Title: The Iliad
1The Iliad
2Some Features of Homers Style
- Special formulaic language of the aoidos such as
fixed and recurring epithets and type scenes - Exaggerated, leisurely pace of story-telling
- Dislike of suspense
- Fondness for lists (genealogies, catalogues), may
derive from an oral way of organizing information - Similes - far more common in the Iliad than the
Odyssey a way of stopping the action, commenting
on it, enriching or judging it.
3Homeric Similes
4Homer and Plot
- Aristotle analyzed plot as a literary
representation of a single action (praxis) its
beginning, middle, and end. - The action of the Iliad the anger of Achilles.
- Modern films have 3 parts separated by a plot
point (an incident that changes the direction of
the story). Primary plot points of a 120 minute
film appear at minutes 30 and 90, with a
subordinate plot point at minute 60, the midpoint
of the film.
5Homeric epics tripartite structure
- The Iliad
- Plot point 1 the quarrel between Achilles and
Agamemnon, who takes away his concubine (Books
1-16). - Secondary plot point the embassy to Achilles
- Plot point 2 the death of Patroklus (Achilles
avenges him and abandons his anger).
6Time frame of the Iliad
- The entire span of the epic is 51 days, but
almost the entire poem is devoted to 4 days
(Books 3-22).
7Narrative Units
- Invocation The Anger of Achilles (1.1-7)
- Homer places the theme before us, in fact, in the
first word. - He begins not such much in medias res but at the
beginning of his story (the anger).
8Ransom of Chryseis (1.8-611)
- Key concepts to know
- geras (prize visible representation of personal
honor). - time (honor, value, worth)
- kleos (immortal glory)
- menis (superhuman rage)
9What sets off the quarrel?
- Book 1.1-300 one of the greatest action
sequences in literature. Homer defines the story
of the double-bind, or Catch-22 no matter which
way a character turns, he is ruined.
10Motif the helpful mother
- No common goal can overcome individual conflict.
- To whom does Achilles turn for help?
11The False Dream (2.1-210)
- Direction of action changes completely.
- The sequence that follows Achilles withdrawal
must show how Zeus brought the Achaians defeat
(his promise to Thetis). - Homer now gives us the story of the Trojan War
- the sequence of scenes gives us the sense that
time is passing things are happening as
Achilles sits out the fighting.
12Agamemnons Foolish Plan
- Why does Agamemnon tell his troops that they will
never conquer Troy? - What happens then?
- Anti-war themes in Greek warrior culture
- Who retrieves the situation?
- What does the Thersites scene do for the
13Catalogue of Ships (2.441-887)
- To magnify the battles greatness, Homer lists
the combatants here. - One of most famous similes - comparison of troops
with birds and flies. - First geography of the western world.
14Catalogue of Ships
- The information given here doesnt always agree
with that in the rest of the poem. The catalogue
was probably a traditional song from Boiotia. - Homer starts his description with the Boiotians,
then spirals first counter-clockwise, then
15The Trojan Catalogue
- Shorter than the Greek.
- Organized first from N to S, from Troy to Caria,
then follows the southern coast of Asia Minor to
Lycia. - The sheer mass of names in the catalogues gives
us a feeling for the immensity of the war about
to unfold.
16Helen on the Wall (3.121-244)
- Before the armies clash, we now meet Hektor, the
major Trojan hero, who proposes a duel between
Menelaos and Paris (belongs to first year of war) - Helen goes out to watch from the walls.
17The Teikhoskopia
- Helen joins the gathered Trojan elders on the
walls. - Kindly Priam reassures her, then asks her to
identify the Greek heroes below. This action
belongs to the first year of the war, also. - Menelaos is beating Paris when Aphrodite spirits
him away, forces Helen to go to him.
18Treachery of Pandarus (4.1-219) Marshalling
of the Host (4.220-363)
- At the end of narrative units, Homer tends to get
the action going again via type scenes divine
assemblies, arming, feasting, and sacrifice
scenes. - How do the gods get the fighting going?
- Homer delays the outbreak of fighting with a
second catalogue of Achaians. What do we learn
from this?
19Glory of Diomedes (4.364-5.909)
- First major fighting sequence features Diomedes.
- Homeric fighting - between individual heroes. The
hero kills and gets the time. - aristeia a sequence of scenes glorifying a hero
(moment of excellence).
20Narrative Pattern
- The story is supposed to be telling us how the
Trojans defeated the Achaians by the will of Zeus
and request of Achilles, but in fact the Greek
heroes are driving back the Trojans. Probably
shows influence of rich tradition of tales
telling of Achaian victories, and a poor
tradition of telling of Trojan.
21Dying enemies
- Homer tells us, as each man dies, enough about
him to make us feel the pathos of his death. - This engages readers and makes them appreciate
the human cost of war.
22Glaucus Diomedes (6.1-236)
- The meeting of Glaucus from Lycia and Diomedes
from Argos gives us a respite from the gore of
war and a quiet end to Diomedes aristeia. - Features one of Homers great similes
(generations of leaves ephemeral nature of human
life) - Brings the bond of xenia back to forefront.
23Hektor and Andromache (6.237-529)
- Shows us life in the Trojan city
- Shows us Hektor as brother, son, brother-in-law
and husband (not just warrior). - Reminds us what is at stake.
- Gender roles I have learned to fight in the
forefront of battle - Hektor must fight, no matter the consequences.
24Women as Delayers
- Women seek to delay Hektor
- Hecuba - wine
- Helen - seat in womens quarters
- Andromache - for my sake, dont go
- out and fight again.
- The scene of Hektor and Andromache at the Skaian
Gate is one of most famous in literature.
25- The family scene of Hektor, Andromache and
Astyanax is contrasted with the fruitless union
of Paris and Helen - built on lust, it leads
nowhere but to death. Their selfishness and
enslavement to personal pleasure will bring the
doom of city and Trojans.
26The Duel Between Hektor and Ajax (Book 7)
- The first day of fighting hasnt yet finished
when Hektor returns to the plain with Paris. - At Apollos instigation, Hektor suddenly issues a
challenge to duel (belongs in first year of war). - Ajax wins the lot.
- Duel is stylized verbal insults, javelins,
stones duel is stopped before swordfight.
27End of the Day
- Nestor asks for truce for collection of dead
recommends the Achaians built a wall before the
ships (1st year of war). - Trojan council recommends Paris return Helen and
treasure he refuses to give back Helen (1st year
of war).
28Trojans Triumphant (Book 8)
- Homer needs to prepare for the midpoint of the
plot, the embassy to Achilles, so we need to see
the Greeks in deep trouble to motivate it. - Zeus sends bolts to frighten Achaians, even so,
they rally. - Zeus forbids other gods to interfere makes
prophecy which keeps our minds on the master plan.