Public Key Cryptography - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Public Key Cryptography


Alice computes gar , then g-ar, and finally. M = M(gar)(g-ar) 18. El Gamal Example. ga mod p = 3 ... gar mod p = 9. Mgar mod p = 10. g-ar mod p = 5. g = 5. p ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Public Key Cryptography

Lecture 9
  • Public Key Cryptography
  • Public Key Algorithms
  • CIS 4362 - CIS 5357
  • Network Security

Eulers Totient function ?(n) - again
  • ?(n) is the number of positive integers less than
    n and relatively prime to n.
  • Let p be a prime. Then ?(p) p 1
  • Let n pq for p and q prime. Then ?(n) ?(pq)
  • Proof outline look at numbers relatively prime
    to pq. Must take all the numbers less than pq
    but eliminate multiples of p and multiples of q.
  • (pq 1)(q 1)(p 1) (p 1)(q 1)
  • Example let n 15,
  • Then ?(15) ?(5) ?(3) 8 Z15

Eulers Theorem - extension
  • Eulers theorem for every a and n that are
    relatively prime, a?(n) 1 mod n
  • Corollary for every a and n that are relatively
    prime, ak?(n)1 a mod n
  • For n a product of two primes p and q, then for
    all a and k non-negative, ak?(n)1 a mod n
    Proof outline consider case where a is a
    multiple of p, a cp. Then gcd(a,q) 1.

Discrete Logarithms
  • Let y gx mod p
  • x is said to be the (discrete) logarithm of y,
    with base g.
  • It is easy to compute y, given g,x, and p.
  • It is hard to find x, given g,p, and y.
  • It is believed to be as hard as factoring large

xy 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 4 8 6 2 4 8 6 2 4 8 6
3 1 3 9 7 1 3 9 7 1 3 9 7 1
4 1 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6
5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 1 7 9 3 1 7 9 3 1 7 9 3 1
8 1 8 4 2 6 8 4 2 6 8 4 2 6
9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1
Table for exponentiation mod 10
Looking at the mod 10 table
  • Note that ?(10) 4. Also, 10 is the product of
    distinct primes so Eulers theorem applies (for
    any x)
  • that is x1 k?(n) x mod n where n 10, for
    all x
  • thus ?(10) 4 means that every 4th column will
    be the same (except starting at x0)
  • Note however that although exponentiating by 1,
    3, and 4, are a permutation of the set 1-9,
    exponentiating by 2 does not result in a
  • this is because 2 is not a coprime of 4 ?(10)
  • for all coprimes of 4, for example e 3 we can
    find a d such that ed 1 mod 4.
  • Thus, using mod 10 arithmetic, xed x1 ?(10)
    x and thus x3 has an exponentiative inverse in
    the sense that for all x, (x3)d x, for some d.

  • Rivest, Shamir, Adleman, 1978, MIT
  • Variable key size, common to use 1024 bits
  • Generating RSA keys is based on finding
    multiplicative inverses of large numbers
    (modulo), which is not hard
  • Generating RSA ciphertext is based on modulo
    exponentiation, which is not hard
  • RSA's strength is based on difficulty of
    factoring large numbers and computing discrete
    logarithms, which is believed to be hard.
  • There may be other trap doors in RSA, but none
    have been found yet.

The RSA AlgorithmChoosing public and private keys
  • Let k be the key length then choose two large
    prime numbers p and q of bit lengths k/2, for
    example 512 bits each. Let n pq.
  • Choose e lt n with e relatively prime to ?(n).
    The public key is lte,ngt
  • Find multiplicative inverse d of e mod ?(n). The
    private key is ltd,ngt

RSA operationsencryption / decryption
  • Encryption for a message m lt n, c me mod n
    (c is the ciphertext)
  • Decryption given the ciphertext c,compute cd
    mod n
  • Note that cd mod n med mod n m since d was
    chosen so that ed 1 k ?(n) and we are simply
    using Eulers (extension) theorem

RSA operationssignature / verification
  • Signature for a message m lt n, s md mod n
    (s is the signature)
  • Signature verification given the signature
    s,compute se mod n
  • Note that se mod n med mod n m. Also anyone
    can verify the signature using the public key.

RSA Example
  1. Select two large primes, 2357 and 2551.
  1. Multiply them to get n 6012707
  2. Select e 3674911, relatively prime to ?(n)
  1. d 422191 is the multiplicative inverse of e mod
  • Encrypt m 5234673 lt n as
  • c me mod n
  • 52346733674911 mod 6012707
  • 3650502
  • Decrypt c as, m cd mod n
  • 3650502 422191 mod 6012707
  • 5234673

Back to one way functionsan example of
encryption / decryption
  • Let n be a large number
  • Let the plaintext be viewed as M lt n
  • To get the ciphertext, we do the following
  • C Me mod n
  • Example
  • Let (e,n) be (7, 187) and M be 88
  • Then C 887 mod 187 11
  • (d,n)(23,187)and 187 17 ? 11
  • Then M 1123 mod 187 88

An Attack on RSA
  • An intruder, X intercepts a message (m) intended
    for Alice encrypted under Alice's public key(e)
  • (m)e mod n
  • The intruder generates a value x, computes
  • xeme mod n (xm)e mod n
  • and sends it to Alice
  • Alice decrypts the message to attain the value
  • xm mod n, which appears to be garbage
  • If Alice disposes of the "garbage" carelessly,
    the intruder can recover it and compute
  • (xmx-1) mod n m

Some aspects of RSA
  • It's strength is based on the difficulty of
    factoring large numbers and the difficulty of
    computing discrete logarithms
  • It is much more computationally intensive than
    DES, IDEA, AES, etc.
  • It has avoidable weaknesses
  • If there are a limited number of plaintext
    messages used in practice, can compute all the
    corresponding ciphertext messages and compare
  • Encrypting small messages (say the value of e
    used is 3. Then can recover using cube root
  • Smooth number threat product of small primes
  • Need to pad properly

Diffie Hellman
  • Oldest public key system in use
  • Allows Alice and Bob to agree on a shared key
    even though all messages are exchanged in the
  • Limited functionality the shared secret can
    subsequently be used for encrypting / decrypting
    using other systems
  • Weakness no authentication as a basic element
    of DH

Diffie Hellman Key Exchange
  • Choose a large prime p and g lt p. These are
    publicly known to all. (some restrictions on g
    and p for additional security)
  • Alice and Bob randomly choose a and b
    respectively - these are their individual
    private keys.
  • Alice computes TA ga mod p, Bob computes
    TB gb mod p
  • Alice and Bob exchange the values TA and TB
  • Alice computes TBa mod p and Bob computes TAb mod
  • They have both computed the same number, the
    shared secret key

Intro to El Gamal
  1. Alice and Bob agree on a large (512 bits) prime
    p and a generator g lt p with some restrictions on
    g. (Operations are all mod p)
  2. Alice chooses a random number a (her private
    key) and computes and publishes her public key
    TA ga
  3. To transmit a message M, Bob selects a random
    number r (private), and computes and sends to
    Alice C (gr,Mgar)
  4. Alice computes gar , then g-ar, and finally
    M M(gar)(g-ar)

El Gamal Example
ga mod p 3 gr mod p 3 gar mod p
9 Mgar mod p 10 g-ar mod p 5
g 5 p 11 a 2 r 7 M 6
Mgar g-ar mod p 6
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