Title: Understanding the Importance of Early Education
1Understanding the Importance of Early Education
President Genzyme Genetics
2The Early Years Are Learning Years
Sources Public expenditures RAND analysis.
3Early Education Pays in Better Child Outcomes
Source Reynolds, "Journal of the American
Medical Association.
4Early Education Returns 7.16 Per 1 Invested
(Lifetime savings per participant (based on age
27 follow-up) in 2001 constant dollars,
discounted 3 annually)
Sources Barnett, High/Scope Press.
5An Increasing Priority Across the Nation
- 3 States have Universal Pre-K
- Georgia
- Oklahoma
- Florida
- 12 States moving toward Universal Pre-K
- New York
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- Early Ed a top priority in Gubernatorial
Elections - Virginia
- New Jersey
- 26 States increased Pre-K Investment in FY06
6H.4582 An Act Relative to Early Education and
- The framework for a new voluntary, high-quality
universal early education program - Research-based standards
- Accountability via strong child assessment
program measurement
7What Can Business Civic Leaders Do?
- Join the Campaign
- Contribute expertise for economic policy
analysis - Participate in legislative advocacy
- Connect EEA with HR staff to engage your employees
9January 11, 2006