Title: Nouns and Noun Phrases
1Nouns and Noun Phrases
- HS Sommersemester 2005
- Prof. Dr. Wolf Paprotté
2Nouns and Noun Phrases
Languages have two components which serve
complementary functions component 1 the closed
class of forms which serve a structuring
function (prepositions, conjunctions,
inflections, ) they give structure to the
content in discourse, and to the conceptual
inventory of language ? their function
giving structure
3Nouns and Noun Phrases
component 2 the open class of lexical forms
they are numerous it is easy to create new
lexical entries they constitute the conceptual
content of discourse (stems of nouns, verbs,
adjectives, ) ? their function determine the
basic content of discourse
4Nouns and Noun Phrases
- The stewards served a hot meal to the
passengers. - Will the steward serve hot meals to the
passenger? - 5 open class elements which determine the
- referential content of the depicted situation -
- i.e. steward, serve, hot, meal, passenger
- closed class elements
- ed occurring before the time of
speaking - the entity known to the speaker and hearer
- -s plurality of number
5Nouns and Noun Phrases
- closed class elements (cont)
- a entity not known to the hearer
- to indicates who received sth
- the object status indicates the recipient
- if no new open class elements occur, the
referential content of the depicted situation
remains the same - new closed class elements cause
- word order interrogative instead of
declarative S - will epistemic modality / future tense
- different assignments of number
6HS Nouns and Noun Phrases
- 1. Words are assigned to grammatical categories
on the basis of their shared semantic, syntactic,
morphological properties - - semantically based criteria
- Nouns denote entities (cat, dog, bank, hill)
- Verbs denote actions (read, study, listen,
destroy) - Adjectives denote properties (ill, rich,
stupid, slow) - Adverbs denote manner (painfully, slowly,
badly, cynically) - Prepositions denote location (in, at, under,
on) - Discuss the following words assassination, fast
food, Münster, through - Abstract / concrete nouns
7HS Nouns and Noun Phrases
- Semantic properties for determining PoSmembership
- Referencedef The phenomenon by which some noun
phrase in a - particular utterance or sentence is associated
with some entity in the real or conceptual world.
- Trask 1993, A Dictionary of grammatical terms
in Linguistics. London p. 232 -
- Referencedef the relationship which holds
between an expression - and what that expression stands for on
particular occasions of its - utterance.
- Lyons, Semantics, Vol. I, p. 170
- Reference is an utterance-dependent notion.
8HS Nouns and Noun Phrases
- In uttering Napoleon is a Corsican the speaker
refers to a certain - Individual by means of a referring expression.
- What is the speaker referring to by means of the
expression x? - Expressions e.g. definite NP proper name, or
personal pronouns - Singular definite reference referring to a
specific individual or class of individual - Singular indefinite Reference
- Every evening, a heron flies over the chalet.
It nests in the grounds of the chateau.
9- Distributive and collective general reference
- Those books cost 15 dollars.
- Non-referring definite NPs
- Smiths murderer is insane
- Generic reference
- A lion / the lion is a friendly beast.
- Lions are friendly beasts
10- Sense Bedeutung
- John referring expression is a fool
functions predicatively - The criterion for substitutability in subject
position in this construction is referential
identity. - The criterion for substitutability in predicate
position is identity of sense . - Lyons 1977 Vol I , p. 201
- The victor of Jena and the loser of Waterloo
11Nouns and Nounphrases
- Open class forms are free to express any kind of
meaning / any kind of conceptual content - Closed class forms are restricted in the kinds of
concepts they communicate in many languages - inflection may indicate number(s) sg, pl, dual,
paucal - lexical items can indicate any number
- word formation may indicate large quantity or
size, as in Gr. - big (bad) Wolf - (nice) little Wolf Wolfara
Wolfaki - - no language inflects for colour, for
countable, even, odd, dozen
12Nouns and the Nounphrase
- - morphological criteria concern the
inflectional and derivational properties - inflectional
- marking nouns for NUMBER SINGULAR or PLURAL
- marking nouns for CASE GENITIVE
- derivational
- properties of the wordform, affixes -ness,
-ion, -er - Discuss happier, lion, Loch Ness, sheep,
geese, cats, h - Singularia tantum, gold, Henry
- Pluralia tantum binoculars, trousers,
scales, shorts -
13Nouns and Noun Phrases
- - distributional / syntactic properties
occurrence in specific contexts - the _______
- a_________
- two, three _________
- _______ N Npl
- some______
- every________
14Nouns and Noun Phrases
- Subclasses of N
- Proper Nouns
- Common Nouns
- Count Nouns (Individuativa, Gattungsnamen,
Appellativa - Noncount Nouns (Kontinuativa, Stoff- ,
Substanz- bezeichnungen) - Count and non-count (mixed class)
- Test 1 for Count Nouns SG _______
- The ______ A _______
- Every_______
- Test 2 for Count Nouns PL All (the)______
- Some _______
- _________ / N NPL
15Nouns and Noun Phrases
- Testframe group1 group 2 group3
group 2 3 - I saw ____ John car furniture
brick - I saw the__ car furniture
brick - I saw a___ car
brick - I saw some__ furniture
brick - I saw ______ cars
brick - proper nouns, common nouns, count nouns,
(individual countable entities), noncount nouns
(undifferentiated mass or continuum) - Spree, Beethoven, cake, Puccini, Jerry,
table,stone, bread, grass, lawn, bottle, chair,
idea, paper, dog, music, warmth, stone
16Nouns and Noun Phrases
- Behaviour under determination (German nouns)
- Common Nouns / Individuativa
- Test countability
- Number
- in Sing obligatory article
- Pl optional article word
- Hybrids
- Test frames
- 1. ein ___ eine____ irgendein ____
- jeder, jedes, jede_____ Kardinalzahl _______
- 2. einige, etliche, wenige, manche keine, viele,
alle ___ - 3. test for hybrids
17Nouns and Noun Phrases
- Note some common nouns occurring only as
Pluraliatantum take an obligatory article - Die Annalen / die Altforderen
- some pluralia tantum cannot be quantified
(uniqueness constraint) - Er schrieb zwei Memoiren
- A mentioned common noun may occur without an
article word - Gänsegeier ist ein Wort, das man häufig benutzt
- A common noun occuring with separable particles
of German verbs needs an article word - Ich freue mich über das Buch.
