Title: Computational Intelligence Based Methodologies for Modeling and Optimization
1Computational Intelligence Based Methodologies
for Modeling and Optimization
- Somnath Nandi
- Asst. Professor
- Dept. of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering
- MIT - Pune
- Modeling
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Optimization
- Genetic Algorithms
- Differential Evolution
- Case Study
- Conclusion
- Engineers and scientists required to analyze the
complex processes and develop mathematical models
which simulate their steady-state and / or
dynamic behavior. - The objective is to construct, from theoretical
and empirical knowledge of the process, a
mathematical description. - A mathematical model provides information on the
process behavior, over important ranges of
operating variables, in terms of equations, which
reflects at least the major features of the
underlying mechanisms.
4Modeling (contd )
- Phenomenological Approach
- - Process behavior described in terms of the
appropriate mass, momentum and energy balance
equations together with the pertinent chemical
engineering principles. - - Mathematical formulation describing the
physico-chemical phenomena underlying in the
process is formulated followed by model fitting. - - Regression techniques based on the least
squares minimization
5Modeling (contd )
- Advantages
- - It provides a valuable insight into the
process behavior - - It possesses extrapolation ability
- Disadvantages
- - Owing to the complex nature of many processes,
the underlying physico-chemical phenomenon is
seldom fully understood - - Collection of the requisite phenomenological
information is costly, time-consuming and tedious - - Nonlinear behavior common for many processes
leads to complex nonlinear models, which in most
cases are not amenable to analytical solutions
thus, computationally intensive numerical methods
must be utilized for obtaining solutions
6Modeling (contd )
- Empirical Approach
- - Process behavior is modeled using
appropriately chosen empirical equations, for
instance, polynomial expressions. - - Model can be constructed solely from the
process input-output data without explicitly
invoking the process phenomenology. - - An appropriate functional form that possibly
fits the process data is selected in advance
following which the unknown model parameters are
estimated using a suitable function fitting
7Modeling (cond )
- Artificial Intelligence based Approach
- - AI is science and engineering of making
intelligent systems, especially intelligent
computer programs - - Related to task of using computers to
understand the human intelligence - - Intelligence can be broadly defined as
computational part of our ability to efficiently
achieve goals in the world.
8AI based Modeling Approaches
- Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
- Support Vector Regression (SVR)
- Genetic Programming (GP)
- Fuzzy Logic (FL)
9Artificial Neural Networks
- Efforts to develop computer models of the
information processing of human nervous system
(Rumelhart et. al., 1986). - Simplified mathematical models describing the
biological nervous system and functioning. - A highly interconnected system of simple
processing elements can learn complex
interrelationships between the independent and
the dependent variables in a data set.
10Artificial Neural Networks
11Artificial Neural Networks
12Artificial Neural Networks
- The distinct advantages of the ANN formalism are
- Can be developed solely from process
input-output data. - MIMO relationships can be approximated
- Possesses good generalization ability
- Can tolerate noisy data or incomplete
information - Can be developed even using qualitative data.
- Use a generic nonlinear function for function
approximation and thus there is no need to
specify system-specific data fitting function as
done in traditional regression.
13Artificial Neural Networks
- Principal applications of ANNs are
- (i) nonlinear function approximation (i.e.,
process modeling), - (ii) pattern recognition and classification,
- (iii) data reduction and compression,
- (iv) signal processing,
- (v) noise reduction.
14What is Optimization ?
- Optimization is use of specific methods to
determine the most cost-effective and efficient
solution to a problem or design for a process - A wide variety of problems in the design,
construction, operation, and analysis of
industrial processes can be resolved by
optimization - The field of statistics treats various principles
termed "maximum likelihood," "minimum loss," and
"least squares," and business makes use of
"maximum profit," "minimum cost," "maximum use of
resources," "minimum effort," in its efforts to
increase profits
15What is Optimization ?
- A typical engineering problem can be posed as
follows a process can be represented by some
equations or perhaps solely by experimental data.
You have a single performance criterion in mind
such as minimum cost - The goal of optimization is to find the values of
the variables in the process that yield the best
value of the performance criterion - A trade-off usually exists between capital and
operating costs. The described factors-process or
model and the performance criterion-constitute
the optimization "problem."
