Title: Russ Alger
1Russ Alger Director - Institute of Snow
Research Keweenaw Research Center Michigan
Technological University In Partnership with
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2(No Transcript)
3Epoxy Overlay Systems
Epoxy / aggregate overlays are being installed
across the country as a means to seal bridge
decks and apply wear coats. Many bridges in
Michigan have already been sealed.
4Pavement Sealing
Decreased Corrosion Less Chemical
Infiltration Armored Pavement Surface
5What is Anti-Icing?
- Anti-Icing practice is an attempt to armor the
pavement surface prior to a freezing or frozen
precipitation event by use of freezing point
6Anti-Icing Can
Eliminate Frost Development Limit Black Ice
Development Minimize Snow Bonding
7Anti-Icing is Optimized by
Pavement Condition Forecasting Chemical
Types Pavement Interaction
8Anti-Icing Smart Pavements
- Anti-Icing Smart Pavements are an epoxy overlay
system that greatly enhances the residual effect
properties of the pavement. These overlays are
also excellent seal coats for the pavement
surface and structure.
9Click Above to Play Animation
Patent Pending Keweenaw Research Center
- Enhanced Friction
- Pavement Seal
- Less Chemical Used
- Chemical Cost Easier to Overcome
- Less Environmental Effect
- Dry Pavement
- Fewer Call Outs
- Less Reliance on Forecasting
11Laboratory Frost Testing
12Normal Washing
13Field Test at ACY
- 8 by 200 test bed
- Installed by KRC
- Friction tests by FAA
- Natural Snow
- Water misting
14Chemical Held on Surface ACY
Epoxies have been and are presently being tested
in many states and in many different pavement
scenarios. Aggregates used to date are MI DOT
certified using MTM 111 (Determination of
aggregate wear index.)
Epoxies have been and are presently being tested
in many states and in many different pavement
scenarios. Aggregates used to date are DOT
certified using
16Enhanced Friction
Mu values along the test bed are consistently
high. FAA Tech Center.
17Good Results at ACY
18Easy to Apply
Minimum Pavement Closure
Minimum Pavement Closure
Were working on better equipment to optimize
Were working on better equipment to optimize
19Set Up Time 2 Hours
20Blends in Nicelyon Existing Pavement
21Tough Surface
22Great Results!!
23Other Applications
Other Applications
Permanent Pavement Marking Minimize Wet Pavement
Effects Sidewalks
Permanent Pavement Marking Minimize Wet Pavement
Effects Sidewalks
24The Next Step
- New application equipment
- Field tests in the mix
- Further Surface RD
- More Chemicals
25Russ Alger Director Institute of Snow
Research Michigan Technological University 1400
Townsend Drive Houghton, MI 49931 phone -
906-487-2498 fax - 906-487-2202 email -
rgalger_at_mtu.edu Web www.mtukrc.org Or
26 Larry Micek Technology Commercialization
Manager Process Solutions Technology Development
Center Cargill, Inc. 2301 Crosby Road Wayzata,
MN 55391-3297 Phone 952-742-3606