Title: P1252109103Qemzu
1University of Washington Human Brain Project
2004 Representative Projects
Supported by Human Brain Project grant R01
James F. Brinkley, David Corina, Dan Suciu,
Andrew V. Poliakov, Richard F. Martin, Kevin P.
Hinshaw, Eider Moore, Hao Li, Xenia Hertzenberg,
Veronica Smith, Erin Gibson, Chris Re, Etorre
Lettich, Hansang Cho, Linda Shapiro and George
Uses for Web-based Visualization of Brain Data
Next Generation Visualization and Mapping
Evaluating Anatomical Normalization Methods
Embedded Data Management for fMRI Analysis
MRI from database
BrainJ3D is a portable, Java3D software toolkit
for brain visualization and mapping that will
permit more widespread distribution of the tools
we have developed to date (left hand panel). In
addition, it is designed to be general-purpose,
flexible and interoperable with popular
neuroimaging software packages (SPM, FSL etc.)
As reported earlier, we have developed a web
interface for our interactive 3D visualization
and analysis tools for integrated brain data. We
utilize surface-based rendering of the cortex and
other 3D models. Functional data from various
modalities can be overlaid onto individual
subjects anatomical models. Both scene
rendering and data storage are performed on the
server, while a simple web client can run on
virtually any computer with internet access.
Goal Provide transparent data management and
batch processing for users of the popular SPM2
fMRI analysis package. Solution X-Batch, a
plug-in utility for SPM2 which links user-defined
SPM2 batch scripts to the Data Management
ontology developed by the Dartmouth fMRI Data
Center. The fMRIDC ontology is implemented in the
Protégé knowledge acquisition framework developed
at Stanford .
- Features
- Supports neuroimaging data
- structural MRI volumes functional volumes
(fMRI, ERP etc.) surfaces (cortex, veins,
arteries etc.) surgical photographs maps
(collections of labeled points) - Written in Java/Java3D
- cross-platform
- hardware accelerated
- Supports remote visualization client/server
and standalone modes one server can serve
multiple clients uses the Java3D off-screen
Features Ø Implemented as an SPM toolbox Ø
Accesses the fMRIDC ontology through the Protégé
API Ø Allows user definition and storage of
batch processing parameters Ø Processing
sequences may be applied to multiple data sets Ø
Metadata are collected automatically and stored
in the ontology Ø Results files are saved to
directories defined by the protocol
Left Hemisphere w/ CSM sites
Flat Map
- Motivation
- A valuable quantitative approach for relating
anatomy and function of multiple human brains
employs the deformation or anatomical
normalization of individual target brains to a
canonical brain chosen as a template.
Neuroscientists have a variety of anatomical
normalization methods to choose from. The method
selection impacts result quality and study
validity. Therefore, it is important to establish
criteria of success and validity of statistical
models for anatomical variation appropriate for
the specific research project. - We evaluate two anatomical normalization methods,
CARET and SPM2, for comparing and analyzing data
collected from epileptic patients who have
undergone neurosurgery. During surgery, the
cerebral cortical surface is electrically
stimulated in multiple locations (CSM sites) to
identify cortical loci associated with language
disruption. The CSM site data for 80 patients
have been entered into a relational database. By
anatomically normalizing these patients brains
with the CSM site data, neuroscientists believe
that the remaining functional variation of the
language sites may exhibit organizational
patterns that are not apparent otherwise,
providing more insight into language function in
the human brain. - Methods
- Normalize 20 brains to the colin27 brain atlas
using both methods. Criteria for success includes
preservation of known anatomical locations and
reduction of anatomical variation between CSM
language sites. Post-normalization, we record 3-D
coordinates of CSM sites in MNI152 coordinate
system. - Metrics
- The smaller the average distance between
normalized CSM sites, the smaller the observed
anatomical variation. A neuroanatomist compares
pre- and post-normalization anatomical locations
of CSM sites. The greater the number of sites
that remain in the same anatomical location after
normalization, the better the preservation of
anatomical locations. - Preliminary Results
Screenshot of the Brain Visualization client
This approach helps facilitate remote
collaboration and data sharing among a
distributed group of researchers, and our
collaborators find it productive and convenient.
This system is now being used in several
neuroimaging studies by research groups that
utilize various techniques.
- SPM toolbox
- Default ontology loads automatically
- View/delete/run previously defined processing
sequences (protocols) - Create new processing sequences
Pre-surgical visualization of fMRI data on the
reconstructed cortex surfaces In an ongoing
study, language mapping data are collected from
patients undergoing neurosurgery for intractable
epilepsy. Structural and functional MRI data are
acquired prior to surgery. During the surgery,
cortical stimulation mapping is performed and
single neuron activity may be recorded from areas
that will be resected. Reconstructions of 3D
models and fMRI analysis can now be performed
prior to surgery and the neurosurgeon can access
this integrated data on the web before or during
the surgery. In particular, this helps planning
experimental recording of single neuron activity
in the areas that were found to be active during
language tasks, as revealed by fMRI.
- Visualization
- Slice viewer and 3D surface rendering
- Cutaway view utilizes structural volume and
brain mask - Overlay of functional volumes onto the
structural data - An arbitrary number of volumes can be overlaid
- fMRI can be projected to the cortical surface
- Multiple models can be displayed at once
(Cortex, Veins and Arteries) - Extracts surfaces from masked volumes
- Batch script creation
- No programming necessary
- Protocols consist of processing stages, each
stage defined by its parameter set - Use previously created parameter sets, define
new ones, or use a combination - Specify order of processing
- All parameters saved into the ontology
SPM2 with x_batch
- Batch processing
- Process any number of datasets from beginning
to end - Relevant result files are moved into a
designated directory
TMS localization on cortex models Another group
of researchers is evaluating TMS (Transcranial
Magnetic Stimulation) in severely depressed
patients as a potential treatment technique, a
less traumatic alternative to ECT ("shock
therapy"). Using our tools, they are able to
localize the position of the coil (yellow) with
respect to the individual patients cortex model
and show its projection on the cortex surface
- Mapping
- Map points using pick operation
- Assign any text or number label to point
- Display label text and/or a choice of shapes
- Nodes can be arbitrarily grouped
- Each group has its own appearance.
- Can arbitrarily place points in space
Data management In the background, metadata
are collected and stored in the fMRIDC Data
Management Tool
Surface-Based Method CARET
- Integrating functional data of multiple
modalities - In a study of Autistic patients, researchers are
collecting functional data of multiple
modalities, including - Spectroscopy (PEPSI)
- Electromagnetic tomography (EEG/ERP source
localization) - functional MRI
- Workspace
- Organizes and manages patients data
- XML format, easy to customize
- Current and Planned Work
- Incorporate results from other applications
- Manage coordinate systems in workspace
- Spatial Queries
- Basis for further work in visualization and
Volume-Based Method SPM2
Metadata automatically stored into the ontology
Defining new protocol
ERP source localization
Colin Atlas with normalized CSM sites