16What is Optimization ?
- Optimization is minimization or maximization of
an objective function (also called a performance
index or goal function) that may be subject to
certain constraints - min f (x) Goal function
- subject to,
- g (x) 0 Equality constraints
- h (x) lt 0 Inequality constraints
17Need for Optimization
- Typical problems in engineering process design or
plant operation have many (possibly an infinite
number) solutions - Optimization is concerned with selecting the best
among the entire set by efficient quantitative
methods - Computers and associated software make the
necessary computations feasible and cost
effective - To obtain useful information using computers,
however, requires - (1) critical analysis of the process or
design, - (2) insight about what appropriate performance
objectives are (what is to be
accomplished), - (3) use of past experience, sometimes called
engineering judgment.
18Applications of Optimization
- Determining the best sites for plant location
- Routing tankers for the distribution of crude and
refined products - Sizing and layout of a pipeline
- Designing equipment and an entire plant
- Scheduling maintenance and equipment replacement
- Operating equipment, such as tubular reactors,
columns, and absorbers - Evaluating plant data to construct a model of a
process - Minimizing inventory charges
- Allocating resources or services among several
processes - Planning and scheduling construction
191-Dimensional Search
202-Dimensional Search
212-Dimensional Search
222-Dimensional Search
23Unimodal Optimization
24Multi-modal Optimization
A function exhibiting different types of
stationary points. a-inflection point
(scalar equivalent to a saddle point)
b-global maximum c-local minimum
d-local maximum
25Global Methods of Optimization
26Performance of Classical Techniques
27Multiobjective Optimization
- A MOO problem will have two or more objectives
involving many decision variables and constraints - Consider an MOO problem with two objectives
f1(x) and f2(x), and several decision variables
(x) - Minimize f1(x) (1)
- Minimize f2(x) (2)
- With respect to x
- Subject to xL x xU (3)
- h (x) 0 (4)
- g (x) 0 (5)
28Multiobjective Optimization
29Different Evolutionary Techniques
- Genetic Algorithms (GA)
- Simulated Annealing (SA)
- Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
- Tabu Search (TS)
- Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
- Differential Evolution (DE)
- Memetic Algorithm (MA)
- Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic
Approximation (SPSA)
30What is GA ?
- GAs are computer based search and optimization
algorithms based on mechanics of natural genetics
and natural selection - A population of initial solution is generated
within feasible region - The main idea is
- - Survival of the fittest
- - Evolution of species with time
- Only best solution will survive till end
31What is GA ?
- Genetic Algorithms (GAs) were invented by John
Holland and developed by him and his students and
colleagues. This lead to Holland's book
"Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems"
published in 1975. - All living organisms consist of cells. In each
cell there is the same set of chromosomes - A chromosome consists of genes, blocks of DNA.
Each gene encodes a particular protein - Complete set of genetic material (all
chromosomes) is called genome. - Particular set of genes in genome is called
32Working Principle
- Let us consider the maximization problem
- Coding
- - Variable xi are first coded into binary
strings - - Length of string is determined based on
desired accuracy of solution
33Working Principle
- Fitness function
- - GA are based on survival-of-the-fittest
- - Naturally suitable for solving
maximization problems - - Minimization are transformed to suitable
maximization ones - - Fitness function is a measure of goodness
of the string - - Our target is to keep on increasing the
overall fitness functions of all the strings - - Genetic operators perform duty to
manipulate binary strings so that fitness
function is keep on increasing on successive
34Working Principle
- GA Operators
- - Reproduction / Selection
- Selects good strings of a population
- Forms a mating pool
- Above average stings are picked from current
population - Multiple copies of selected strings are placed
in mating pool in a probabilistic manner - No new strings are formed in this phase
- Roulette Wheel or Stochastic Remainder
Selection methods
35Working Principle
- Crossover
- - New strings are created
- - It exchanges information among
- strings of mating pool
- - 2 strings are picked at random
- - Point of crossover is probabilistically
Children Strings
Parent Strings
36Working Principle
- Mutation
- - It changes 1 to 0 and vice versa
- - Small probability pm generally lt 0.1
- - Need is to create a point in the neighborhood
of the current point - - Performs local search around current solution
- - It maintains diversity of population
- Generate initial population covering entire
range - Visit new places
- Extract characteristics of each region
- Cover as much as possible
- Performing Global Search
- All are done by Crossover operator
- Should be started once search space is well
scanned - Visit zones adjacent / nearby to already visited
- Check the performance
- Perform local search
- This is done by Mutation operator
- Step 1 Do coding, choose selection operator,
crossover and mutation probability (pc and pm).
