Title: European Union Institutions Commission
1European Union InstitutionsCommission Court of
Justice Agencies
2Further links
- The official website of the European Commission
- http//ec.europa.eu
- The official website of the European Court of
Justice - http//curia.europa.eu
3References, sources of information
- Relevant parts of theTreaty (TEC)
- Article 7 - 10
- Article 105 115
- Article 189 -267
- Rules of Procedure of the respective
- Institutions and bodies
- Commission OJ L 308 08/012/2000
- European Court of Justice OJ L 176 04/07/1991
- Rules of Procedure
- http//eur-lex.europa.eu/smartapi/cgi/sga_doc?smar
lgen - http//eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/site/en/oj/200
4/l_106/l_10620040415en00220045.pdf - http//www.europarl.europa.eu/omk/sipade3?PROGRUL
ES-EPLENREFTOC - http//curia.europa.eu/en/instit/txtdocfr/txtsenvi
4Institutions and other bodies
- Article 7
- The tasks entrusted to the Community shall be
carried out by the following institutions - EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT,
- The Council and the Commission shall be assisted
by - Economic and Social Committee
- Committee of the Regions acting in an advisory
5European CommissionArticle 211-219
- Representing the interests of the Community
- The term COM is used in two senses
- the Commissioners - the College(27)
- special composition between May-October 2004
- profound knowledge of their portfolio
- principle of collective responsibility - acting
by simple majority - the Institution itself and staff
- 37 Directorates General and Services
- Led by the Director General / Directors / Head of
Units / Desk - Code of good administrative behaviour (Rules of
Procedure) - Dealing with inquiries - reply must be sent
within 15 working days - Staff Regulations amended in 2004
- Seat Brussels
- Some offices in Luxembourg DG INFSO, OPOCE,
translators, etc. - and representations in MSs / delegations in 3rd
6Roles of the Commission I.
- Exclusive right of initiative - power to propose
legislation - White Paper, Green Paper
- Obligation to consult the advisory bodies (EESC,
CoR) - (!) Article 192 the EP can request the COM to
propose - Procedure European Council Consultation - COM
draft proposal impact assessment - Lead service
Interservice consultation (CIS) Special chefs
Hebdo College meeting Commission proposal
7Roles of the Commission II.
- Manage and implement EU policies and budget
- Supervision of implementation
- Coordination with Member States
- Execution powers comitology
- Enforce Community Law
- Infringement procedure see section on Court
- Representing the EU on the international stage
- Commercial negotiations
- Fisheries etc.
8- Secretariat-General
- Legal Service
- DG Communication
- Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA)
- Economic and Financial Affairs DG
- Enterprise and Industry DG
- Competition DG
- Employment, Social Affairs and Equal
Opportunities DG - Agriculture and Rural Development DG
- Energy and Transport DG
- Environment DG
- Research DG
- Joint Research Centre
- Information Society Media DG
- Fisheries and Maritime Affairs DG
- Internal Market and Services DG
- Regional Policy DG
- Taxation and Customs Union DG
- Education and Culture DG
- External Relations DG
- Trade DG
- Development DG
- Enlargement DG
- Eurostat
- DIGIT DG for Informatics
- Budget DG
- Internal audit service
- Europe Aid Cooperation Office
- Humanitarian Aid DG (ECHO)
- European Anti-Fraud Office - OLAF
- Personnel and Administration DG
- Interpretation DG
- DG Translation
- Publications Office
- OIB - Office for Infrastructure and Logistics -
Brussels - PMO - Office for administration and payment of
individual entitlements - OIL - Office for Infrastructure and Logistics -
Luxembourg - EPSO - European Personnel Selection Office
Commission DGs and other services
9Structure of the Secretariat General
10European Courts Article 220-246
- Court of Justice of the European Communities
- Was set up under the Treaty of Paris 1952 (ECSC)
- Composition - 1 judge per Member State
- Can sit in Full court (27 judges) or Grand
Chamber (13 judges) or chambers of 5 or 3 judges - Appointed for a term of 6 years by joint
agreement of the MSs - President for 3 years
- 8 advocates general
- role presenting reasoned opinions
(conclusions) to Court - Seat - Luxembourg
- President Vassilios Skouris
- Actions for failure to fulfil obligations
- Actions for annulment
- Actions for failure to act
- Appeals on points of law
- References for a preliminary ruling (!)
11European Courts
- Court of First Instance
- 1 judge per each Member State
- was created in 1989
- powers are extended by the Nice Treaty
- no advocates general
- President Marc Jaeger (previously Bo
- Actions for annulment
- Actions for failure to act
- Actions for damages
- Actions based on an arbitration clause
12European Union Civil Service Tribunal
- European Union and not of European Communities
powers are not related to the 3-pillar
structure - 7 judges in all
- was created in 2005
- powers limited to EU staff cases
- no advocates general
- Can sit in full chamber or chambers of 5 or 3
judges - President P. Mahoney
13Primary sources of EU law
14Secondary sources of EU law
- Regulations EU laws
- Directives EU framework laws
- Decisions
- Opinions / recommendations
- Court judgements
15EU Agencies
- Overview
- Specialised, decentralised
- Tasks of legal, technical and/or scientific
nature - Community agencies
- Governed by European public law
- Distinct from Community Institutions
- Own legal personality
- Set up by an act of secondary legislation
- First pillar
- Common Foreign and Security Policy agencies
- Second pillar
- Police and judicial cooperation in criminal
matters agencies - Fight against organised international crime
- Third pillar
- Executive agencies
16European Community agencies 1/2
- European Centre for the Development of Vocational
Training (Cedefop) - Thessaloniki - European Foundation for the Improvement of Living
and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND) - Dublin - European Environment Agency (EEA) - Copenhagen
- European Training Foundation (ETF) - Turin
- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug
Addiction (EMCDDA) - Lisbon - European Medicines Agency (EMEA) - London
- Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
(Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM) - Alicante - European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
(EU-OSHA) - Bilbao - Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) - Angers
- Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European
Union (CdT) - Luxembourg - European Fundamental Rights Agency - Vienna
- previously European Monitoring Centre on Racism
and Xenophobia (EUMC) - European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) -
Thessaloniki - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) - Parma
- European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) - Lisbon
- European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) - Cologne
- European Network and Information Security Agency
(ENISA) - Heraklion - European Centre for Disease Prevention and
Control (ECDC) - Stockholm - European Global Navigation Satellite System
Supervisory Authority
17European Community agencies 2/2
- European Railway Agency (ERA) -
Valenciennes/Lille - European Agency for the Management of Operational
Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member
States of the European Union (FRONTEX, also
AMOCEB) - Warsaw - European Defence Agency (EDA) - Brussels
- European Institute for Security Studies (ISS) -
Paris - European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC) - Torrejón
de Ardoz in Spain - Intelligent Energy Executive Agency (IEEA)
Brussels - These agencies are not always considered among
the above grouping - European Police College (CEPOL) - Bramshill,
United Kingdom - Europol (European Police Office) - The Hague
- Eurojust (European body for the enhancement of
judicial co-operation) - The Hague - Community Fisheries Control Agency - Vigo, Spain,
currently in Brussels - European Chemicals Agency Helsinki, Finland ,
under preparation - Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive
Agency - Brussels - Executive Agency for the Public Health Programme
18One example
- Which of the following is not an institution
under the EC Treaty? - a) European Parliament
- b) Court of Auditors
- c) Committee of Regions
- d) Court of Justice