Title: Earth Science Capability Demonstrations Program
1Earth Science Capability Demonstrations Program
Tim Cox NASA Dryden Flight Research Center(661)
276-2126 Timothy.H.Cox_at_nasa.gov
- Earth Science Capability Demonstration (ESCD)
program - Suborbital Science / Aeronautics joint
partnership - Focused on the development of UAV capability for
Earth Science application - Six main elements within ESCD
- Repeat Pass Interferometry
- UAV Mission Demonstrations
- Suborbital Telepresence
- UAV Technology Development Testbed
- Intelligent Payload Active Control Technology
- UAV Capability Assessment
- Highlights to date regarding Capability
Assessment - Overview
- Missions
- Technical Analysis
- Economic Analysis
- Next Steps
3Repeat Pass Interferometry
- Airborne Repeat Pass Interferometry Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR) requires precision
trajectory control (/- 5m) - Measure the deformation of volcanoes, glaciers,
faults, and earthquakes - Utilizes Global Differential GPS requiring
satellite link - Sensor pod-mounted for later transition to UAV
- G-III surrogate used to develop and demonstrate
SAR and precision navigation/control - UAV surrogate used due to
- Large flight hours expected, gt100 hrs of
development/calibration - Desire to do on-demand science missions in the
NAS until UAV access is routine
- SAR, SAR-Pod, and aircraft modifications in-work
- Demos in 2007
4UAV Mission Demonstrations
Altair NASA/NOAA Channel Islands Mission
- Goals Atmospheric river sampling, marine
sanctuary enforcement surveillance, long duration
UAV operations (20 hours) - Gas Chromatograph, Ozone Photometer, Ocean Color,
Microwave Sounder, Cameras - Mission series illustrated the need for NASA
investment - Access to NAS required labor intensive
coordination and came with significant
restrictions - Mission integration too time consuming
- Ku communication is major expense, 10 20 /
minute - Altair Status
- Ku band system problem at high altitude fixed
- Currently integrating science instruments
- Flights scheduled for second week of November
5UAV Mission Demonstrations
Altair NASA/USFS Western States Fire Mission
- Multi-spectral camera to locate and map known and
unknown fires in National Forest during 2006 fire
season - Thermo geo-rectified imagery provided to the
National Interagency Fire Center in near
real-time - Sensors pod-mounted (under belly) for quicker
aircraft reconfiguration - Aircraft will be tasked in similar fashion to
other USFS assets - Can operate day and night
- Will be ready to respond from So. California to
Montana - Flights start in June
- Long duration over-land operation in the NAS will
provide challenges
6Suborbital Telepresence
- Development of technologies and standards for
low-cost airborne sensor webs - System allows for on-board sensor
- Processing and storage
- Remote monitoring
- Remote control
- Demonstrations completed on ER-2 and Altair
- 12-channel Iridium for low-cost, global coverage
- Data ported to internet in near real-time
- Dynamically reconfigurable to multiple aircraft,
satellite, ground source communication - Airborne Sensor Web in-work
- Successful demonstration of high rate aerial
networking (LOS) - 5 MB/sec demonstrated, 10 MB/sec believed to be
possible - Linked through internet
7UAV Technology Development Testbed
Autonomous Mission Management Integrated Vehicle
System Management Adaptive Optimal Flight Control
- NASA is acquiring a Predator-B for UAV technology
demonstrations Spring 2006 - Initial mods will include a research system that
can command the aircraft and network with
onboard sensors and ground-based systems.
- Major Demo planned in 2007
- Autonomous fire hunting/mapping mission with USFS
- Integrates sensors, autonomous mission planning
and retasking - Automated contingency management
- Advanced system management
- Adaptive control
- Design of modifications will allow rapid
reconfiguration - Coordinating transfer of three Global Hawk
8Intelligent Payload Active Control Technology
- Objective Provide a cost-effective piloted
flight capability for developing payload / flight
control interface - Intelligent Mission Management algorithm
development - To enable long endurance, payload directed flight
- Bridge between piloted / UAV
- Applications
- Severe weather monitoring
- RPI missions
- Multi-vehicle coordinated missions
- Status
- NASA, non-NASA organizations are expressing
interest - Initially looking at ER-2 as host
- Continuing cost-benefit analysis
9UAV Capability Assessment
- Rest of presentation covers the last of the six
ESCD elements The Civil UAV Capability Assessment
10UAV Capability Assessment Overview
- Need Strategic funding of UAV technology
portfolio to efficiently meet future, civil UAV
capability requirements. - Goal Develop a Civil UAV Capability Assessment
(2015) - Primary customer Sub-Orbital Science Program
(Yuhas) - Complement DOD roadmap
- Homeland Security, Commercial, Land Management,
Earth Science considered - Broad assessment vetted with participating
agencies - Objectives
- Document future missions of civil UAVs based on
user defined needs - Document the technologies necessary to support
those missions - Discuss SOA of those technologies, identifying
those in progress, those planned, and those for
which no current plans exist - Provide foundations for a comprehensive civil UAV
11UAV Capability Assessment Overview
- Status
- Initial draft version available via web-site
- Information sources for initial draft based
primarily on - Sub-orbital Science Missions of the Future
Workshop (Earth Science) - personal interviews U.S. Coast Guard, U. S.
