Inattentional - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Teri Leech. Blindness. Objective. This study attempted to objectively support previous claims made about the ... Inattentional blindness: the act of failing to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Inattentional

Stephanie Fishel Jennifer Pappas Jason Moss Jacob
Hicks Teri Leech
A Failure of the Visual System?
  • This study attempted to objectively support
    previous claims made about the inattentional
    blindness phenomenon using eye tracking data.
  • Inattentional blindness the act of failing to
    perceive clearly visible and salient unexpected
    objects or events in ones environment when
    engaged in a task (Simons Chabris, 1999).
  • Example Finding a seat in a crowded movie
  • Friends may see you enter theater and wave their
  • You dont sit next to them and they are upset
    because you ignored them.
  • However, you did not ignore them.
  • You did not perceive them because you were
    actively attending to task of finding an
    available seat in a crowded theater.

Why Do We Care?
Why Do We Care?
  • Processing Control Plant
  • Controller attending to display for specific task
    or changes in display.
  • Warning alert or icon appears that needs
    immediate attention and controller does not
    notice it and fails to take proper action
  • Pilot
  • Once again, possible failure to notice warning
    alerts/icons on display

  • Simon and Chabris (1999)
  • Asked participants to view a video of two teams
    passing a basketball, one team wearing black and
    the other wearing white and asked the
    participants to count the number of passes made
    between either team
  • After approximately 45 seconds, a woman dressed
    in a black gorilla suit walked across the scene.
  • Overall, 44 noticed unexpected event of gorilla
  • Participants counting the passes made by the
    black team noticed the gorilla significantly more
    often (58) than participants counting passes for
    the white team (27)
  • Similarity of the stimulus (the gorilla) to the
    attended objects (the black or the white team)
    effected whether or not the participants noticed
    the event

  • Cater, Chalmers, and Ward (2003)
  • Used eye tracking to support the idea that
    inattentional blindness did indeed occur and not
    a degraded use of peripheral vision.
  • Showed 2 still images high rendering quality and
    low rendering quality.
  • Participants instructed to count of teapots in
  • Asked if noticed difference in quality between 2
  • 20 unable to differentiate between image
    qualities even when eye tracking data confirmed
    participants fixated on similar objects in scene
    to teapots.
  • Therefore inattentional blindness occurred and
    not degraded use of peripheral vision.

  • This study will attempt to confirm the subjective
    data from previous studies related to
    inattentional blindness, with objective data
    collected through eye tracking
  • Hypotheses
  • Individuals who see the gorilla will have a
    critical fixation,
  • Critical fixation a significantly longer
    fixation in the Region of Interest (ROI)
    indicating detection of the stimulus
  • Those who notice the stimulus will have a longer
    total dwell time in the ROI
  • Participants counting passes made by the black
    team will be more likely to notice the stimulus
  • The critical fixation for the individuals
    counting black team passes will occur sooner than
    those counting white team passes
  • The stimulus is more likely to be noticed when
    the distance between it and the attended teams
    basketball is short.

  • Tobii 1750 eye-tracker
  • Display driven by dual processor xeon Linux
  • System run by a single processor Windows XP
    computer that sends gaze data over a 100 MBit
    network to the Linux computer
  • The Tobii eye-tracker calculates gaze positions
    automatically on the Windows computer while the
    Linux computer displays the stimulus
  • The Tobii allows head motion of about 30 x 15 x
    20 cm
  • Accuracy up to 0.5 degrees and average frame rate
    of 50 Hz

Experimental Design
  • Stimulus
  • 31 second video clip originally used in the
    Simons and Chabris (1999) study 5 seconds into
    the clip a woman in gorilla suit walked across
    the screen from right to left paused in the
    middle and beat her chest before walking off the
    screen stimulus of interest present for 10
  • Participants
  • 19 undergraduate students at Clemson University
  • 10 males and 9 females
  • Mean age 19.42 years (SD 1.43 years)
  • Design
  • Between-subjects design
  • IV color of the team the participant was asked
    to observe
  • DVs fixation duration in the ROI, total dwell
    time in the ROI, number of fixations in the ROI,
    and the time to the critical fixation in the ROI.

  • Participants completed an informed consent form
  • Calibration of the eye tracker
  • View the video clip
  • Instructed to count the number of passes made by
    either the team wearing white shirts or black
  • Questionnaire including demographics questions
    and the following
  • Which teams passes were you asked to count?
  • How many passes did you count?
  • While you were counting, did you notice anything
    unusual in the video? If yes, please explain
  • Did you notice anything other than the six
    players? If yes, please explain.
  • Have you previously participated in an experiment
    similar to this or have you ever heard of such an
    experiment or the general phenomenon?

