Title: VAK and Multiple Intelligences
1What are they?
VAK and Multiple Intelligences
Why are they important?
2- Those entering the workplace tomorrow will
change professions, not just jobs, 4 or 5 times
during their working lifetime.
3- Information is doubling every 2 ½ years.
- 80 of the reception class this year will enter
careers that do not yet exist using technology
that has not yet been invented. - Today, engineers find that half their knowledge
is obsolete in FIVE years.
4The incredible pace of change in our world means
that, as teachers and parents, we have to
emphasise different approaches to learning
595 of what we know about the brain, we have
learnt in the last ten years
6Our Three Part Brain
- Cerebral Cortex
- responsible for storing and building up learning
through information processing higher order
thinking - 2. Mid Brain (Mammalian Brain)
- responsible for emotion and well-being of
individual - 3. Hind Brain (Reptilian Brain)
- responsible for survival and dominates when
under stress. Needs security and self-esteem
7Help!!! I dont understand this!
I cant cope!
It is difficult to learn when we are stressed or
8Job description of the brain
Each half of the brain is specialised in
different ways of processing information
Which side do you favour?
- Left-Brain Processors
- Strong Analytic Thinkers
- highly organised
- overly punctual
- plan their time
- like to use time planners
- keep diaries/journals
- love to-do lists
- want daily routine
- plan activities in advance
- get upset when time schedules
- are disrupted
- live within real timeframes
- prefer morning hours
- Right-Brain Processors
- Strong Holistic Thinkers
- disorganised
- difficult being on time
- tend to loose track of time
- find time planner very stressful
- only keep diaries if they have to
- hate to-do lists
- find routine limiting
- do things spontaneously
- have problems with following
- time schedules
- live with diffused time concepts
- prefer late afternoon/evening
10This is great. I understand now!
We learn best when we use BOTH sides of our
brains and feel happy about what we are doing and
know why we are doing it.
11Six main pathways to the brainWe learn by
- What we SEE
- What we HEAR
- What we TASTE
- What we TOUCH
- What we SMELL
- What we DO
12There are THREE types of learners
- VISUAL - Find it easier to take in new
information from written word or posters
with slogans. Like to write and draw images,
tend to look upwards.
- AUDITORY - Enjoy speaking, easily distracted by
rogue sounds. Like to hear a
presentation, explain something to someone,
tend to have eye level movements.
- KINAESTHETIC - Fidget and need regular breaks.
Like to make things, speak slowly with long
pauses, tend to look down.
is born with a unique blend of intelligences
which can continue to develop through life
14- The brain has a number of intelligence centres.
- The key to effective learning lies
- in unlocking all these centres
- Howard Gardner
15The Multiple Intelligence Wheel
From Colin Rose in Master it Faster
16- An intelligence is an ability to solve
- a problem or fashion a product which
- is valued in one or more cultural
- setting.
- Howard Gardner
17Becks is Supremely Intelligent!
VAK Learning Multiple
- Poor awareness of potential ability
- Recall
- Logical/Mathematical ability
- Verbal/linguistic ability
18The Multiple Intelligence Wheel
From Colin Rose in Master it Faster
19I need water it speeds up information
Feed Me!
I need oxygen children need to move
I need proteins fish, fruit, nuts
20Give the big picture first (R) and then break
down into chunks (L)
Draw a diagram (R) from a description (L)
Visualise the desired outcome (R) and then
describe orally to another pupil (L)
Chant using rhyme, rhythm, rap (R) to convey
information (L)
How can I connect the L and R sides of my brain?
Brain Gym (L R)
Mind Mapping (L R)
21Retention Rates of Students
- Listening to a lecture 5
- Reading 10
- Audio-visual 20
- Demonstration 30
- Discussion Group 50
- Practise by doing 75
- Teaching Others 90