Forest Service, Idaho Department of Fish and
Game, University of Hawaii Dept. of Oceanography - Sensor / Power and Propulsion Workshop
- Update will soon be available on web-site with
information from - Department Homeland Security Workshop
- Land Management and Coastal Zone Dynamics
12UAV Mission Reviews
- Mission assumptions
- Unconstrained by policy issues
- Access to the NAS
- FAA certification issues
- Time period of interest is 10 15 years in the
future - Breakdown of Missions
- Earth Science Community 33
- Weather Focus
- Climate Focus
- Atmospheric Composition Focus
- Earth Surface Interior Focus
- Carbon Cycle / Biogeochemistry / Ecosystems Focus
- Water and Energy Cycle Focus
- DHS Community 5
- Border Patrol
- Coast Guard / Counter Narcotics
- Land Management (Applied Science) Community 16
- Oceanography
- Wildlife and Habitat
13Example Mission Description
14Technical Analysis
15Technical Analysis
Earth Science High Altitude Long Endurance
16Technical Analysis
Key Capabilities
- Each mission reviewed and capabilities graded
according to following scale -
- Five most frequent capabilities requiring
development beyond SOA (graded 3 or 5) - Access to the airspace
- Advanced Communication
- Long Range / Long Endurance
- Outside Command and Control
- Quick Deployment
17Technical Analysis
Key Technologies
- Technologies identified that support capabilities
18Technical Analysis
Key Technologies
- Technologies cross- indexed to capabilities
five most frequently identified to require
development shown below
19Economic Analysis
Cost Review
- Non-recurring costs
- Vehicle and ground station acquisition
- Payload integration
- Vehicle deployment to base of operations
- Support team and equipment deployment
- Recurring costs
- Direct costs such as fuel, routine, maintenance,
ground operator - Insurance
- Communication
- Data analysis
- Typically costs are defined in units of dollars
per flight hour - Not a good metric for considering non-recurring
20Economic Analysis
Cost Goals
- Current piloted platforms costs quoted
approximately 4000 - 6000 per flight hour - Some customers at workshops have indicated that
they would migrate missions to UAV platforms if
cost was one order of magnitude less than current
costs - Goal 400 per hour
21Economic Analysis
UAV Costs for Earth Science Missions
Cost Business Model Analysis for Civilian UAV
Missions. Basil Papadales. Moire, Inc. June,
22Economic Analysis
Cost Reduction Measures
- Technologies
- Autonomous mission management
- Limits communication bandwidth requirements
- Involves less personnel to operate and maintain
- Intelligent System Health Monitoring, Reliable
Flight Systems, and Sophisticated Contingency
Management influence on reliability - Longer period for spreading non-recurring costs
- Lower insurance costs (increased reliability)
- Reduced pre- and post-flight processing time
- Intelligent Data Handling and Processing
- Less labor intensive handling of data
- More on-board data processing, also decreases
communication bandwidth requirement - OTH and Network Communication
- Enables more efficient use of communication
systems - Pay only for what you need, when you need it
- Cheaper, quicker deployment times
- Open Architecture Systems
- Reduces payload integration and de-integration
time - Big cost driver for Earth Science Missions
- UAV sensor advances
23Economic Analysis
Cost Reduction Measures
- Policies
- Government investments to promote economies of
scale - Ford Motor Company and War Department purchase of
cars and trucks in early 1900 - Air Force purchase of tanker version of Boeing
707 - File and fly access to the airspace to open
market - Insurance pool expansion
- Increased competition
- Certification policy issues
- Users desire access to surface
24Next Steps for Assessment
- Investigate the commercial sector, and document
missions - Identify technology gaps
- Working groups
- Update version of document 03/06
- View to roadmap
Website http//www.nasa.gov/centers/dryden/resea
Tim Cox NASA DFRC 661-276-2126