Choose population size (n), string length (l),
max. no. of iterations (Nmax) - Step 2 Evaluate each string of population
- Step 3 Perform Reproduction on population
- Step 4 Perform crossover on random pairs of
strings - Step 5 Perform mutation on each string
- Step 6 Evaluate strings of new population
- Step 7 Set N N 1 and go to step 3
- Terminate if N gt Nmax or no further improvement
on string performance
40Advanced GA
- Multi Point Crossover
- Real Coded GA
- - Real variables are directly used
- - Optimal point of any desired accuracy
obtained - Non dominated Sorting
- - To keep versatility of population
- - Give more chance to a poor performer to
enhance its skills - Pareto GA
- - Population in a GA simulation is adaptively
divided into separate subpopulation,
corresponding to each optimum point by use of
sharing functions - - Can get all the solutions of Pareto Optimal
front in one shot
41GA - Applications
- Reactor Design Ammonia Synthesis
- Process Optimization
- Cumene Synthesis
- - Phenol Production
- Scheduling Refinery Operations
- Multiphase Trickle Bed Reactor
- Polymerization Processes
- MMA Synthesis
- - Polyethylene Plant
- - Nylon Manufacture
- Water Distribution
42Differential Evolution
- Introduced by Storn and Price in 1996
- Algorithm works with a population of size N
- Algorithm iterates as follows
- - Generate new vector by adding weighted
difference of two vectors to third - - Mix new vector with target vector to yield
trial vector - - Replace target vector with trial vector if
latter is strictly superior
43Differential Evolution
44(No Transcript)
45Differential Evolution
- F and CR are DE control parameters
- F is a real-valued factor in the range (0.0,1.0
- Upper limit on F has been empirically determined.
- CR is a real-valued crossover factor in range
0.0,1.0 - CR controls the probability that a trial vector
parameter will come from the randomly chosen
noise vector
46Importance of Parameters
- Optimal values are dependent both on objective
function characteristics and on the population
size, NP - Practical advice on how to select control
parameters NP, F and CR can be found in the
47Crossover in DE
48DE - Applications
- Multiprocessor synthesis
- Power minimisation
- Neural network learning.
- Crystallographic characterization
- Design of Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers
- Heat transfer parameter estimation in a trickle
bed reactor - Gas Transmission Network
- Water Pumping and Distribution Systems
- Optimization of Ammonia Synthesis Reactor
- Design and Operation of Thermal Cracker
49DE - Advantages
- Powerful algorithm- multidimensional functions
- Easy applicable to various problems.
- Widely used
- Literature and other materials available
- Generally good accuracy for real world problems
- Easy to implement as same parameter settings work
fine for a wide range of problems - Drawback
- Somewhat slow during initial iterations
50Cumene Synthesis
- Main reaction
- Benzene Isopropyl Alcohol ? Cumene Water
- (benzene alkylation)
- Secondary reactions
- Cumene Isopropyl Alcohol ? p-Di-isopropyl
Benzene Water - (cumene alkylation)
- p-Di-isopropyl Benzene ? m-Di-isopropyl Benzene
(isomerization) - 2 Isopropyl alcohol ? Di-isopropyl ether
Water - (alcohol dehydration)
51Cumene Synthesis
- Beta is a crystalline alumino-silicate catalyst
with high silica content - Important characteristic is that it is the only
large pore zeolite with chiral pore intersections
- It consists of 12-membered rings interconnected
by cages formed by intersecting channels - The linear channels have pore opening dimensions
of 5.7 ? 7.5 Ã… - the tortuous channels with intersections of two
linear channels have approximate dimensions of
5.6 ? 6.5 Ã… - The catalyst has pore volume of ? 0.2 cm3/g.
