Title: Protection and Security - 2
1- Protection and Security - 2
2(2) The Access Control List Method
- Each object o is assigned a list of pairs (s,
Ps,o), for all subjects s that can access the
object - The access list for an object corresponds to the
access rights contained in the column for object
o in the access matrix - Example
read, write, execute
3(2) The Access Control List Method (cont.)
- Operation Subject s requests access ? to
object o - Search access control list of o for entry (s,
?) - If entry exists, check if ? ? ?
- If yes, allow execution. Else, exception raised
- Advantages of access control lists
- Easy revocation of access rights from a subject
to an object remove objects entry from the
objects access control list - Easy review of access rights of all subjects to a
given object - Note it is, however, difficult to determine for
a given subject what objects it has access to
4Issues with Access Control Lists
- Efficiency of execution
- Access control list needs to be searched for
every access to an object! - Option use shadow capability registers
- On first access by a subject, copy access rights
from access control list to a shadow register
with the subject - The access rights in the shadow register acts as
a capability - Subsequent accesses by this subject use the
shadow register - Potential drawback
- Revocation of access rights becomes more
difficult removing access rights from access
control list is not sufficient, some access
rights remain in shadow registers
5Issues with Access Control Lists (cont)
- Efficiency of storage
- The list can be very large, containing the access
rights of all subjects that can access this
object - Note the aggregate storage requirement is about
the same as for capabilities - Option use protection groups
- Subjects (users) divided into protection groups
- Access control list contains the names of groups
and their access rights - Operation subject gives its protection group and
requested access - Issue All subjects in a protection group have
the same access rights to the object - Authority to change an access control list
- Issue who can modify an access control list?
- Options
- Self control owner process (e.g., creator of the
object) can modify list - Hierarchical control
- When object created, owner process specifies what
other processes can modify access control list - Processes organized in a hierarchy a process can
change the access control list of all processes
below it in the hierarchy
6Examples of Systems using Access Control Lists
- Multics
- Access control lists to control access to files
- Principle of least privilege
- Unix
- Access control list has three entries owner,
group, and other - Access rights read, write, execute
7(3) The Lock-Key Method
- Principles
- Hybrid of capability-based method and access
control list method - Every subject has a capability list made of
tuples (o, k) the subject can access object o
using key k - Every object has an access control list made of
tuples (l, ?), called lock entries any subject
that can open lock l can access the object with
an access right contained in ? - Operation
- Subject s makes request for access ? to
object o - The system locates tuple (o, k) in capability
list of the subject - If present, search access control list of object
o for entry (l, ?), where k l and obtain ? - Access allowed if ? ? ?
8(3) The Lock-Key Method (cont.)
- Advantages
- Easy revocation of access rights to revoke the
access rights of a subject to an object, delete
the lock entry corresponding to the key of the
subject - Capability-based addressing can be used
- Disadvantages
- Access control list must be searched for every
access - Example
- IBM/360 storage keys protection method similar to
lock-key method
9Access Matrix Model Changing The Protection State
- Access matrix is itself a protected object
- Commands for changing protection state
- Set of commands C for changing protection state
defined in the form of the following primitive
operations - enter r into P s, o
- delete r from P s, o
- create subject s
- create object o
- destroy subject s
- destroy object o
- Primitive operations define changes to be made
to the access matrix P - Example Primitive operation delete r from P s,
o deletes access right r from the position P s,
o in the access matrix, I.e., access right r of
subject s to object o is withdrawn
10Access Matrix Model Changing The Protection
State (cont.)
- Before the operation is performed (e.g., the
delete in previous example), a verification
should be made that the process has the right to
perform this operation on the access matrix - Command syntax
- command lt command id gt (ltformal
parametersgt) - if lt conditions gt
- then
- lt list of primitive
operations gt - end.
- Command execution
- All checks in the condition part are evaluated.
The ltconditionsgt part has checks in the form r
in Ps,o - If all checks pass, primitive operations in ltlist
of primitive operationsgt are executed
11Access Matrix Model Changing The Protection
State (cont.)
- All accesses are validated by a mechanism called
a reference monitor the reference monitor will
reject an access not allowed by the access matrix - Each object has an owner
- If s is the owner of o, then own ? P s, o
- The owner of an object can give (confer) a right
to the object to another subject - Example command to create a file and assign
own and read rights to it - command create-read (process, file)
- create object file
- enter own into P process, file
- enter read into P process, file
- end.
12Access Matrix Model Changing The Protection
State (cont.)
- Example command owner of a file gives write
access rights to another process - command confer-write (owner, process,
file) - if own ? P owner, file
- then
- enter write into P process, file
- end.
