Title: Receiving the Award
1Receiving the Award
(Nearly) Everything You Wanted to Know about
2 Thank you
- to Stanford University and University of
Michigan for use of their excellent resource
3Sponsored Programs Office Contact Information
- Grants Coordinators
- Nancy Becker 472-3601 nbecker1_at_unl.edu
- Shelly (Hardies) Cutsor 472-2247
mcutsor2_at_unl.edu - Suzan Lund 472-1930 slund2_at_unl.edu
- Julie Poykko-Post 472-6174 jpoykkopost2_at_unl.e
4Grants.gov A Guided Tour
- Overview of Grants.gov
- Using the Grants.gov website
5Learning Objectives
After completing this session you will be able to
do the following
- Identify the five major steps to using
Grants.gov to find and apply for federal grants - Configure your computer to use Grants.gov
- Download software required to use Grants.gov
- Find and download grant application packages
- Complete grant application packages
- Complete the common forms you may use with
Grants.gov - Submit a grant application via
Grants.gov.(through OSP) - Find useful resources
- Many terms are used to refer to the same item
- Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
- Funding Opportunity Number (FON)
- Solicitation
- Program Announcement, Announcement
- Three terms for same role
- Authorized Official (OR) term used at UNL
- Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR)
term used by NIH - Authorized Representative (AR) term used by
Grants.gov - Instructions for completing an application may
refer you to - the Application Guide or
- the Program Announcement
- Terms that refer to the funding provider
- agency
- federal agency
- sponsor
7About Grants.gov
- Grants.gov
- Replaces paper applications with electronic
forms - Requires electronic submission of all federal
grant - applications
- Is the central portal for federal grant
announcements and - submissions
- Users are sponsors
- Non-profits and other federal agencies
- State, local, and tribal governments
- Users are applicants
- Colleges and universities
- Individuals
8Learning Objectives
After completing this session you will be able to
do the following
- Identify the five major steps to using
Grants.gov to find and apply for federal grants - Configure your computer to use Grants.gov
- Download software required to use Grants.gov
- Find and download grant application packages
- Complete grant application packages
- Complete the common forms you may use with
Grants.gov - Submit a grant application via Grants.gov
(through OSP) - Find useful resources
- Many terms are used to refer to the same item
- Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
- Funding Opportunity Number (FON)
- Solicitation
- Program Announcement, Announcement
- Three terms for same role
- Authorized Official (AO) term used at UNL
- Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR)
term used by NIH - Authorized Representative (AR) term used by
Grants.gov - Instructions for completing an application may
refer you to - the Application Guide or
- the Program Announcement
- Terms that refer to the funding provider
- agency
- federal agency
- sponsor
10About Grants.gov
- Grants.gov
- Replaces paper applications with electronic
forms - Requires electronic submission of all federal
grant - applications
- Is the central portal for federal grant
announcements and - submissions
- Used by sponsors
- Non-profits and other federal agencies
- State, local, and tribal governments
- Used by applicants
- Colleges and universities
- Non-profits and individuals
Note Grants.gov is a central storehouse for
information on over 1,000 grant programs, and
access to approximately 400 billion in annual
11When Must You Use Grants.gov?
- It depends. Be prepared!
- The granting agency you are applying to may
- require you to submit through Grants.gov now
- Each Agency will eventually require submission
- through Grants.gov according to its own
- timetable.
- Current Status
- All federal agencies must post their Funding
- Opportunity Announcements (FOA)
- Submission via Grants.gov is mandatory for some
- agencies and optional for others
12Grants.gov Overview
- The PI, Research Administrator, or other person
working on the PIs behalf will
- Search for a
- federal funding
- opportunity in
- Grants.gov by
- Category
- Agency
- Specific topic
- Grant application package
- Instructions
- All 3 are
- needed
The Grant application package
13Grants.gov Overview (cont.)
OSP Grants Coordinator submits endorsed
application package to Grants.gov
OSP Grants Coordinator reviews grant application
package to ensure all errors that can prevent
submission via Grants.gov are corrected
- Route grant proposal in NUgrant for submission
approval - Send Grants.gov package to OSP via DropBox
14Note The Grants Coordinator (GC) will review
budgets, formatting, etc. before submitting to
Grants.gov. If errors are found, the GC will
contact the PI or department administrator and
ask them to correct the errors and resubmit the
grant application for a second OSP review. Once
the application package is correct the GC will
submit it to Grants.gov.
15Getting Started
- Start Early! Start Early! Start Early!
