Title: Andy Sokol (AE)
1- Andy Sokol (AE)
- Kyra Boback (AE)
- Madeline Clark (AE/SS)
- Patti Ferraro (Met)
- Corey Calvert (Met)
- Emanuel Brown (AE)
- Joseph Pearce (CompE/EE)
- Christopher Han (EE)
- Payload development, construction, and
integration - Rocket design, assembly, launch
- Data transmission and analysis
- Recovery of some or all components
- Union of academic departments corporate America
Phobos EAV Courtesy of MARS
- Design and Construction underway
- Instruments sensors
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Relative Humidity
- Wind speed direction
- Altitude
Beta Prototype (test-ready) deadline
Christmas Break
- 2 separate boards to be attached
- Circuitry- prewired and unexposed
- Set in chassis
- Enclosed in foam or rubber
- Epoxy/polyurethane
- Sensors- wire-wrapped and exposed
- Open to air in order for sensors to work
Past student project (9/8 diameter) Michigan Tech
- Donations from Microchip-
- 5 Operational Amplifiers (1.05 each)
- 5 Microcontroller PICS (5.62 each)
- Donations from Vaisala
- 2 square-cone parachutes
- Donations from Adept
- 2 Apogee detectors/altimeters
6Alpha Prototype
- 100,000 ft. Boosted Dart
- Two-stage, 2nd stage unpowered
- Dart to reach hypersonic speeds
- NEFAR Assistance
- Collaboration with experienced individuals
improves probability for success
8Flight Plan
9Launch Site Options
- Primary FSA Pad 47
- Air Force range safety, FAA approval
- Secondary Palm Bay
- OK to 50,000 feet, more pending string-pulling
- Tertiary South Florida
- Road trip! OK to 200,000 feet
10Original Motor Options
- Cesaroni customized O-class
- 40,000N-s, 8 second burn
- 6 diameter
- Estimated cost 7,000
- Florida Space Authoritys SuperLoki
- 38,000N-s, 2.1 second burn, gt135-G
- 4 diameter
- Little to no cost, with FSA partnership
11Wind Tunnel Testing
- Objectives
- Vary fin angle and determine correlation between
angle and rate of spin - Build ½ scale model (customized O)
- SuperLoki would not apply spun by rail, not
fins - Difficulties led to measurement modifications
- Angles too difficult
- to mark and measure,
- especially in test section
- Measured free-stream
- velocity vs. spin rate
12Wind Tunnel Testing
- Materials donated
- Home Depot
- Space Coast Hobbies
- Measurements taken with light strobe tachometer
- Steel rod runs thru body tube and wheels
13Wind Tunnel Testing
14Experiment Results
15Experimental Results
16Experimental Results
17Experiment Conclusions
- The higher the velocity, the greater the spin
rate - The maximum spin rate (constrained by the wind
tunnel speed range) is about 3 rps - Without dart fins the model was much more
unstable - Testing helpful, but higher velocity needed
- Our rocket will only be at these speeds for
- a fraction of a second
18FSAs Offered Support
- Agreed assistance
- Use of launch pad 47
- Two SuperLoki boosters
- Surplus avionics
- Payload integration time
- Tour of pad and facilities
- Agreement by
- S. Richard Scredon
- Director of Special Projects
- October 17, 2002
19SuperLoki Decision
- Projected financial status too uncertain
- Tradeoff High potential damage to payload, but
sufficient motor secured - Project needed definitive direction
- Partnership with FSA paves way for future
20SuperLoki Technical Approach
- Five major factors for immediate attention
- Launch Rail
- G-loading
- Interstage adapter
- 45th Space Wing
- Material Selection
21Launch Rail
22Launch Rail
(Constant diameter)
23Dart Fin Constraints
- Must fit step diameter in rails
24Handling 100 Gs
- Original idea solidify electronics to board
with epoxy/polyurethane coating - Loading on electronics chassis
- Spring support (stores energy)
- Crushable support (absorbs energy)
- Structural support (dart tube stress analysis)
25Interstage Adapter
- Dart tail rests inside interstage
- Need to fit up to 3 dart into 1.5 opening
- Requires test launch to prove our adapter
works safely
2645th Space Wing
- May require a new Program Introduction for entire
vehicle - Require proof of safe operation of interstage
- Require finite element analysis
- to prove the boosters structural
- integrity will not be compromised
- by the larger dart size.
27Material Selection
- Fab-Tech Industries
- - Aluminum, Steel, Stainless Steel
- Dart Body Material
- Stainless Steel
- Strong
- Corrosion Resistant
- Withstands harsh atmospheric conditions
28Material Selection
- Starute Parachutes
- -Aluminized Mylar
- Ablative Coating
- -Thermalog T-230
Michigan Tech
29SuperLoki Launches
Above 1996, Michigan Tech Left 1997,
Delaware Tech
- RockSim simulations
- Hand-calculated equations
- FORTRAN code attempts
- Used and trusted by professionals
- Created SuperLoki dart
- Matched data provided by manuals
- Ran series of simulations
32Constraints Conditions
- Launch Angle
- Humidity
- Temperature
- Latitude
- Fin Size due to launch rail guides
- Various diameters nose cones
33Various Darts SuperLoki
34Altitude-Weight Optimization
- Employed different nose cones
- Ogive
- Conical
- Employed various
- dart diameters
- 2.50
- 2.75
- 3.00
35RockSim results
(See Excel graphs)
36Hand-calculated equations
- Maximum altitude
- Without drag
- With drag
- Exhaust velocity
- Velocity at burnout
37FORTRAN code
- Dr. Sepri happy!
