Title: EPK-Suite in a New Product Development Environment
1EPK-Suite in a New Product Development
- JoEllen Becker Janet Pitterson
- Director IT PMC Specialist
2Presentation Agenda
- Business Situation
- Schedule for Implementation
- Implementation Issues/Problems
- Results
- Sample Views/Reports
3Business Situation
- What were the main issues we wanted to address?
- IT
- IT Governance
- Timekeeping (IT)
- New Product Development
- Increase in number of new products
- In house system not scalable
- Uniformity (templates)
- Schedule driven reporting
- Collaboration
- PM maturity level Young
- Project Server experience- None
4NPD Process Map
5Approach and Schedule
- Approach
- Requirements gathered based on old system
- Enhanced functionality identified
- Piloted with one team
- Phased global roll out
- Schedule
Engage partner Dec04
Define system 1Q05
Develop 2Q05
Go Live May05
6Implementation Issues
- Large number of fields used because of disparate
project metadata (IT vs. NPD) - High Learning Curve -old system vs. EPK Suite
- Shifting user priorities
- Global access and use
Users Meeting January 23-25, 2007
- Accurate metric reporting (i.e. time to market)
- Global collaborative environment (virtual teams)
- Single repository for schedules and metadata (old
system had multiple) - Standardized templates
- Schedules
- Phase gate templates
- Etc.
- Dynamic portfolio visibility
8EPK NPD Portfolio ViewActive NPD Project
9NPD Portfolio TabsGeneral, Project Information
Users Meeting January 23-25, 2007
10NPD Portfolio TabsTeam, Financials, Collaboration
Users Meeting January 23-25, 2007
11NPD Portfolio -Edit Costs
Users Meeting January 23-25, 2007
12NPD Portfolio-Edit/Progress Stage
Users Meeting January 23-25, 2007
13NPD Portfolio-ExplorerIssues View
Users Meeting January 23-25, 2007
14NPD Report
Users Meeting January 23-25, 2007