Title: Terese Rainwater Program Director State Scholars Initiative WICHE
1Terese Rainwater Program DirectorState
Scholars InitiativeWICHE
SSI Overview
2- The U.S. economy has traded in its hard hat for
a briefcase. The country that made the assembly
line famous now employs more office workers than
factory workers. -
- Source Educational Testing Service, Can We
Achieve Equity with Generation Y?, 2000,
Princeton, NJ, p. 35.
3What is SSI?
- The goal of State Scholars Initiative is to
increase the number of high school students
taking a rigorous course of study. - To do this SSI brings business leaders into
classrooms, where these leaders work with
educators to motivate middle and high school
students to take and complete a rigorous course
of study. - The course of study is patterned after the
recommendations of the National Commission on
Excellence in Education. -
4What is SSI?
Upper 25
Minor focus majority already motivated
Middle 50
SSIs Heaviest Focus greatest opportunity
Lower 25
special challenges
5What is SSI?
4-Year College
Workforce (Civilian Military)
Community or Technical College
6What is SSI?
- The State Scholars Initiative is designed to help
all students succeed not just those who want a
bachelors degree. - Those who plan to enter career pathway programs
at two-year colleges and technical institutes are
finding they have to complete rigorous
requirements for entry into programs in in-demand
fields like nursing, computer science, and
engineering technologies. -
7State Career Clusters
- How SSI relates to State Career Clusters
- All clusters recommend four years of math
- Ten clusters recommend pre-calculus or stats
- Five clusters recommend calculus
- All clusters (except finance) recommend four
years of science, including chemistry and physics - Four clusters recommend AP chemistry, biology,
and physics - Source Presentation Creating a High School
Diploma that Counts, American Diploma Project,
8Why is SSI important?
- U. S. businesses know high school students are
not prepared for college or the workplace - According to the Committee for Economic
Development, only 31 percent of high school
students complete the rigorous set courses
recommended by the National Commission on
Excellence in Education.
Source Cracks in the Education Pipeline A
Business Leaders Guide to Higher Education
Reform. Committee for Economic Development, May
9Why is SSI important?
- U. S. businesses know high school students are
not prepared for college or the workplace - 70 of the 30 fastest-growing jobs will require
an education beyond high school. - 40 of all new jobs will require at least an
associates degree. - Total college-level job openings between
1990-2008 will nearly equal the number of college
educated entrants to the workforce. - Source US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
Statistics, The Outlook for College Graduates,
1998-2008, 2000, in Getting Ready Pays Off!
10Job Skills
- All jobs require high-level skills
- Requirements for tool and die makers
- - Four or five years of apprenticeship and/or
postsecondary training - - Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics
- Requirements for sheet metal workers
- - Four of five years of apprenticeship
- - Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and technical
reading - Source Presentation Creating a High School
Diploma that Counts, American Diploma Project,
11Why is SSI important?
- High school students know they are not prepared
for college or the workplace - According to a February 2005 survey conducted by
Peter Hart Research Associates, approximately 40
percent of high school graduates reported key
gaps in their preparation. With a majority
noting that if they could take high school over
again, they would work harder and take more
challenging courses. - Peter D. Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion
Strategies - (Washington, DC Achieve, Inc. February 2005)
12Minority Interest Far Exceeds Availability of
Advanced Math
Source National Action Council for Minorities in
Engineering, Progress Toward Power A Follow-up
Survey of Parents Attitudes about Math and
Science. Research Letter, October 2001.
13Why is SSI important?
- Variation in K-12 graduation requirements
produces uneven performance -
- In general , state K-12 systems require 2-3 years
of mathematics, while most higher education
systems require 3 years or more. - Most higher education systems want at least
Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II, while most
K-12 systems stop at Algebra I or Geometry. - Source Aligning K-12 and Postsecondary
Expectations State Policy in Transition. NASH,
October 2002.
14What people are saying
- "The Scholars Initiative has served to enrich and
deepen our efforts to increase achievement
expectations for our high school students. A
direct outcome of this effort has been the
dramatic increase in the number of students
taking higher level mathematics courses. The
Scholars Initiative is an example of a well
thought out and carefully crafted school
improvement strategy that actually works when
implemented." - William R. Glass
- Associate Superintendent
- Danbury Public Schools
- Danbury, CT
15How SSI makes it happen
- State-level business/education partnerships work
with students in middle and high schools,
encouraging them to excel. - Currently, 21 partnerships are in the SSI network
16Current Network
Mississippi Nebraska New Jersey New Mexico
North Carolina Oklahoma Rhode Island
Tennessee Utah Virginia West Virginia
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Indiana
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
17Motivating Students
- Training business people to make presentations to
8th graders right before they select their high
school courses. - Business volunteers help students understand the
career options and monetary benefits of taking
rigorous courses (defined in the Scholars core). - State Scholars programs provide academic support,
incentives, and special recognition to SSI
students. This ongoing support helps ensure
student success in the more difficult courses.
18Sustaining the Program
- In addition to receiving the SSI federal grant
monies, business/education partnerships are asked
to support the states program through financial
and in-kind contributions. - Programs need to fund
- - training for business representatives to make
effective student presentations - - summer student academies
- - staff development for school staff
- - marketing campaigns
- - student scholarships
- - incentives and recognition events.
19Chart provided by Kristen Conklin, NGA
20Who we are
- The Western Interstate Commission for Higher
Education is a regional organization created by
the Western Regional Education Compact, adopted
in the 1950s by Western states. - WICHE began operations in 1953 and is governed by
three gubernatorially-appointed Commissioners
from each of its 15 member states. - WICHE was created to facilitate resource sharing
among the higher education systems of the West.
It has implemented a number of regional
activities to accomplish its objectives. WICHE
also has supported a number of national
initiatives. - In September 2005, WICHE was chosen to direct the
U. S. Department of Education-funded State
Scholars Initiative (SSI), a national program
that works to motivate students to complete a
rigorous course of study in high school.
21Contact SSI
- TERESE RAINWATERProgram Director, State Scholars
Initiative303.541.0225 Email
trainwater_at_wiche.edu - JERE MOCK Director of Programs and Services,
WICHE 303.541.0222 Email jmock_at_wiche.edu - CHRISTIAN MARTINEZProgram Coordinator, State
Scholars Initiative303.541.0210 Email
cmartinez_at_wiche.edu - MICHELLE MEDAL Administrative Coordinator, State
Scholars Initiative303.541.0224
22The work reported herein was supported under
State Scholars Initiative, PR/Award Number
V051U050006 as administered by the Office of
Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department
of Education. However, the contents do not
necessarily represent the positions or policies
of the Office of Vocational and Adult Education
or the U.S. Department of Education, and you
should not assume endorsement by the Federal