- Beta catalyst (1.5 mm extrudates with 20
binder) in its active protonated form with Si to
Al ratio of 15 was obtained from M/s UCIL, India
- Vapor phase isopropylation of benzene was carried
out in a pilot plant scale stainless steel
reactor - A preheater in its upstream and a condenser in
the down-stream - Material of construction SS 316,
- Internal diameter (ID) 25 mm
- Wall thickness 6 mm
- Reactor length 33 cm
- Catalyst bed height 10-15 cm
- Heating coils are wound around the reactor to
provide proper heating and maintain temperature - Reactor is also jacketed with insulation to
minimize the heat loss
54The Operation
- The liquid mixture of benzene and isopropyl
alcohol was fed to the reactor by a positive
displacement pump - Hydrogen was used as the carrier gas
- The condensed products collected were analyzed
with a Flame Ionization Detector (FID) using a
Xylene Master capillary column fitted to a
Shimadzu 15A Gas Chromatograph (GC)
55Process Parametrs
- Important Operating Variables
- reaction temperature (x1)
- pressure (x2)
- benzene to isopropyl alcohol mole ratio (x3)
- weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) (x4)
- Outputs are Cumene yield and selectivity y1, y2
56Expt. No. Temperature ( 0C) Pressure (atm.) Benz/IPA (mole ratio) WHSV (hr-1) Yield ( wt ) Selectivity ( wt )
1 110 1 8 3.3 0.07 77.03
2a 145 1 8 3.3 11.6 58.75
3 180 1 8 3.3 15.78 79.93
4 210 1 8 3.3 17.365 90.72
5 215 1 8 3.3 16.09 91.95
6 150 4 8 3.3 12.2 65.74
7 135 4 8 3.3 12.99 74.58
8a 110 4 8 3.3 0.71 80.82
9 100 4 8 3.3 0.19 75.02
10 110 1 10 3.3 0.55 67.74
11 110 1 8 3.3 0.24 54.85
12a 110 1 6 3.3 0.37 53.63
13 110 1 3 3.3 0.2 32.13
14 110 1 1 3.3 0.14 21.62
15 110 1 8 6.8 0.24 54.85
16 110 1 8 8 0.15 44.64
17 110 1 8 9.5 0.13 37.38
18 110 1 8 10.5 0.08 39.3
19a 110 1 8 12 0.09 39.13
20 110 1 8 13 0.07 39.1
21 105 1 8 6.8 0.3 70.38
22 110 1 8 6.8 0.24 54.85
23 115 1 8 6.8 0.35 48.25
24 130 1 8 6.8 4.61 76.68
25 185 1 8 6.8 9.2 59.23
26 210 1 6.5 3.3 20.04 91.8
27 155 1 6.5 3.3 16.93 77.4
28a 180 1 6.5 3.3 20.27 90.9
29 210 1 6.5 3.3 19.86 91.9
30 225 1 6.5 3.3 19.1 89.3
31 250 1 6.5 3.3 17.89 85.2
32 275 1 6.5 3.3 17.29 83.1
33 230 1 6.5 2.5 20.33 91.1
34 215 1 7 5 19.86 91.9
35a 215 10 7 5 19.54 92
36 215 18 7 5 18.68 89.1
37 215 25 7 5 17.74 86.8
38 195 25 6 5 18.92 85.6
39 210 25 6 5 22.1 93.7
40 230 25 6 5 22.02 93.8
41 250 25 6 5 21.35 90.7
42 280 25 6 5 20.48 86.2
57Expt. No. Temperature ( 0C) Pressure (atm.) Benz/IPA (mole ratio) WHSV (hr-1) Yield ( wt ) Selectivity ( wt )
1 110 1 8 3.3 0.07 77.03
2a 145 1 8 3.3 11.6 58.75
3 180 1 8 3.3 15.78 79.93
4 210 1 8 3.3 17.365 90.72
5 215 1 8 3.3 16.09 91.95
6 150 4 8 3.3 12.2 65.74
7 135 4 8 3.3 12.99 74.58
8a 110 4 8 3.3 0.71 80.82
9 100 4 8 3.3 0.19 75.02
10 110 1 10 3.3 0.55 67.74
11 110 1 8 3.3 0.24 54.85
12a 110 1 6 3.3 0.37 53.63
13 110 1 3 3.3 0.2 32.13
14 110 1 1 3.3 0.14 21.62