- Get familiar with Grants.gov
- There is no logon for Grants.gov, but ensure PI
profiles are updated in - NIH eCommons (for NIH submissions)
- NSF FastLane (for NSF submissions)
- Configure your computer (see Step 2)!
Note Begin a record in NUgrant and notify your
Grants Coordinator as soon as you start an
16Computer Configuration
- Go to the Grants.gov Software Download Page
jsp - Verify your computer meets the min. requirements
- Download PureEdge Viewer
MAC Using PureEdge for the Mac OS X Ver.
10.4.6 or higher All other options OS X Ver.
10.1, 10.2, 10.3, or 10.4. 128 MB of RAM 10
MB Disk Space PowerPC Processor Web
browser Safari
Windows Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, or XP
500 Mhz processor 128 MB of RAM 40 MB disk
space Web browser Internet Explorer 5.01 or
higher Netscape Communicator 4.5-4.8 Netscape
6.1, 6.2, or 7
17Additional Computer Considerations
- Web Browsers
- Mozilla Firefox is a good alternative browser
for both platforms! - Download it free from http//www.firefox.com/
- Mac Consideration
- Download ICS PureEdge for the Mac
- If youre upgrading your Mac soon, consider the
new Intel Macs using Parallels software.
18Find a Funding Opportunity Download the
Application Package
- In Grants.gov select Find Grant Opportunities
- Choose an Opportunity
- Please note, opportunities are CASE sensitive!
- Download FOA, Instructions and Application
19Search for Funding Opportunities
- Basic Search Search on a Keyword, Funding
Opportunity Number, or CFDA Number - Browse by Category
- Agriculture Housing
- Arts Humanities
- Business Commerce Information Statistics
- Community Development Income Security
Social Services - Consumer Protection Labor Training
- Disaster Prevention Relief Law, Justice
Legal Services - Education Natural Resources
- Employment Regional Development
- Energy Science, Technology Other RD
- Environment Transportation
- Food Nutrition Other
- Health
- Browse by Agency
- This includes all federal granting agencies
- Some agencies may be listed below others (e.g.
National Institutes of Health is listed under the
Department of Health and Human Services)
20Additional Info on Instructions
- Instructions come in several forms
- Some sponsors
- Have general Grants.gov Application Guides
- Provide different instructions for each
research area - Provide specific instructions for each
application - Have both general Grants.gov application guides
as well as detailed instructions embedded in the
21The Application Package
- The package is one electronic file
- It is downloaded to a computer, not a sponsor
server - It can be downloaded to a department server so
that multiple people can access it - BUTonly 1 person can work on the file at a time
Note Version control is an issue if more than
one person is working on a file be very careful
of version numbers!
22Funding Opportunity Summary Whats Different?
- Every solicitation submitted via Grants.gov
will have a Funding Opportunity Number - Grants.gov does not provide general numbers for
unsolicited proposals - For unsolicited proposals, check with the
agency for general numbers (website or program
23Complete Grant Application Packages
- Well cover
- Reviewing common forms
- PDF tips
- Providing complete grant application packages to
24Completing the Application Package
- Save the grant application to your computer
- As you work on the application, save
frequently! - Complete the application using the instructions
attached to that particular FOA package - Dont copy and reuse an old FOA
- Pre-populated info is drawn from the specific
FOA - When application is complete, click Check
Package for Errors button - Do not select Submit button OSP will submit
All YELLOW FIELDS must be Completed!
25Grant Application Package
- The Grant Application Package is one electronic
file - Agencies construct application packages for
each Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) using
different forms - Forms have data fields as well as sections for
attachments - Every electronic application package will have
- A Header Page - First page of the application
package serves as a menu/jump page to get to
forms - SF424/424RR which serves as a common cover page
for applying to all federal agencies.
26A Few Words About PDF
- Many sponsors require attachments to be PDF
- a best practice is to save all attachments in
PDF - Convert to PDF using Adobe Acrobat
- Choose the File/Print option in your
document, then choose Adobe PDF from the list of
printers - The currently supported version of Adobe
Acrobat Reader with Grants.gov forms is 7.0.9 and
8.1.1 - Dont add extra security to your PDF!
- For NIH do not add headers and footers
- Set Viewing Mode to Continuous
- Other programs can be used check Grants.gov
for a list of programs
27Grants.gov forms Standard information
Form Variety Applications (even for the same
agency) may use different versions of the 424
form. despite the fact that Grants.gov was to
bring consistency Common elements Some elements
must always be put in the forms. However, the
placement of the fields may differ.
