Title: witches
1The Play Macbeth
By Daniel Mossop
2When shall we three meet again? in thunder,
lightning, or in rain? When the hurly-burlys
done, when the battles lost and Won! Where the
place? Upon the heath! There to meet with
3All hail Macbeth Thane of Cawdor All hail
Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter
4The king give ye title Thane of Cawdor!
Can the Devil speak the truth!
5Thane of Glamis and Cawdor. The king comes
here Tonight.
6All hail ye Macbeth. What hath been lost noble
Macbeth hath won.
7 Go and put these daggers back to the guards and
Smear the blood on them.
8We have come tell you that you are now the
king Of Scotland
9 Come sit at the table noble Macbeth. Sorry the
table is Full.
10By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked
11How now, you secret, black and Midnight hags?
What ist you do? Macbeth,Macbeth,Macbeth,beware M
acduff,beware thane of fife. Thou hast harped my
fear aright. But- Macbeth,macbeth,macbeth,be
bloody, bold and resolute.none Of woman born
shall harm Macbeth. Then live Macduff-what need I
fear of?
12Out damned spot!I say- Onetwowhy,tis Time to
dot.-Fie, my lord,fie! A soldier, and
afeard?-what need we fear who knows It , when
none can call our power to Accompt?-Yet who
would have thought the Old man to have had so
much blood in him
13I am sorry to say that Macbeth has killed Your
family. Then we shall attack Macbeths castle.
14That way the Noise is.Tyrant,show thy face. If
thou best Slain,and with no stroke of mine,my
wife and childrens Ghosts will haunt me still.I
cannot strike at wretched kerns, Whose arms are
hired to bear their staves. Either thou,
Macbeth, or else my sword with an unbattered
edge I Sheathe again undeeded. There thou
shouldst be by this greater clatter one of
greatest note seems bruited let me Find him,
fortune! and more I beg not.
15Turn ,Hell-Hound,Turn Of all men else I have
avoided thee. But Get thee back!My soul is too
much charged with blood of thine
already. Macbeth and Macduff fight AAGGGHH.
16All hail Malcolm king of Scotland
17Made by Daniel Mossop Made in Montreal C. of.E
Primary School Made for class 7 Producers
are Daniel Mossop Marc Brown Voices Daniel
Mossop Marc Brown Based on the play by William
Shakespeare A mossop picture