15 110 1 8 6.8 0.24 54.85
16 110 1 8 8 0.15 44.64
17 110 1 8 9.5 0.13 37.38
18 110 1 8 10.5 0.08 39.3
19a 110 1 8 12 0.09 39.13
20 110 1 8 13 0.07 39.1
21 105 1 8 6.8 0.3 70.38
22 110 1 8 6.8 0.24 54.85
23 115 1 8 6.8 0.35 48.25
24 130 1 8 6.8 4.61 76.68
25 185 1 8 6.8 9.2 59.23
26 210 1 6.5 3.3 20.04 91.8
27 155 1 6.5 3.3 16.93 77.4
28a 180 1 6.5 3.3 20.27 90.9
29 210 1 6.5 3.3 19.86 91.9
30 225 1 6.5 3.3 19.1 89.3
31 250 1 6.5 3.3 17.89 85.2
32 275 1 6.5 3.3 17.29 83.1
33 230 1 6.5 2.5 20.33 91.1
34 215 1 7 5 19.86 91.9
35a 215 10 7 5 19.54 92
36 215 18 7 5 18.68 89.1
37 215 25 7 5 17.74 86.8
38 195 25 6 5 18.92 85.6
39 210 25 6 5 22.1 93.7
40 230 25 6 5 22.02 93.8
41 250 25 6 5 21.35 90.7
42 280 25 6 5 20.48 86.2
58Modeling of Output vs. Input
- Best values of following GA-specific parameters
were chosen heuristically - - population size (Npop) 25
- - crossover probability (pcross) 0.82
- - mutation probability (pmut) 0.05
- - maximum number of generations (Ngen) 100
- In order to obtain the best set of operating
conditions, GA runs were replicated several i.e.
50 times, using different random number generator
seeds. - The fitness function
60Optimized Results
Soln. No. Optimized Inputs Optimized Inputs Optimized Inputs Optimized Inputs Maximized Outputs Maximized Outputs
Soln. No. Temp. (0 C) (x1) Press. (atm.) (x2) Benz/IPA (mol ratio) (x3) WHSV (hr-1) (x4) Yield (wt ) (y1) Selectivity (wt ) (y2)
1 271.5 3.38 3.69 12.83 24.88 99.04
2 267.2 1.567 4.05 12.83 24.84 98.90
3 270.08 3.6 4.05 11.76 24.82 98.74
61Experimental Verification
Exp. No. Experimental Conditions Experimental Conditions Experimental Conditions Experimental Conditions Yield (output 1) Yield (output 1) Yield (output 1) Selectivity (output 2) Selectivity (output 2) Selectivity (output 2)
Exp. No. Temp. (0C) Pressure (atm) Benz/IPA (mole ratio) WHSV (hr-1) GA-maximized value (wt ) Exptl. value (wt ) Error () GA-maximized value (wt ) Exptl. value (wt ) Error ()
1 271.5 3.4 3.7 12.8 24.88 24.69 0.77 99.04 98.98 0.06
2 267.2 1.6 4.0 12.8 24.84 23.79 4.41 98.90 98.70 0.20
3 270.0 3.6 4.0 11.8 24.82 24.58 0.98 98.74 98.65 0.09
Published in Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.
97, No. 2 3, pg 115 129 (2004)
62Benefit of the Study
- The work extended from pilot plant level to
commercial scale - Implemented successfully by HPCL
- Overall profit increased by almost 18
- Some more research work with HPCL and others
regarding their multiphase operations - Leads to optimization of Polypropylene Production
unit of Reliance at their Hazira plant
63Overall Conclusion
- Modeling and various approaches discussed
- ANN-based modeling introduced
- Optimization and its necessity
- Multi-objective optimization
- Genetic Algorithm methodology
- Differential Evolution a novel method
- Cumene synthesis case study
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65Thank You