- Wir ärgern uns über jeden Fehler.
18Nouns and Noun Phrases
- Common nouns denoting professions, titles,
functions, status, nationality or origin etc.
occur as subject complements without an article - Professor Unheimlich re-surfaced recently.
- Er ist Bäcker / Lehrer / Student/Aktionär,
Anfänger - ? Professorin Heimlich hält gerade ihre
Vorlesung. - Frau Professor .
- ? Sie ist Tasse.
- Er ist Berliner.
- Er ist Angehöriger / Christ / Muslim /
Flüchtling. - Test for other copula / AUX verbs (seem.)
19Nouns and Noun Phrases
- German Kontinuativa Plural
- without plural, a determiner may occur
- the denotatum cannot be counted denote
quantities of - substances if divided into smaller
quantities, - may be quantified using alle, ein bißchen,
mancherlei, wenig, - Test frames
- ein bißchen ______ Anglistik / Fleiß / Gold
Stroh - viel ______ Suppe Fisch
- etwas ______ Humor
- allow plural Sortenplural Öle, Stähle,
Zemente Fische - Fisch (SING) Kontinuativum Nullartikel
definiter und indefiniter Artikel - (PL) Fischarten or countable number (3
20Nouns and Noun Phrases
- Derived nouns (German), deverbal and deadjectival
- semantic criterion these nouns denote some
state of affairs, i.e. a predicate plus 1 to n
argument positions - Ich beobachte seine Änderung der Meinung.
- Ich beobachte sein Ändern der Meinung.
- Ich beobachte, dass er seinen Meinung ändert.
- Ich beobachte die Änderungen der Meinung.
- State of affairs as a dass-clause, infinitival
clause, präpositional attribute, genitive
attribute, or part of a compound -
- Test for Anwendung Beendigung Abschürfung
21Nouns and Noun Phrases
- With respect to determination, the derived nouns
of - German fall into two classes
- sg kontinuativa, plural Individuativa
definite, indefinite and null article - Test frame
- Ich bin gegen _______ Abrüstung, Abstinenz,
Ausbeutung, Überdüngung, Übermüdung - Sg definite or indefinite determiner / article
- Test frame
- Ich bin gegen die / eine _______ Abfassung,
Alarmierung, Anwendung, Auslagerung, Bedrohung,
Überspielung - Er beobachtet Äußerung
- Ich bin gegen Abfassung der Resolution.
22Nouns and Noun Phrases
- Proper nouns (Eigennamen propria)
- - person, brand, product, location, nation etc.
names - - semantic function denote and identify unique
entities - (note vague meaning of unique)
- - proper nouns occur with and without DET /
article - - genitive sg without article, word final affix
remains - Proper names with article some mountain, lake,
river region, building etc. names need an
article - die Türkei, die USA, die Schweiz, die Alhambra,
die Bretagne, die Balearen.
23Nouns and Noun Phrases
- Nouns with null-article
- Ãœbersee, Aids, Glasnost, Jahresfrist
- Nouns plus attributive adjective, null-article
- Schöne Pfingsten, fröhliche Weinachten, gutes
Neues Jahr - Nominalised infinitives, null-article is
possible no plural - Das Wandern ist ätzend. Ich genieße das Laufen
das Ãœben macht den Meister
24Nouns and Noun Phrases
- Determination behaviour of nouns null article
individuative vs. kontinuativa in German - Ich zahle per Scheck. Ich kaufe per Scheck.
- Erarbeitet nur noch per Anweisung.
- Er kommt als Seemann verkleidet zur Fete.
- Sie erhielten viel als Entschädigung
- Ich verstehe unter Berg etwas Anderes.
- Ich leide unter dem Trainer. ___ unter
Ãœberarbeitung durch (die)
Abschnürung der Bißwunde - Er kauft den Tisch. Ohne Tisch sieht das kahl
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