Title: GLAST
- Alessandro de Angelis
- Università di Udine, INFN Trieste
- and Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa
- Introduction
- The instrument
- Key physics objectives
- Work in progress
New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics Faro,
September 2000
2Exchange between laboratory physics and
astrophysics an idea which works...
- Michelson Morley 1887 key experiment on the
propagation of light
- Michelson 1920 first measurement of the diameter
of a star (Betelgeuse) using interferometry,
opening a new field
3GLAST a detector for cosmic g raysin the range
20 MeV - 300 GeV
Si tracker
- g telescope
- hybrid tracker calorimeter
- International collaboration US-France-Italy-Japan-
Sweden - Broad experience in high-energy astrophysics and
particle physics (science instrumentation) - Timescale 2005-2010 (-gt2015)
- Wide range of physics objectives
- Gamma astrophysics
- Fundamental physics
A HEP / astrophysics partnership...
4GLAST in space
- To be launched in 2005
- 1 year in survey mode, then pointing
- by a Delta 2 vector
- Constraint on size weight
- Orbit at 550 Km
- T 1.6 h
- Full sky coverage in 3 orbits
- Data rate 0.3 Mb/s -gt 1 Mb/s
5Why g rays ?
- Probe the most energetic phenomena occurring in
nature - No deflection from magnetic fields, point to
the sources - Clear signatures from new physics
- Large mean free path
- Good detection efficiency
6Why in the range 20 MeV - 300 GeV ?
- Flux of diffuse extra-galactic photons
7The legacy from EGRET
- High Energy g detector
- 20 MeV-20 GeV
- on the CGRO (1990s)
- Scientific success
- Increased number of identified sources
- Solar flares
8GLAST the instrument
- Tracker
- Si strips converter
- Calorimeter
- CsI with diode readout
- (a classic for HEP)
- 1.7 x 1.7 m2 x 0.8 m
- height/width 0.4 ? large field of view
- 16 towers ? modularity
9The tracker
- Si strips converter
- High signal/noise
- Rad-hard
- Low power
- 4x4 towers, of 37 cm ? 37 cm of Si
- 18 x,y planes per tower
- 19 tray structures
- 12 with 2.5 Pb on bottom
- 4 with 25 Pb on bottom
- 2 with no converter
- Electronics on the sides of trays
- Minimize gap between towers
- Carbon-fiber walls to provide stiffness
10The calorimeter
CsI with diode readout
- Good E resolution
- High signal/noise
- Hodoscope good position determination leakage
correction - 4x4 arrays of CsI (Tl) crystals
- Thickness of 10 X0
11Performance (compared to EGRET)
12Sensitivity compared topresent future detectors
- Complementary to ground-based
- GLAST is a key element of the g astrophysics
program - Large area
- Low deadtime (20 ms)
- Energy range to gt300 GeV
- Large FOV
13Key Science Objectives
- Resolving the g ray sky AGN, diffuse emission
unidentified sources - Particle acceleration mechanisms
- High energy behavior of g ray bursts transients
- Dark matter probing WIMPs
- Solar flares
- New fundamental physics (the unexpected)
- Make happy both the HEP and the astrophysics
14Key Science ObjectiveActive Galactic Nuclei
- EGRET has discovered 80 AGN at g ray energies,
GLAST will discover several thousands - The g part of the spectrum could be dominant
- The variability in time of the sources will
provide important information
15Key Science ObjectiveDiffuse background
- Is it really diffuse (lt- produced at a very early
epoch) or a flux from unresolved sources ? - GLAST improves the angular resolution the
sensitivity to weak sources...
16Key Science Objectiveand unidentified sources
- gt 1/2 of the EGRET sources are unidentified.
- Determining the type of objects and the
mechanisms for g ray emission is a high priority
- A key the precise measurement of position
(relation with supernova remnants and other
17Key Science ObjectiveAcceleration mechanisms of
Cosmic Rays
- Acceleration mechanisms of CR (Fermi 1949 -gt) ?
- EGRET signature of p0 decays (from NN
- Angular resolution of GLAST will allow to
determine if such sources are associated with SNRs
18Key Science ObjectiveGamma-ray bursts
- EGRET high energy afterglows can last for gt 1h
- GLAST can provide measurements over a new energy
range - 50-100 GRB/year compared to 1 for EGRET
- Notification of GRB from earth and by an on-board
trigger (Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor)
19Key Science ObjectiveProbing dark matter WIMPs
Some dark matter candidates (e.g. SUSY particles)
would lead to mono-energetic g lines through
Good energy resolution in the few range is
GLAST has good sensitivity for a variety of SUSY
models in the 30-100 GeV range
20Key Science ObjectiveNew physics (the
- Quantum gravity (Amelino-Camelia et al., Ellis et
al.) - V c (1 - e E/EQG)
- Effects on GRB could be O(100 ms) in GRB
- Exotic objects produced in the early universe
- Last but not least, the totally unexpected could
come from the newly opened exploration regimes...
21Beam tests 1997 calorimeter prototype
22Beam tests 1999/2000 at SLACElectrons, photons,
- Low noise
- Minimum ionizing interacting hadrons easily
rejected - Cosmic ray rejection of 1051 with 80 efficiency
for g
Diffuse High Latitude gamma-ray flux
- Modern data handling technologies
- Well advanced software for simulation and
reconstruction - Close collaboration with the CERN Geant4
development team (lt- ESA)
- GLAST an important step in g astronomy (a factor
of 100 in sensitivity above EGRET) - A partnership between High Energy Physics and g
Astrophysics - Expected to be ready by 2005 beam tests and sw
development well on the way - Wide range of possible answers/discoveries
Credits G. Barbiellini, R. Giannitrapani, I.
Grenier, F. Longo, A. Morselli, R. Pain, S. Ritz