Title: Poppies, Flying Monkeys and Good Witches
1Poppies, Flying Monkeys and Good Witches
- Stephen Abram
- Texas Library Association
- Houston, TX
- April 26, 2006
2Sometimes it feels like this . . .
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4Resistance is NOT futile!
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7Theres no place like home
8Where am I coming from . . .?
- All Users
- Library Users
- Academic
- College
- Public
- School (pre-K-12)
- Special, i.e.
- Government
- Military
- Medical
- Corporate
- Global
- Non-users
The Virtuous Triangle
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Content e-Resources
DE Learning Education
University and Colleges Schools and Public
eGov, Programs Alliances
Local and Government Partners
Card Holders
Community Groups
Emerging Model for Community, Learning and
Research Enterprises
Credit adapted from Rick Luce, LANL
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14Usability The A frame adopted from newspaper
layout is not what works. Eyetools
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16The Library World
Usability Tests
Normative and Market Data
17The Library World
Usability Tests
The Real World
Normative Data
18What is context?
- Its not about the Library! It is about five very
specific user spaces, communities
19Source Lorcan Dempsey
20Content Map
Source AISTI
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25Simple Stories about Value
- Florida
- Florida's public libraries return 6.54 for every
1.00 invested from all sources! - South Carolina
- The total direct and indirect return on
investment for every 1 expended on the states
public libraries by SC State and local
governments is 4.48almost 350!
26Classic Technology Adoption
Where Are We?
Source Geoffrey Moore. Crossing the Chasm,
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37What if. . .
You can find 15,000,000 books through the Google
5 and the Open Content Alliance?
38What if. . .
Does your 5 year plan consider this eventuality?
39What if. . .
I can find a locally engaging experience through
Google Maps and Google Local?
40Google Kansas City
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43Google and 3D
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45When SmartPhones become the dominant device
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47Personal Phones
48Nano Phone, Cardphones, ...
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56Nano Phone, Cardphones, ...
57Epaper not about replacing paper
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60What if. . .
An easy seamless DRM Payment system develops
through PayPal / Verisign / eBay / Google Wallet?
61Get your Texthead to Nexthead
- MP3s
- Streaming Media
- Voice search
62Next Massive Wave of Broadband Expands
Transition to Service-oriented architecture
Real-Time Infra-structure
Low-Power-Consumption Mobile/Display Devices
Secure Broadband Wireless
63Google Wireless
- San FranciscoMountain View, Philly, Chicago,
Fredericton, and more
SEC Filing in 2005 18 more cities now.
64Google invests in wired wireless
A 189,000,000.00 pilot
65Bidirectional wireless module
Hydro Broadband
66What if. . .
Users have materially changed?
67The Scary re-wiring of the Millennials and
68Millennial Characteristics
Credit Richard Sweeney, NJIT
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71Reminder 150,00-250,000 A DAY!
72What if. . .
The entire entertainment world mutates?
Streaming everything everywhere.
73What if. . .
CD-Rom and DVD retire in 2012? How will you
handle the new non-containers?
75Video iPod etc.
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78What if. . .
Google Scholar and Google College actually work?
79Add tools citation, RefWorks, ProCite, stat
Add hundreds of database Suppliers (MS already
has about 120.
Personalize it and track your needs and Add
Make it OpenURL compliant
Add for online discussions, communities of
practice, group and Individual blogs and
connections through social networking software
Do OCLC stuff
Integrate e-commerce for articles, standards,
Make it Browserless
Add a toolbar that behaves in a research way
Predict their needs through mining of Gmail,
surfing, and behaviours
Add virtual reference
80Add tools citation, RefWorks, ProCite, stat
Add hundreds of database Suppliers (MS already
has about 120.
Personalize it and track your needs and Add
And then ally with Sun to build a new OS for
wireless world Writely!
Make it OpenURL compliant
Do OCLC stuff
Add for online discussions, communities of
practice, group and Individual blogs and
connections through social networking software
Integrate e-commerce for articles, standards,
Make it Browserless
Add a toolbar that behaves in a research way
Predict their needs through mining of Gmail,
surfing, and behaviours
Add virtual reference
81Can Google keep up this much change?
82What if. . .
Everything goes personal?
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85What if. . .
Search gets better and needs new hooks?
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90Are you up on tagging?
How about folksonomies?
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92Flying Monkeys?
93The Long Tail of QUESTIONS
94Classic Technology Adoption
Where Are We?
Source Geoffrey Moore. Crossing the Chasm,
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96Great Expectations
- The future is already here, its just not evenly
distributed yet.
97Expectations 1.0
- Search
- Retrieve
- Print
- Link
- View
- Navigate
- Read
- . . .
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99WEB 2.0
- RSS really simple syndication
- Wikis
- New Programming Tools AJAX, API
- Blogs and blogging
- Recommender Functionality
- Personalized Alerts
- Web Services
- Folksonomies, Tagging and Tag Clouds
- Social Networking
- Open access, Open Source, Open Content
- Commentary and comments
- Personalization and My Profiles
- Podcasting and MP3 files
- Streaming Media audio and video
- User-driven Reviews
- Rankings User-driven Ratings
- Instant Messaging and Virtual Reference
- Photos (e.g. Flickr, Picasa)
- Socially Driven Content
- Social Bookmarking
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107More Change
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1096 specific Areas to Focus on
- Lesson level implementation
- Mandate integration (workflow)
- Supporting Edgelessness
- Seamless find (OpenURL)
- Social spin (data-driven)
- Get beyond lists
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112 The power of libraries
113Knowledge Workplace
Shared Ideas
Shared Creation
Workflow Content Mgmt.
Discussion Databases
Web Conferencing
Collaborative Design
Shared Presence
Networked Virtual Worlds
Instant Messaging
114Its an Information Ocean, not a Highway.
115- Its an Exploration Space not a collection
116So, how should Info Pros react?
- You KNOW more than they do!
- You have VERY high information literacy skills
- What else would be the key competency in a
knowledge-based society?
- You care about excellent customer service
- You strive to meet their REAL needs
- Youre out there every day doing this
- You will survive and thrive
120Clicking your heels together is not enough!
- Get out there and sell yourself and your talents
not just your databases and collections!
121Lets not study it to death
122Lets Go!
Stephen Abram, MLS VP Innovation, SirsiDynix Cel
416-669-4855 stephen.abram_at_sirsidynix.com http//w
ww.sirsidynix.com Stephens Lighthouse
Blog http//stephenslighthouse.sirsi.com