- L. R. Carley, G. R. Ganger, D. F. Nagle
- Carnegie-Mellon University
2Paper highlights
- Discusses a new secondary storage technology that
could revolutionize computer architecture - Faster than hard drives
- Lower entry cost
- Lower weight and volume
- Lower power consumption
- Paper emphasis is on physical description of
- Disk drive capacities double every year
- Better than the 60 per year growth rate of
semiconductor memories - Two major limitations of disk drives are
- Access times decreases have been minimal
- Minimum entry cost remains too high for many
4Stating the problem
- We need a type of new mass storage that can
break both barriers of - Access times
- Minimum entry cost
- New mass storage should also be significantly
cheaper than non-volatile RAM - 100 now buys 1 GB of flash memory
- Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) use
- Same parallel wafer-fabrication process as
semiconductor memories - Keeps the prices low
- Same mechanical positioning of R/W heads as disk
drives - Data can be stored using higher density thin-film
6Main advantages of MEMS (I)
- Potential for dramatic decreases in
- Entry cost
- Access time
- Volume
- Mass
- Power dissipation
- Failure rate
- Shock sensitivity
7Main advantages of MEMS (II)
- Integrate storage with computation
- Complete systems-on-a-chip integrating
- Processing unit
- Non-volatile storage
- Many many new portable applications
- Like a disk drive, it has
- recording heads
- a moving magnetic recording medium
- Major departures from disk drive architecture are
- MEMS recording headsprobe tipsare fabricated in
a parallel wafer-level manufacturing process - Media surface does not rotate
9How the media surface moves
- Media surfaces that rotate require ball bearings
- Very small ball bearings have striction
problems that prevent accurate positioning - Elements would move by sticking and slipping
- Best solution is to have media sled moving inX-Y
directions - Sled moves in Y-direction for data access
- Sled is suspended by springs
10Conceptual view
Sled suspension is omitted from drawing
Sled with magnetic coating on bottom
Fixed part with tip array
11The media sled
- Size is 8mm x 8mm x 500 mm
- Held over the probe tip array by a network of
springs - Motion applied through electrostatic actuators
- Motion limited to 10 or less of
suspension/actuator length - Each probe tip can only sweep 1 of the media sled
12The probe tip array
- Includes a large number of probe tips for
- Being able to access whole media sled(in
combination with X-Y motions of sled) - Improving data throughput
- Increasing system reliability
13Probe tip positioning (I)
- Most MEMS include some form of tip height control
because - Media surface is not perfectly flat
- Probe tip heights can vary
- CMU prototype places each probe tip on a
separate cantilever - Cantilever is electrostatically actuated to a
fixed distance from the media surface
14Probe tip positioning (II)
- IBM Millipede
- Uses a 32 x 32 array of probe tips
- Each tip is placed at the end of aflexible
cantilever - Cantilever bends when tip touches surface
- HP design places media surface and probe tips
sufficiently apart - No need to control probe tips
15Probe tip positioning (III)
- CMU solution is most complex of three
- Must control individual heights of 6,400 probe
tips - Required by recording technology
16Probe tip fabrication
- Major challenge is fabricating read/write probe
tips in a way that is compatible with the
underlying CMOS circuitry - This includes
- thermal compatibility
- geometrical compatibility
- chemical compatibility
- ...
17Media positioning
- Systems current target is to have each probe tip
in the middle of a 100 mm square - Media actuator must be able to move at least 50
mm in each direction - Can be achieved with an actuation voltage of 120V
- Well above CMOS rated voltage
18Storing, reading and writing bits
- CMU prototype uses same magnetic recording
technology as current disk drives - Minimum mark size is around 80mm x 80mm
- Other solutions include
- Melting pits in a polymer (IBM Millipede)
- Raises tip wear issues
- Phase change media (HP prototype)
- Same technology as CD-ROM
- All data were obtained through simulation
- Average service time around 0.52 ms
- Disk drive service time is 10.1 ms
- Key factor for service time is X-seek time
- I/O bandwidth depends on
- number of simultaneously active tips
- per-tip data rate
- Sustainable data rate is not a linear function of
access data rate - Track switching time now depends on access
velocity - Faster sled means higher turn around time
- Maximum sustainable data rate ofsingle tip
varies from 1.4 to 1.8 Mb/s - Reached for peak data rate of 2 to 3 MB/s
21Application performance
- PostMark benchmark
- Models file activity in Internet servers
- Prototype is 3.4 times faster than current
drives - Much faster metadata updates
- TPC-D benchmark
- Models transaction processing
- Prototype is 3.9 times faster despite extensive
caching in competing disk drive
- Lighter and less shock sensitive than disk drives
- Great for notebook PCs, PDAs and video
camcorders - Lower cost than disk drives in 1 to 10 GB range
- Will open many new applications
- High areal densities
- Great for storing huge amounts of data
- Can combine computing and storage on a single chip
- Technology has a bright future if and when
production kinks get solved - We should remain somewhat skeptical
- Not the first gap-filling technology to be
tried - Bubble memories were hot in the 70s
- Lower RAM prices killed them in the early 80s
- Watch prices of non-volatile RAM