28Information on the Header Form
- Buttons across the top use Save Check
Package for Errors, do not use Submit or
Print - Top section
- Pre-populated from the FOA you cannot change
it - Confirm Opportunity Number on Header Page
matches FOA to which you are responding - 3. Application Filing Name (Required field)
- Best Practice Enter the PI last name and
sponsor agency initials there is only room for
40 characters your Grant Coordinator may add the
NUgrant number when its assigned - 4. Mandatory and Optional Documents (i.e. Forms)
- To open a form, click on the name, then click
the open form button (cant double click) - As you complete the forms, select the close
form button, and you will be returned to this
page to save (by clicking the save button) - Mandatory Documents must all be complete and
moved to the Completed column before submitting
the application package to Grants.gov - Optional Documents may be required by the
sponsor, or may really be optional.
29Information on the Header Form (cont.)
- Examples
- If a subaward will be issued on this grant, the
Subaward Budget Attachment Form is required if
no subaward is issued, then the form is not
necessary - NIH may post the Modular Budget Form under
Optional Documents but the solicitation may
require it to be used - If Optional Documents are completed, be sure to
move them to the Optional Completed Documents
for Submission column
ALWAYS check the solicitation for form
30PureEdge Package Top of the Header Page
Check that the agency, opportunity number, and
version are correct and current. Do not use a
form before the Opportunity Open Date.
NIH must have this version
Required field
The Application Filing Name is an OSP name for
tracking the submission. Learn more on the next
31Application Filing Name
Still on the header page. . .
- The Application Filing Name is an identification
name used by OSP to keep track of the application
once it is submitted. It is not the same thing as
the Project Title shown on the routing form in
NUgrant or Item 11 on the Form 424.
Required field
- Use the format
- PIs last name
- 3-4 letter sponsor abbreviation (examples NIH,
NSF, NASA) - NUgrant number, if known
- For example, Smith NIH 32577
If you do not know all items, use the ones you do
32Mandatory Documents section
Still on the header page. . .
All need to be opened and information entered
into them. To open, click on name to highlight,
and then click open form. Do not double click.
When complete, move the document to the right by
clicking to highlight it and click on the top
middle arrow box.
You can still open the form even if it is moved
to the rightno need to move it back to make
33Optional Documents section
Still on the header page. . .
- Other forms in this section
- Subawards
- Cover letters. Many PIs like to submit cover
letters, asking for certain reviewers. It is not
Despite the optional name, sometimes you must use
one or another. Choose one of the two budget
options Modular or Research Related.
Open the forms as you did for the Mandatory ones
Click on name to highlight, and then click open
form. Do not double click. Once the Document
is complete, move it to the right. Click to
highlight and click on the top middle arrow box.
34SF 424
- Similar to the Face Page of an application
- Provides general information about UNL
- Provides application-specific information
(type, title, etc.) - Complete this form first - Information from
this form is used to pre-populate most other forms
35(No Transcript)
36SF 424 (cont.)
- Box 1 Type of Submission use application
unless instructed to use Pre-application by the
FOA. Only use Changed/Corrected - Application when correcting an application that
failed system validations at the sponsor level.
This is NOT a resubmission. Please read the
detailed information about changed/corrected
applications in the supplementary notes. - Box 2 Date Submitted Your Grants Coordinator
will enter the date this application is being
submitted to the federal agency or state (if
applicable). In the Applicant Identifier field
enter the PI last name, agency initials and
NUgrant number, if it is available. - Box 3 Date Received by State and State Applicant
Identifier leave these fields blank unless your
solicitation requires you to - complete them.
- Box 4 Federal Identifier - Leave this field
blank if this is a new submission if you are
submitting a corrected application to the NIH, - enter the Grants.gov tracking number previously
assigned to this application.
375. Applicant Information
The system will usually add 4 zeros to the end of
the number to note that there is not a plus four
number used
This field has limited characters. Please enter
exactly as shown.
Board of Regents, Univ of Nebraska, Univ of
This is a drop-down menu field.
312 N 14th Street
Alexander Bldg West
The official applicant on all proposals is the
Board of Regents.
385. (cont.) Contact person
On all versions of the forms, use the name of the
OSP Grants Coordinator (GC) for your department
as the contact person.
GC Phone Number Fax Email Nancy Becker
402-472-3601 402-472-9323
nbecker1_at_unl.edu Shelly (Hardies) Cutsor
402-472-2247 402-472-9323 mcutsor2_at_unl.edu S
uzan Lund 402-472-1930
402-472-9323 slund2_at_unl.edu Julie Poykko-Post
402-472-6174 402-472-9323
Contact your GC early in the proposal preparation
39SF 424 (cont.)
