Title: Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms to Continuous Problem
1Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms to
Continuous Problem
Sunday, November 15, 2009 by
- Yoon-Teck Bau, Hong-Tat Ewe, Chin-Kuan Ho
- Faculty of Information Technology
- Multimedia University, Malaysia
- ytbau, htewe, ckho_at_mmu.edu.my
- http//pesona.mmu.edu.my/ytbau/
2Talk Outlines
- Research Objective
- Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithms
Overview - PSO to Continuous Problem
- PSO and Non-linear Maximization Problem
- Experiments and Results
- Conclusions
- References
3Research Objective
- To study PSO in continuous problem
- To compare the performance of genetic algorithms
with PSO in maximization problem - To share and exchange knowledges related to PSO
and swarm intelligence
4PSO Algorithms Overview
- Introduced by Russel Ebenhart (an Electrical
Engineer) and James Kennedy (a Social
Psychologist) in 1995 - Belongs to the categories of Swarm Intelligence
techniques and Evolutionary Algorithms for
optimization - Inspired by the social behavior of birds, which
was studied by Craig Reynolds (a biologist) in
late 80s and early 90s - Optimization problem representation is similar to
the genes encoding methods used in GAs but for
PSO the variables are called dimensions, that
create a multi-dimensional hyperspace. - "Particles" fly in this hyperspace and try to
find the global minima/maxima, their movement
being governed by a simple mathematical equation.
5PSO Basic Mathematical Equations
- Basic mathematical equations in PSO
particles personal best
particles neighbours best
particles itself
6Repulsive PSO (1)
- RPSO is a global optimization algorithm, belongs
to the class of stochastic evolutionary global
optimizers, a variant of particle swarm
optimization (PSO).
7Repulsive PSO (2)
- The different realizations of PSO, where there is
a repulsion between particles that can prevent
the swarm being trapped in local minima (which
would cause a premature convergence and would
lead the optimization algorithm to fail to find
the global optimum). - The main difference between PSO and RPSO is the
propagation mechanism (vt1) to determine new
positions for a particle in the search space. - RPSO is capable of finding global optima in more
complex search spaces. On the other hand,
compared to PSO it may be slower on certain types
of optimization problems.
8PSO Pseudocode
- for i 1 to number of particles n
- for j 1 to number of dimensions m
- C2 uniform random number
- C3 uniform random number
- V i j C1V i j C2(P
i j -X i j ) -
C3(G i j -X i j ) - X i j X i j V i j
9PSO Algorithms Common Parameter
- c1/? is an inertial constant. Good values are
usually slightly less than 1. - c2 and c3 are two random vectors with each
component generally a uniform random number
between 0 and 1. - Very frequently the value of c1/? is taken to
decrease over time e.g., one might have the PSO
run for a certain number of iterations and
decrease linearly from a starting value (0.9,
say) to a final value (0.4, say) in order to
facilitate exploitation over exploration in later
states of the search.
10PSO to Continuous Problem
11PSO to Continuous Problem
- Continuous optimization problem as opposed to
discrete optimization, the variables used in the
objective function can assume real values, e.g.,
values from intervals of the real line. - The particles "communicate" information they find
about each other by updating their velocities in
terms of local and global bests when a new best
is found, the particles will change their
positions accordingly so that the new information
is "broadcast" to the swarm. - The particles are always drawn back both to their
own personal best positions and also to the best
position of the entire swarm. - They also have stochastic exploration capability
via the use of the random multipliers c2, and c3.
- Typical convergence conditions include reaching a
certain number of iterations, reaching a certain
fitness value, and so on.
12PSO and Non-linear Maximization Problem
Non-linear Maximization problem f(x1,x2,x3) is
maximum if 0 lt x1, x2, x3 lt 10 x1 10 x2
0 x3 10 f(x1,x2,x3) 110
13Experiments and Results (1)
- Both the PSO's and GA's approaches are
implemented in Java v6.0 on Pentium4-1.80GHz CPU,
512M RAM, WinXP OS. - GAs uses roulette wheel selection scheme,
elitist model, one point crossover and uniform
14GAs Parameter
Experiments and Results (2)
PSOs Parameter
15Experiments and Results (3)
GAs Best max fitness value 109.78 Best
member x1 9.9931 x2 0.0075 x3
9.9949 Total time (ms) 3469
- PSOs
- Best max fitness value 110.00
- Best member
- x1 10.0
- x2 0.0
- x3 10.0
- Total time (ms) 344
- Note
- Mean of iteration 72.540000
- Mean fn val 110.000000
- Std. dev. fn val 0.000000
- Success rate 100.00
- PSO has proven both very effective and quick when
applied to a diverse set of optimization
problems. - GAs results can be much better if uniform
mutation, MU(x) U(a,b), is replaced by a
Gaussian mutation, where x a,b,
m is mean, s is variance, and
Ri is sum of 12 random numbers from the range
0..1. - In future, it will be interesting to study and to
compare the performance of PSOs with GAs and
also ACOs to solve discrete type of problem.
- Kennedy J, Eberhart R. C., and Shi Y. (2001).
Swarm Intelligence. USA Academic Press. - Michalewicz Z. (1996). Genetic Algorithms Data
Structures Evolution Programs. 3rd, Revised and
Extended Edition. USA Springer.