  • Analyzing the Data
  • ROI was approximated as a close fitting rectangle
    around the gorilla in each frame
  • A hybrid algorithm was used that determined
    saccades based on the weighted sum of a 5-tap
    velocity and a 5-tap acceleration filter.
  • The eye events were divided into saccades and
    non-saccadic events
  • Computing the Dependent Variables
  • Total dwell time in the ROI was computed by
    summing all of the de-noised gaze points
    contained in the ROI
  • Total fixation time in the ROI was computed by
    interpolating the starting first and ending
    points over the duration on the event
  • An ocular event list was formed of each fixation
    and smooth pursuit along with its start and end
    position, duration, and percent of time in the

  • 14 participants were included in the final data
  • 11 (79) noticed the stimulus and 3 (21) did
    not, X2 4.57, p lt .05.
  • Similarity hypothesis 100 (6 out of 6) of the
    individuals assigned to the black team noticed
    the gorilla, whereas only 63 (5 out of 8) of the
    participants assigned to the white team noticed,
    X2 2.86, p .091.
  • There were very few true fixations present in the
    data after the analysis.
  • For analysis purposes, anything other than a
  • will be termed a fixation
  • 2 x 2 mixed factorial ANOVA ran to test critical
    fixation hypothesis
  • Need to see an interaction effect to support
  • No significant interaction found, F(1,12) .779,
    p gt.05.

  • Second similarity hypothesis Because there were
    no observed critical fixations, the hypothesis
    that participants counting the black team passes
    would notice the gorilla sooner than participants
    counting the white team passes was unable to be
  • Longest fixation in the ROI for participants
    counting the black teams passes occurred
    significantly sooner, at frame 593, than the
    longest fixation for those counting white team,
    at frame 675, t(7) -2.541, p lt .05.
  • Total dwell time hypothesis There was no
    significant difference found for total dwell time
    in the ROI between those who noticed and those
    who didnt, t(12) -1.08, p gt .05.
  • Proximity hypothesis
  • 43.8 of the fixations in the ROI made by
    participants counting white team passes occurred
    when the ball or a white team player is in the
  • 52.8 of the fixations in the ROI made by the
    participants counting black team passes occurred
    when the ball or a black team player is in the

  • 2 participants (18) that noticed the gorilla had
    NO fixations in the ROI
  • 2 participants (67) that did NOT notice the
    gorilla, had fixations in the ROI
  • Some individuals noticed the gorilla without
    having it cross the fovea, and others do not
    notice the gorilla even when it DID cross the
  • Indicates that inattentional blindness is not a
    failure of the visual system, but a failure of
    some cognitive process.

Scan path for Participant 9, who counted the
white teams passes and did not notice the
Scan path for Participant 6, who counted the
black teams passes and did notice the stimulus
  • A typical scan path shows only saccades and
    fixations. These scan paths integrate smooth
  • In each picture, the thin magenta lines represent
    saccades. The thicker lines represent smooth
    pursuits. The smooth pursuits start out green
    and change to a more cyan color as they spend
    more time in the ROI.

  • Expected to see some individuals (who did NOT see
    the stimulus) with fixations in the ROI but no
    critical fixation.
  • Did not expect to have individuals (who DID see
    the stimulus) with no fixations at all in the
  • Study lends support to the ideas of other
    researchers that inattentional blindness is a
    failure of the human brain to encode information
    rather than a failure of the visual system.
  • Improvements
  • More participants!
  • Eye tracking, a lot more work with dynamic
    stimuli needs to be done
  • Repeat the study with another condition where the
    individuals simply watch the video with no
    previous knowledge of what they are going to see.

  • This study marked the first time objective eye
    tracking data was applied to inattentional
    blindness using a well-known dynamic stimulus.
  • It provided the first objective evidence that
    inattentional blindness is not simply a result of
    a failure of the visual perception system.
  • It was interesting to find such a lack of
    fixations during the presentation of the
    stimulus. Further studies on dynamic stimuli
    should be done to increase eye tracking knowledge
    in this area.

  • Caters, K., Chalmers, A., Ledda, P. (2002).
    Selective quality rendering by exploiting human
    inattentional blindness Looking but not Seeing.
    Proceedings of VRST02, Hong Kong.
  • Caters, K., Chalmers, A., Ward, G. (2003).
    Detail to attention Exploiting visual tasks for
    selective rendering. Eurographics Symposium on
    Rendering, Leuven, Belgium.
  • 3. Henderson, J.M. Hollingworth, A. (2003).
    Global transsaccadic change blindness during
    scene perception. Psychological Science, 14,
  • 4. Mack, A. (2003). Inattentional blindness
    Looking without seeing. Current Directions in
    Psychological Science, 12, 180-184.
  • 5. Moore, C.M. (2001). Inattentional blindness
    Perception or memory and what does it matter.
    Psyche, 7, NP.
  • 6. Most, S.B., Simons, D.J., Scholl, B.J.,
    Chabris, C.F. (2000). Sustained inattentional
    blindness The role of location in the detection
    of unexpected dynamic events. An
    Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on
    Consciousness, 6(14), NP.
  • 7. Most, S.B., Simons, D.J., Scholl, B.J.,
    Jimenez, R., Clifford, E., Chabris, C.F.
    (2001). How not to be seen The contribution of
    similarity and selective ignoring to sustained
    inattentional blindness. Psychological Science,
    12, 9-17.
  • 8. Neisser, U. (1979). The control of
    information pickup in selective looking in
    Perception and its Development A tribute to
    Eleanor J Gibson Ed. A D Pick (Hillsdale, NJ
    Lawrence Erlbaum Associates), pp 201-219.
  • 9. Neisser, U., Becklen, R. (1975). Selective
    looking Attending to visually specified events.
    Cognitive Psychology, 7, 480-494.
  • 10. Newby, E.A., Rock, I. (1998).
    Inattentional blindness as a function of
    proximity to the focus of attention. Perception,
    27, 1025-1040.

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