Title: Earth System Science and Policy
1Earth System Science and Policy
- University of North Dakota
2First and Finest
- Unique Opportunity
- No others can ever be the first students in a
new program. - Corresponding Challenge
- You must assume responsibility for your own
320th Centurys Main Lessons
- Cosmic Significance
- Spaceship Earth
- All Life Related
- Single Human Family
- Dawn of the Anthropocene
4Cosmic Significance
Homo sapiens ancestry 0.001 of travel time of
these signals.
5Spaceship Earth
Single, Interconnected System
Common Home for All Humanity
Benevolent Habitat for Diverse Life
Stunningly Beautiful
6One Earth
Space-Time Aerosol Distribution
8The Family of Life
- All organisms made from
- Same matter
- Same set of amino acids (20)
- Same genetic material (DNA)
9Human Family
- No races
- Human genome 99.9 same in all people
- We are a single family.
- Humans related to all other life
- share same ancestry.
- 95-98 same genes in humans
- apes
- 85 same genes in humans mice
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12Ecosystem or Human-made Services?
? Nutrient Recycling ? Water Purification ?
Climate Moderation ? Pollination ? Soil
Stabilization ? Genetic Archive ? Aesthetics
13Future of Life
E.O. Wilson, The Future of Life (2002)
14Human Domination--Land
- 39-50 of lands surface transformed.
- gt55 of biological productivity used by humans.
- Earths 3 most abundant plants rice, wheat,
corn - gt20 of plants on continents, gt50 on islands,
are non-indigenous - Vitousek et al., Science 277, pp. 494-499
15Human Domination--Water
- Humanity uses gt50 of surface freshwater
- In U.S., only 2 of rivers run unimpeded.
- Many rivers no longer reach the sea.
16Human Domination--Atmosphere
17Deeper Global Past
18Global Future
- If nothing slows greenhouse gas emissions. . .
- CO2 concentrations will exceed 700 ppm by 2100
- Global average temperatures will rise 2.5 10.4 F
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20Global Experiment
- More people are using more resources with more
intensity than at any time in human history. - The pace of planetary re-engineering is
21Challenge Sustainability
- Sustainability
- Meeting peoples needs and values
- Preserving Earths vital life-support systems
22ESSPs Approach
- Focus on how humans interface with nature
- Two-way exchange of information
- Earth System Science knowledge informing
decisions - Societal needs directing Earth System Science
- Solve problems, Seize opportunities, dont just
describe them.
23Nature-Human Interface
24Philosophy of Action
25Triggering Change Locally
- Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world. Indeed,
it is the only thing that ever did. - Margaret Mead
- Major Shifts in Societal Values originate at
local level. - Abolition of slavery
- Womens right to vote
- Civil Rights for African Americans
- Resurgence of Native Pride
- Adoption of Sustainable Practices?
26Do What, When, How?
- Engage target community everyone both a teacher
and learner - Begin take steps possible now
- Adapt build on successes
- Be holistic integrate social, economic,
environmental, legal, political solutions - Communicate translate science into actions
27Do What, When, How?
- Who knows everything about
- Every discipline?
- Every method?
- Every technology?
- No one!
28Do What, When, How?
- When will knowledge of Earths systems be
perfect? - Never!
- But more known now than being acted upon.
29ESSPs Components
- Environmental Information Bridge
- Solutions-Driven Research
- Data Acquisition/Dissemination
- Earth System Science Policy Degree
What is the status of Planet Earth?
What can be done to improve it?
What data underlie the application?
How will stewardship continue?
30Organizing Complexity
- Major Cycles within Earths System
- Anthropogenic
- Biospheric Productivity
- Energy
- Material
- Hydrological
- Biogeochemical
- 3 cycles per semester in 5-week blocks
31Principles of ESSP
- Consider Earth a unified system
- Think globally, act locally
- End goal of learning is an Action on path to
sustainability - Consider Humans part of the Earth System
32Summary ESSP Education
- Learn by Doing
- Real-world, real-time problems and opportunities
- Full stakeholder involvement
- Work in Interdisciplinary Teams
- Student-centered
33Ethical Component
- Sustainability dependent upon Justice and Equity
in 3 regimes - Intragenerational
- Intergenerational
- Inter-Species
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