Title: Notre%20Dame%20High%20Energy%20Physics%20Hadron%20Collider%20Group
1Notre DameHigh Energy Physics Hadron Collider
- The Group
- 8 graduate students (details later)
- 7 research faculty/postdocs
- Leo Chan, Dongwook Jang, Dan Karmgard, Prolay
Mal, Nancy Maranelli, Dmitri Smirnov, Jadzia
Warchol - 3 technicians plus 1 engineer
- Jeff Marchant, Mike McKenna, Mark Vigneault,
Barry Baumbaugh - 5 teaching and research faculty
- Anna Goussiou, Mike Hildreth, Colin Jessop, Randy
Ruchti, Mitch Wayne
2Experimental Projects
- DØ at the Fermilab Tevatron
- proton-antiproton collisions at 2.0 TeV
- 7 Ph.D. students on Run I
- detector construction, commissioning for upgrade
- widespread current effort in Run II
- many physics analyses, software development,
detector operation - CMS at the CERN LHC
- proton-proton collisions at 14.0 TeV
- detector development, construction, testing,
commissioning - Quarknet program for H.S. students, teachers
- International Linear Collider
- RD on Muon System, Beam Instrumentation
3Past DØ Ph. D. Students
? V. Balamurali - Medical school
? Linda Coney - Postdoc, Columbia Univ., FNAL
? Jim Jaques - ATT laboratories
? Bob Kehoe - Faculty, SMU
? Evgeny Popkov - Postdoc, Boston Univ.
? Hai Zheng - Postdoc, Caltech
? Mike Kelly - Private Sector
Ryan Hooper - Postdoc, Brown Univ., Priv. Sect.
Lucas Xuan - Postdoc, Univ. of Hawaii
Julie Torborg - Faculty, St. Cloud
Eugene Galyaev - Postdoc, Univ. of Texas
4Current Students
? Yury Pogorelov - Russia
? Peter Svoisky - Russia
? David Lam - Canada
? Jyotsna Osta - India
Sarah Schlobohm - U.S.
Tyler Dorland - U.S.
Ted Kolberg - U.S.
Justin Griffiths - U.S.
5Stars form (1 billion years)
Atoms form (300,000 years)
Nuclei form (180 seconds)
Protons and neutrons form (10-10 seconds)
Quarks differentiate (10-34 seconds?)
??? (Before that)
6What is the Universe Made of?
- A very old question, answered many ways during
the eons - The only way to answer this question is by
directly confronting Nature by experiments that
can lead to definite conclusions - Experiments have told us
- complexity often arises from simple building
blocks - Periodic Table of the Elements, Nuclear Structure
- fundamental constituents are small particles
- diverse phenomena can be manifestations of the
same underlying physics - the moons orbit, a falling apple
- intuition may not necessarily be trustworthy
- our world is really Quantum Mechanical, even
though we dont see this in everyday life
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8Fundamental Forces of Nature
Relative Strengths 10-40 10-2 10-6 1
- Gravity
- Electromagnetism
- Weak Nuclear Force
- Strong Nuclear Force
The ElectroWeak and Strong forces combine to form
the Standard Model of Particle Physics
9Particles Mediating Forces
- virtual particles fly back and forth
- Nuclear decay the weak force
Uncertainty Principle DE Dt h (10-34 J s)
E mc2 Energy becomes matter!
10Open Questions in the Standard Model
- Without getting into the Structure of the
Universe, there are some obvious questions here -
- Why are there three families?
- Why are there pairs of particles in each family?
- Why are the masses so different?
- How is the Strong Force related to the
Electroweak Force? - Why are the forces such different strengths?
- What about Gravity?
- This is some of what we are trying to answer...
11On to Big Questions
- Particle Physics experiments may also answer
- What IS mass?
- Why is there matter at all?
- What is Dark Matter?
- What is the space-time structure of the Universe?
- ? Growing synergy between particle and
astrophysics - both fields working together on these questions
12Question 1 What is Mass?
- Pretty basic question
- The Standard Model gives us no clue where the
fermion masses come from, and what the origin of
their hierarchical structure is - We DO have an idea of where the boson masses come
from, though... - It turns out that this is related to another
question - Why do the forces have different strengths?
13Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
Unified Electroweak Theory
? Our World!
14The Higgs Mechanism
- In the Standard Model, Electroweak symmetry is
broken by the addition of a scalar field which
permeates all of space - the Higgs Field
- the W and Z bosons mix with this field and
acquire mass - essentially, the Higgs resets the vacuum of the
Universe - All parameters (couplings, decay rates, etc)
except its mass, are fixed in the Standard Model - One definite prediction of this theory
- there is a scalar particle called the Higgs Boson
which is an excitation of the fundamental field - We can look for it!
- J. Womerlsey Pluck the violin string of the
15The Higgs boson/field
- Think of identical boats on a lake
16The Higgs boson/field
Think of identical boats on a
lake Underneath Shape of keel
determines Resistance(mass) in Lake(Higgs field)
Higgs boson
Wind(Force) ma
17Question 2 What is Dark Matter?