- Box 5 Application Information - This section
contains information about UNL, such as our DUNS
Number, Legal Name which is Board of Regents,
Univ of Nebraska, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Department Name and Address (use the name and
address for OSP). - At the bottom of box 5 is an area to enter a
Person to be contacted on matters involving this
application. This is the Grants Coordinator. This
person will receive information from the sponsor
on updates to this application. Currently only
NIH is utilizing this field, but it is required
by Grants.gov, so be sure to use it.
406. EIN and 7. Type of Applicant
Use the same number on all versions of the form
This is a drop-down menu. Items vary from form
to form. No matter what options you are offered,
always use Public/State-Controlled Institution
of Higher Education
41SF 424 (cont.)
- Box 6 Employer Identification Enter our
employer ID number, 47-0049123, for all
applications. - Box 7 Type of Applicant - Always choose Private
Institution of Higher Education - Box 8 Type of Application Enter the type of
application being submitted. For example, it
could be New, a Resubmission, a Revision, etc.
Details about each type of application are
available in the instructions. - Boxes 9 10 will pre-populate based on the FOA.
4211. Name of the project 12. Areas Affected
Name of the project Put the name of the project
as used on the Proposal Approval Form. This is
different from the Applicant Filing Name that is
on the first page of the PureEdge form.
Areas Affected Indicate a specific area affected
by the project. If it is global in nature, as is
most basic science, then put NA. (This form is
used by all organizations seeking grantsmany are
state and local governments, school districts,
and Indian tribes where the grant will affect a
specific geographical area.)
43SF 424 (cont.)
- Box 11 Descriptive Title of Applicants Project
- Enter the PIs project title. - Box 12 Areas affected by the Project - Enter the
largest political area this could be cities,
counties, states, countries, or the world.
4413. Proposed Project Period 14. Congressional
For Start Date and Ending Date, enter the entire
planned project period. Be sure you enter the
correct dates. These dates autofill in the
budget forms and cant be changed, even if you
change the dates on the SF 424.
For part a, the Applicant All University of
Nebraska-Lincoln proposals will use NE-001 for
the district. For part b, the project, in some
cases just repeat NE-001 or could be NE-all. Use
a district relevant to the research if there is
another specific one. To enter more than two
districts, use the space at the end of page 2.
45SF 424 (cont.)
- Box 13 Proposed Project Enter the start and
end dates of the project. Be sure to enter
correctly! - Box 14 Congressional Districts In the
applicant section, enter NE-001. In the project
section enter the district where the research is
being performed.
4615. Project Director/Principal Investigator
This box is autofilled from Box 5-can leave
This box is autofilled from Box 5-replace w/PI
This box is autofilled from Box 5-replace w/PI
This box is autofilled from Box 5-replace w/PI 4
Other 424 versions may not have a section for the
PI. If there is no PI space on that 424, there
will be another form with space for the PI. Do
not put PI information in the Contact Person
- Do not put Degrees in the prefix or suffix
sections. - Delete and replace the autofilled address lines
and zip4 with PI information. Be sure to include
PI email address.
47SF 424 (cont.)
- Box 15 Project Director/ Principal Investigator
Contact Information - These fields will be
populated by information entered in Section 5
above. Change to PI's mailing address.
This completes page one of the form. Click the
Next button to edit page two.
48SF 424 (cont.)
- Box 16 Estimated Project Funding has three
fields - 1. Total Estimated Project Funding Enter the
federal funds requested for this application. - 2. Total Federal Non-Federal Funds Enter all
funds requested for this project, including other
federal and non-federal requests. - 3. Estimated Program Income If you estimate this
project will result in program income, enter the
anticipated amount. A link to information on
program income is provided on the supplementary
notes page.
4917. Review by state executive order
To answer questions in section 17, check the
application instructions. Unless otherwise
stated in the FOA, the program is not covered by
E.O. 12372.
5018. Signing this application
Be sure to check the box here.
The box must be checked in order for the
application to be submitted.
5119. Authorized Representative
Enter data for Section 19 as shown below. Use
Jeanne Wicks name. She is UNLs authorized
official. The proposal is considered approved
by the PI, Dept. and College after routing in
NUgrant. Once approved the Authorized
Representative can sign the proposal.
Board of Regents, Univ of Nebraska, Univ of
Sponsored Programs
312 N. 14th Street
Alexander Bldg West
52SF 424 (cont.)