- Program written with 77 compiler
- School uses 90/95 version
- Conflicts, including
- 77 uses "c" to start a comment
- 90/95 uses !
- Program analysis will continue
38Data Transmission
- Current Actions
- Equipment finalization
- Studying (FCC exams,
- research)
- Working on cheaper
- equipment options
39Transmission Supplies
- PicoPacket
- Modem
- 1" x 2.5" x 3.25
- RS-232 Port In
- RS-232 Port Out
- 128k RAM
- Low Power Consumption
40Transmission Supplies
- Kam 98 from Kantronics
- Modem
- 1.2" x 6.7" x 6.9"
- DB-9 and DB-29 ports
- 3 mV sensitivity
41Transmission Supplies
- Transmits on all HF
- U.S. Amateur Bands,
- 10 - 160 Meters SSB,
- CW, AM, FM and Data
- General coverage receiver
- 500 KHz - 30 MHz, all modes
- 100 watts output SSB, CW and FM, 40 watts AM
42Transmission Supplies
- PC
- RTTY Compatible
communication software,
provided with modem
43Transmission Supplies
- Loose Pieces
- 50 ft. RG-6 wire
- 50 ft. grounding wire
- 2 SWR meters
- 4 RS-232 connectors
4480 Meter Quad Antenna
45In House
- 2 signal amplifyers
- 2 band-pass filters
- 2 high pass filters
- 2 low pass filters
- 80m Antenna
46Custom-Made Equipment
- 10W HF transmitter
- 6dB gain antenna
- 2.4kWh Aeronautical Battery
47FCC Licensing
48Transmissions Next Steps
- Saturday December 7, 2002 FCC Technician Exam,
5wpm Morse Code - Saturday January 4, 2003 FCC General
Exam - Petitioning for electronics donations
- January 15 - 30 Assembly of apparatus
- February 5-20 Field testing of equipment
- Overall 19,000
- Phase I 8,000 by 11/04/02
- Phase II 5,000 by 12/02/02
- Phase III 6,000 by 02/03/03
- Companies Solicited
- Quantum Technology Services
- Vaisala
- Sensidyne
- Stottler Stagg Associates
- Titan Systems
- Coral Bay
- Ron Jon Surf Shop
- AJT Associates
- Fab-Tech
- Command Control Technologies
- Honeywell
- Microchip
- Reynolds, Smith Hills
- Engineering Technologies, Inc.
- ExecuSys
- Command Technologies
- Interface Control Systems
- ImageLinks
- Logistics Services International
50Detailed Budget - Rocket
51Detailed Budget - Payload
52Detailed Budget - Payload continued
53Detailed Budget - Data Transmission
54Detailed Budget - Wind Tunnel Rocket Model
55Detailed Budget WTRM continued and Miscellaneous
56Overall Budget
57Overall Budget continued
58Financial Donations
59Overall Financial Situation
Total Project Cost 30, 574.21 Total
Donations 23, 340.25 PROJCET BUDGET 7,
60No Cape Canaveral Launch
- Air Force Restrictions
- No Launch Piggybacking
- 1.5 hr post-launch window
- 25,000 nonrefundable deposit
- Does not include other launch expenses, e.g.
Ordinates team - Academic status is irrelevant
- New Options Loki or P-motor
- Launch from Everglades site
61New Option 1 - SuperLoki
- SuperLoki launch OKd by owner of Everglades
site - Will require mobile launch rail
- Owned by FSI (BCC)
- Complications imminent in coordinating FSI, FSA,
USAF - Ordinates Team expenses
- USAF still must handle booster
- Will need compensation for time, transportation,
and safety issues
62New Option 2 P-Motor
- Animal Motor Works, Cesaroni, 1 other
- AMW offering best plan thus far
- 6 x 84, 100 lbs (75lbs propellant)
- 80,0000 Ns, 7.5 second burn
- Rental - 1000
- Refueling - 4000
- Damage - 2000 Replacement
- NEFAR building casing extending launch rail
- A P-motor strikes the planet with a vengeance
strike from God.
Chris Holland, USA Legal Counsel
63Whats Next?
- Finite Element Analysis for booster structure
- Exact dart design, including payload integration
- Completion of payload
- Test launch for interstage
- More fundraising
- MARS Advanced Rocketry Society.
http//www.mars.org.uk/ - Michigan Tech. 1998 MI/WI Rockets for Schools
Launch. http//www.phy.mtu.edu/rocket/RFS1998/tvpa
yld.html - NASA Wallops Flight Facility. http//www.wff.nasa
.gov/ - TechBlvd Rocket Videos. http//www.techblvd.com/Rv
ideo/rvideo.htm - USAF. SuperLoki Launch Operation Technical
Manual. 1 Feb 1973.
- Dr. Sepri
- Greg Peebles (NEFAR)
- Chris Holland (USA)
- Rich Scredon, Pete Gunn (FSA)
- Dr. Thosteson
- Dr. Clark
- Dr. Gutierrez
- Dan Simpson
- Bill Bailey
- Brenda Harris
And our sponsors
66Thanks to our Sponsors
h t t p / / j a m s t a r . w e b 1 0 0 0 . c o
67Thanks for your attention!
- Any questions?
- http//jamstar.web1000.com