Unfortunately this decision makes the unrest
worse. Many die in the streets, and the police
are overwhelmed. - There are many demands for your resignation, and,
as the Reich collapses into anarchy, you
reluctantly agree to go.
- Schleicher cleverly negotiates with the Nazis and
tries to get the SA to abandon Hitler. He knows
that the SA, made up of many unemployed men, are
dissatisfied with the middle class party
officials of the NSDAP and that their discipline
makes them an ideal force for army recruitment.
However, the plan fails and the SA declare their
undying support for Hitler. Schleicher comes to
24Schleicher wants to declare a military
dictatorship under your leadership. Do you
Declare a dictatorship immediately there may not
be much time left
Think it overand wait and see
Sack Schleicher the German public will never
agree then rule yourself
Sack Schleicher and call for Hitler
25The unrest worsens
- Unfortunately this decision makes the unrest
worse. Many die in the streets, and the police
are overwhelmed. - There are many demands for your resignation, and,
as the Reich collapses into anarchy, you
reluctantly agree to go.
26Schleicher goes quietly but the German public are
- There are now serious doubts about your
judgement dont make any more mistakes or the
public will demand your resignation. - The newspapers are calling your leadership a
27Time is running out!
- An election is the only way to satisfy public
opinion youd better call one right away. - Further delay will probably result in a fullscale
reviolt by the Nazis or the Communists, or both - Call an election here
28The election
- Hitler wins!
- You must now call Hitler to see if he will form a
29Hitler arrives
- You find this ex-corporal a rabble rousing
nuisance. You believe him to be a contemptible
man. He demands immediate power. What do you do?
30Confronted by Hitler, you
Feeling somewhat in awe, you decide that, perhaps
after all, Hitler must lead in the Reichstag as
he has a majority there.
Refuse to let him have power - point blank!
You agree to his appointment but set conditions
no anti-Semitic activity and an immediate
disbandment of the SA
31The unrest worsens and there is a coup detat
- Unfortunately this decision makes the unrest
worse. Many die in the streets, and the police
are overwhelmed. - There are many demands for your resignation, and,
as the Reich collapses into anarchy, you
reluctantly agree to go. Hitler seizes power by
force amidst the mayhem. You have failed.
32Hitler refuses to take power on these conditions
- Meisner tells you that Hitler is committed to
taking power one way or another - Papen tells you that, confidentially, Hitler will
have to be given power sooner or later - Street violence worsens.
33Army report
- Von Seekt arrives with a report from the army.
Given that the Nazis have 3 million SA men and
the communists about 1.2 million activists, the
armys 100,000 men would be overwhelmed in the
event of civil unrest. Then
Kriegspiel Bericht
34Papens advice
- Papen comes to see you. He is anxious that time
is running out. He suggests that, if groomed,
Hitler might be controlled even if he became
Chancellor. Given that his party is the largest
in the Reichstag and that he will probably have
to have power in the near future, why not give it
to him under your control? You continue to listen
35Oskar Hindenburg
- Your son, Oskar arrives, looking harassed.
- He has been with Hitler and the Nazis have found
out that Oskar has been syphoning money from the
East Prussian Aid Project (a government fund) to
old friends in the Prussian aristocracy. If this
reaches the papers, your family name is
destroyed. - Depressed, you consider your options
Sit tight and hope the Nazis dont go to the
media. Look for ways of reappointing Papen to the
Reichstag leadership
Appoint Hitler as Chancellor with Papen and other
trusted nationalists as members of the Cabinet
Declare a state of Emergency and rule yourself by
decree, with army backing
Declare Papen Chancellor and give the Nazis an
ultimatum to co-operate or stay out of power
You are overthrown by revolutionaries! The
Reichstag is burned down, leading politicians are
murdered, the streets are filled with flag waving
masses and barricades, the army is overwhelmed
and your retreat to a small cabin in Sweden,
reviled by your people!
Rule by decree merely attracts criticism to you
personally. The parties unite temporarily to oust
you from power and the army, whilst loyal, is
soon divided by civil war!
39Nazi coup
- Hitler, hearing of your decision, uses the SA to
seize power in Berlin. The German public are
quiescent as the SA and SS attack anyone who
looks like offering resistance. You could order
in the army, but von Seekt tells you that he
cannot rely on the loyalty of his young officers
many of whom sympathise with the idea of German
renewal. You are forced to resign and retire. The
Nazis are triumphant!
40Papen and Hitler form a government
- Reluctantly you agree that Hitler should form a
government. The crisis has been averted and your
reputation is intact. If Hitler now fails to
solve the countrys economic crisis, he will lose
the next election and the Nazis will be replaced
by more moderate nationalists, you hope. At least
Hitler promises to take care of the Reds, and
that can only be a good thing. Industrialists
congratulate you as Hitler seems to be talking of
stability, restoration of German strength and the
overturning of the humiliating terms of
Versailles. You hope for the best
41The Nazis are in power
The nightmare has begun