Title: Field Assessment for Water Resource Protection
1Field Assessment for Water Resource Protection
Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service
2Want to do a better job of protecting soil
water quality?
3Where do I start?
4What is a Field Assessment?
Use Extension publication Field Assessment for
Water Resource Protection (WQ-42)
- Helps you assess your
- Nutrient Management
- Soil Conservation
- Pest Management
- Drainage Irrigation Management
- Areas Adjacent to Fields
5Streamlined Method
Uses a 3-step quick check method to ask key
questions about field practices.
- Answer questions
- For No or Dont Know answers go to
recommendations and assistance - Write down an action plan to improve upon weaker
areas of management
6Assessment Quick Check
8Action Plan
9Lets Try It
10(No Transcript)
11- Background Information for Field Assessment
Example - Corn and soybeans are alternated from year to
year - No cover crops are grown
- No manure is applied
- Soils are tested for nutrient, mineral, and
organic matter levels once every four years, but
no other nutrient monitoring methods are used - Tends to go on what fertilizer dealer recommends
for application rates on nitrogen - Nutrients are often applied in fall along with
fall plowing due to time crunch of spring
planting - Unless it is raining, herbicides are applied to
schedule, and label and rates followed, but no
crop scouting is conducted - Insecticides are applied if evidence of pests
present, but application is not based on economic
thresholds - Field soils and topography have not been
evaluated for potential for leaching and runoff
of nutrients and pesticides - Sensitive environmental areas (streams, karst,
etc.) are recognized, but no specific management
actions are taken to protect them - Pesticides are mixed over the gravel driveway
using a hose with no backflow device directly
into spray tank - Chemical jugs are triple rinsed and recycled
12Implement the Action Plan
- Implement the action plan
- Contact your local Extension Educator, and Soil
Water District for assistance - Ask about conservation programs for the practices
you are seeking to improve upon.
13Monitor Changes in the Soil
Use Extension publication On-Farm Soil
Monitoring for Water Resource Protection, WQ-43
- Farmer driven
- Easy to do
- Increases soil quality knowledge
- Evaluates impact of practices
- Leads to better decision making
14How to obtain materials
- Call toll free to Purdue Extension
- 1-888-EXT-INFO and ask for WQ-42.
- Click on Field Assessment at www.ces.purdue.edu/
waterquality. - Ask your County Extension Educator
15Field Assessment for Water Resource Protection
helps you
- Assess your current practices,
- Identify recommended changes,
- Find Purdue publications and other resources that
can help, - Complete a plan for making the changes,
- Determine your next steps to improving and
monitoring your practices.
Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service