The Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ)


The Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) the least known institution Famous cases? The Bosman case Union Royale belge des societes de football ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ)

The Court of Justiceof the European Union (ECJ)
  • the least known institution

Famous cases?
  • The Bosman case
  • Union Royale belge des societes de football
    association ASBL v Bosman (1995)
  • freedom of movement - of footballers, the
    transfer rules thrown out by ECJ as they were an
    obstacle to free movement of workers (ART 39 TEC)
  • Cassis de Dijon (1979)
  • ECJ gave the Commission an opportunity to develop
    the principle of mutual recognition, underpinned
    the Single Market

Purpose of the ECJ
  • to ensure that in the interpretation and
    application of the treaties the law is
    observed Art. 220 TEC

Sources of Community law
  • Primary Legislation
  • The original treaties, the treaties of accession,
    treaty amendments
  • Secondary Legislation
  • Laws made in accordance with the treaties

ECJ approach
  • The original treaties seen as the basis of a
    constitutional framework for the EU ECJ has
    shown that the EUs constitution is based on
    custom and shared values, as well as on treaties
    and secondary legislation

Basic rules of EC law (1)
  • Direct effect
  • Van Gend en Loos (1962) Art25TEC
  • the article in question had direct effect because
    it contained a clear and unconditional
    prohibition any unconditionally worded
    treaty provision, being self-sufficient and
    legally complete
  • Grad v. Finanzamt Traunstein (1970)
  • Directives also had direct effect if it contained
    a clear and unconditional obligation on a member
    state and had not been implemented by that state
    within the period prescribed in the directive

Basic rules of EC law (2)
  • Supremacy of Community law
  • Costa v ENEL (1964)
  • Member states had definitively transferred
    sovereign rights to the Community and that
    Community law could not be overridden by domestic
    legal provisions without the legal basis of the
    Community itself being called into question
  • Simmenthal v Commission (1978)
  • every national court must apply Community law
    in its entirety and must accordingly set aside
    any provisions of national law which may conflict
    with it

Types of cases how do you get a case to the ECJ
  • Requests from national courts for preliminary
    ruling on points of EC law
  • Actions brought directly to the Court by other
    institutions, member states, or natural and legal
  • Appeals against judgements of the Court of First
    Instance, the ECJs lower court

preliminary ruling (1)
  • If an individual argues before a national court
    that a national law or policy conflicts with EC
    law, if the court is unable/unwilling to resolve
    the dispute itself based on previous EC case law,
    court may seek authoritative guidance from the
    ECJ by making a preliminary ruling request.

Preliminary rulings (2)
  • Do national courts request
  • YES! National courts do use this mechanism
  • In fact, it is surprising that so many lower
    national court judges do apply for preliminary
  • the National judge in his capacity as Community
    Judge, becomes the upholder of Community Law in
    his own member state
  • WHY?
  • This ensures uniform interpretation and
    application of Community law in each member state
  • How useful?
  • A powerful tool, strengthens Community law and
    the ECJs role within the system
  • Citizens can use it to ascertain compatibility
    of national and Community law

Direct Actions
  • Cases brought by Commission against a member
    state, or by a member state against another
    member state for failing to fulfill a legal
  • 100 a year
  • Cases against the Commission, Council, EP or ECB
    concerning the legality of a particular
    regulation (Art. 241)
  • Called proceedings for annulment e.g. Isoglucose

Direct Actions
  • Cases brought by member states or other
    institutions against the Commission, Council, EP,
    for failure to act (Art. 232
  • Parliament v Council (1985)
  • Cases for damages against the EU for the wrongful
    act of an EU institution or an EU servant (Arts.
    235, 288)
  • Actions to establish liability
  • Staff cases unfair dismissal

Impact of EC Case law
  • EC case law has profoundly advanced the
    objectives of the treaties (1999,Dinan, P.308)
  • Landmark rulings have been decisive in helping to
    achieve EUs economic and social goals

Impact of EC Case law
  • Some practical examples
  • Freedom of movement of goods Cassis de Dijon
  • Social policy area of equality Defrenne 1971
    Barber (1990) on equal rights for men and women
    in occupational pension schemes

Impact of the ECJ
  • the impact of the ECJ on the European policy
    process is undeniable and well embedded (1996
    Wallace P. 61)
  • ECJ has endorsed a set of values to underpin
    European governance (Joseph Weiler, in Wallace P.

ECJ a source of ideas
  • It is a source of ideas as it has explained
    general principles of European law
  • Equality
  • Legal certainty
  • Fundamental rights
  • Direct effect
  • Proportionality

Resistance to the ECJ
  • National courts, do not always accept easily
    supremacy of European law or its judgements on
    individual cases
  • National politicians do not always accept the
    constraints that the ECJ sets on them
  • Commission it is not always easy to prove its

Resistance to the ECJ more focused and
tenacious now, but no major challenges
  • Ruling on TEU from Bundesverfassungsgericht,
    October 1993, suggested that acceptance of EU
    decisions and of ECJ rulings could not be taken
    for granted
  • Some governments might like to limit the
    influence of the ECJ by treaty amendment
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