13Advanced Models of Protection The Take-Grant
- Principles
- Uses directed graphs to model access control
- Protection state of system represented by
directed graph - More efficient than (sparsely populated) access
matrix - Model
- Graph nodes subjects and objects
- An edge from node x to node y indicates that
subject x has an access right to the object
y the edge is tagged with the corresponding
access rights - Access rights
- Read (r), write (w), execute (e)
- Special access rights for propagating access
rights to other nodes - Take If node x has access right take to node
y, then subject x can take any access right
that it has on y to another node - Grant If node x has access right grant to node
y, then the entity represented by node y can
be granted any of the access rights that node x
has -
14The Take-Grant Model (cont.)
- Example take operation
- Node x has take access to node y
- Node y has read and write access to node z
- Node x can take access right read from y and
have this access right for object z a
directed edge labeled r is added from node x
to node z
15The Take-Grant Model (cont.)
- Example grant operation
- Node x has grant access to node y and also
has read and write access to node z - Node x can grant read access for z to node
y ( a directed edge labeled r from y to z
is added in the graph)
16The Take-Grant Model (cont.)
- State and state transitions
- The protection state of the system is represented
by the directed graph - System changes state (state transition) when the
directed graph changes - The directed graph changes with the following
operations - Take
- Grant
- Create A new node is added to the graph
- When node x creates a new node y, a directed
edge is added from x to y - Remove A node deletes some of its access rights
to another node -
17Bell-LaPadula Model
- Used to control information flow
- Model components
- Subjects, objects, and access matrix
- Several ordered security levels
- Each subject has a (maximum) clearance and a
current clearance level - Each object has a classification (I.e., belongs
to a security level) - Subjects can have the following access rights to
objects - Read-only
- Append subject can only write object (no read
permitted) - Execute no read or write
- Read-write both read and write are permitted
- Subject that creates an object has control
attribute to that object and is the controller of
the object - Subject can pass any of the four access rights of
the controlled object to another subject
18Bell-LaPadula Model (cont.)
- Restrictions on information flow and access
control (reading down and writing up properties) - 1. The simple security property
- A subject cannot have read access to an object
with classification higher than the clearance
level of the subject - 2. The ?-property (star property)
- A subject has append (I.e., write) access only to
objects which have classification (I.e., security
level) higher than or equal to the current
security clearance level of the subject - A subject has read access only to objects which
have classification (I.e., security level) lower
than or equal to the current security clearance
level of the subject - A subject has read-write access only to objects
which have classification (I.e., security level)
equal to the current security clearance level of
the subject -
19Bell-LaPadula Model (cont.)
Level n . . . Level i1
Level i-1 . . . Level 1
20Case Studies Unix
- Subjects
- Each user identified by a a userid
- A user may belong to a group identified by
groupid - Userid and groupid are part of the process
descriptor of the process running on behalf of
the user and used to verify access rights - Protected objects files and directories
- Each file has a unique owner (user who created
the file) - Each file has two access fields
- userid field file owner
- groupid field groupid of the group to which
the file belongs
21Case Studies Unix (cont.)
- Protection mechanism for files access control
list with protection groups for access efficiency - Protection groups owner, group, others
- Access rights for each group read, write,
execute - Three fields associated with each file of three
bits each - Only the owner of the file and the super user can
change these bits (chmod command) -
- Protection domain
- Associated with each user
- At login, user starts in a protection domain
defining access rights - Domain can be changed with su (set userid)
22The Hydra Kernel
- Kernel of a multiprocessor OS (Carnegie-Mellon
U.) - Provides mechanisms on which a large array of OSs
can be built - Supports capability-based protection
- An object (abstraction of a resource) is the
unit of protection - Procedure is an abstraction of an operation on
an object - Protection mechanism controls the invocation of
procedures to instances of objects (i.e.,
resources) - Objects
- Each object has name, type, representation,
- Representation
- Data part can be accessed by programs with the
right capability - Capability part capabilities for other objects
can be changed only by the kernel
23The Hydra Kernel (cont.)
- Protection
- Elements objects (abstraction of resources) and
capabilities (references to objects) - Operation
- Process/user supplies capability for object
- Kernel validates access rights
- Access rights
- Kernel rights kernel supports the basic access
rights (read, write, copy) - Auxiliary rights user defined object operations
- User defines a new object type and associated
operations - Kernel treats these operations as auxiliary
rights for the object - For a user to perform these operations on the
object, its capability must contain these
auxiliary rights - Kernel uses a 24-bit mask to encode access
rights kernel rights have fixed positions
- Distributed OS (Tanenbaum)
- Object-based, client-server model
- Client processes request operations on objects by
sending requests to server processes via RPCs - Every object is managed by a server process
- Capabilities-based protection Capability
structure - Server port identity of server process that
manages corresponding object - Object number identifies specific object
- Rights access allowed
- Check protection against unauthorized changes
(cryptographic technique)