- responsible for the clumping of galaxies
- determines large scale structure of the Universe
- can we see it experimentally?
- is it new physics?
18Why Dark Matter?
- Gravitational wells of galaxies are bigger than
the visible matter - galactic rotation curves, etc.
- Mass of ordinary matter insufficient to form
large-scale structure - proton mass binding energy
- BBNS and D/He abundance set scale for matter
- Example of LCDM Simulation vs. Real Life
A. Kravstov, NCSA, UofC
CDM preferred? heavy, slow
G. Bryan, M. Norman
Sloan Digital Sky Survey
19WMAP Results
- Most comprehensive measurement of CMB to date
- Precise measurement of cosmological quantities
- ?M 0.27 0.04
- ?B 0.044 0.004
- the other 70 of the energy density is dark
20What is this stuff?
- Slow, heavy, weakly-interacting, neutral
- relics from the early universe
- stable
- WIMPs?
- Can we see them experimentally?
- look for interactions as we swim through them
- try to produce them at particle accelerators
- measure their properties, masses, etc.
- But, what signatures should we look for?
- guidance from theorists
- Could be Supersymmetry!
22Searching for SUSY at the Tevatron
- squarks and gluinos have the highest production
probability - If supersymmetry-ness (R-parity) is conserved,
decay cascades always end up with stable lightest
neutralino (think photon) - LSP escapes from the detector ? missing ET
make Dark Matter at the Tevatron
23Question 3 What is the Structure of the
- how many dimensions are there?
- how can we probe them experimentally?
- is geometry the answer to many of our questions?
24Large Extra Dimensions
- If this sounds a little far-fetched...
- Explosion of interest in these ideas
- Many different models
- - Large Extra Dimensions (ADD)
- - TeV-Scale Extra Dimensions
- - Warped Extra Dimensions (RS)
- All sorts of variations to try and solve all
possible problems
25Signatures at Colliders
- Could be immediate and quite spectacular
- Or more indirect
- Virutual Graviton emission can enhance production
of ?? or gg pairs with high mass and large pT
tiny black holes could form, then evaporate
instantaneously via Hawking Radiation
Focus on these first, since they are the most
likely to appear at the Tevatron
26The DØ Experiment atthe Fermilab Tevatron
28pp Collisions at the Tevatron
- Counter-rotating bunches of protons and
anti-protons collide head-on in the two
interaction regions - use protons for maximum energy reach
- Each particle has an energy of 9.8x1011 Volts
(980 GeV)
29DØ in the Collision Hall
30The guts of DØ
Note Side view
31Tracker Detail
- Central Fiber Tracker
- 77k fibers in eight barrels, 800 mm diameter
fibers - 3 stereo layers in each barrel
- VLPC readout, 7 photo-electrons/track at h 0
32The Tracker in Action
33(some of) The people that built DØ
670 physicists 80 institutions 19
countries 120 grad students gt50 non-US
34Run II Data on Tape!
- The experiment is operating well
- Already 20x Run I!
- Full 1 fb-1 used for analysis for Winter 2006
Run 1 total
35Luminosity Projections
Spring 2009
Data on Tape (fb-1)
3-5x data!
36The CMS Experiment at the LHC
- CERN Geneva, Switzerland
- LHC Large Hadron Collider
- Proton Proton collider
- Beam energy 7 TeV 7 TeV
- Several large experiments CMS, ATLAS
- First collisions 2007-2008!
37 Physics Goals
- The same Big Questions but with 7x the reach
Dark Matter
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42CMS Assembly HallMuon End Disk and Endcap
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44CMS Assembly HallHalf of the Hadron Calorimeter
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46Being Installed!
48LHC Physics Center at Fermilab
- Center for US involvement in CMS
- local center of software/analysis expertise
- preparing to be very active in commissioning CMS
- Close!
- Easy way to get involved part time
- developing tutorials, example analysis packages,
etc. - nucleus of consultants for newcomers
- Senior ND personnel involved
49CMS Summary
- Beam testing of elements 2003-2006
- Slice testing of detector elements 2006
- Magnet test completed 2006
- Installation underground 2006-2007
- Run starts 2007!
- First data analyses now-2007-2010
50International Linear Collider
- Future ee- Linear Collider
- Center of Mass energy from 0.5 1.5 TeV
- Precision Measurements to complement LHC
- Same questions, different approach
test beam at SLAC
Beam Energy Spectrometer
Prototype Muon Detector
test beam at FNAL
- Not an easy game, but the payoff could be HUGE
- Origin of mass?
- Understanding Energy Scales for the Fundamental
Forces? - New forms of matter (Supersymmetry)?
- Structure of Spacetime
- DØ will be collecting up to 5x the current
dataset over the next 3 years or so, CMS coming
very fast - lots of scope for new phenomena to appear
- Fascinating time to be a particle physicist
- If we dont find new things at the Tevatron, the
LHC will - huge jump in energy and data quantity
- Within the coming years, we will have answers!
- (and more questions, of course)
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