- Box 19 Authorized Representative Some of these
fields will be populated by information entered
in Section 5 above. Modify to note Jeanne Wicks,
Director, Sponsored Programs as the AR.
531. 20. Pre-applications
If you are preparing a pre-application (called
white-paper by some agencies), click here.
Fill out the 424 form and then add the document
here. Use a pdf file or read instructions for
other options.
54SF 424 (cont.)
- Box 20 Pre-application - If you were instructed
to select Pre-Application in Box 1. above, follow
agency specific instructions on what to attach
here. Usually, it will be the pre-application
(pre-proposal) document (PDF).
5521. Additional Congressional Districts
If your application is relevant to Congressional
Districts in addition to those noted on the first
page, add the list here.
56SF 424 (cont.)
- Box 21 Attach an additional list of Project
Congressional Districts if needed. If research is
being - performed in multiple areas, create a list of
project congressional districts in separate
document (PDF) and - attach it here.
- When the SF424 RR form is complete, select the
Close Form button, and then be sure to select
the Save button on the Grant Application
Package header page.
57RR Senior/Key Person Profile
58PI Credential
This form is in the Mandatory documents section.
NIH eRA Commons user name
This is required for NIH, check other agency
To register with the NIH eRA Commons and get user
name, contact your GC
Leaving out the Commons PI User ID in the
credential field on the Senior/Key Person
section is the most common NIH error. Not using
pdf files for attachments is the second most
59Adding Other Key Personnel
If you have multiple key personnel, be careful to
note which individuals info you are viewing. If
you delete info for person 1, you will no longer
be able to view or access person 2, even though
their info will be in the package.
Enter a Commons User name for the PI only, not
for others.
Usually, you must enter all the information for
one item before you can create another item. You
cannot click Next Person until all the
information for the current person is entered.
WARNING Do not delete initial individual info.
You will lose access to any later personnel! You
must start from the last person and work
backwords to delete.
60Research Related Budget
DUNS , Start Date and PI info prefilled based on
SF424 RR
Calculate effort in Person Months, not Percent
Effort PM Effort x Months (e.g. 12 months
x 50 effort 6 PM) Calendar 12 Academic 9
Summer 3 Number of months used depends on
faculty appointment. Most are 9 months.
61Adding Additional Budget Years
In most situations, you must complete entering
all the information for one item (person or
budget year) before you can create another item.
Here, you cannot click Next Period until all
the information for the current period is
All information includes adding the Budget
62The Cumulative Budget is Pre-populated from
previous pages and should add up to the amount of
funding you are requesting. (Must match box 16 of
the SF424 RR form exactly)
63Cognizant Agency
In the budget forms, enter information about the
Cognizant Agency the one that is responsible for
our indirect cost negotiations.
This is the NIH Modular form section
DHHS, Peter Nwaogu. (214) 767-3764
This is the Research and Related Budget form
In Grants.gov applications, for proposed
subawards with UNL serving as the prime
applicant, we need from the consortium partner
- Signed Form 424 or 424(RR), as appropriate (both
forms include a logical place for the actual
hand-signature). We will accept the forms as
original-signed paper, faxes, or pdfs.
Note This form is NOT likely to be included in
the final Grants.gov PureEdge file. It should be
included with the documentation sent to OSP (no
fewer than 2 working days before the submission
date.) We will also accept Letters of Intent
signed by authorized officials of the proposed
consortium partner.
- Detailed budgets plus budget justifications based
on Grants.gov application instructions.
Notes We will always ask for this budget
information even when our application is in the
modular format. Detailed budgets and standard
budget justifications must use Grants.gov forms
even if done by UNL staff from consortium partner
paper budget.
65Subawards (cont.)
- Any other information needed by our PI to
complete the application (e.g., biosketch
documents, text for consortium arrangements). - A brief statement of work for the consortium
partners work only. - Any other information from proposed consortium
partners to meet the needs of the particular
solicitation. OSP GCs may request such
information as different situations arise.
66Subaward budget forms from Optional Documents
- Click the middle box to create a budget file on
your desktop. - The form looks just like the R R
budget form.
- This is the only attachment that is not a pdf
2. Send this to your cooperating institution,
telling them to fill it out, save it, and send
back to you. Or fill it out for them.
- 3. You then add it as an attachment.
67RR Project/Performance Site Location(s)
- The Primary Location is usually University of
Nebraska-Lincoln. You can use the general UNL
address, 14th and R Streets, OSPs address, or
your department location.
If you have multiple sites, be careful to note
which site you are viewing. Hit the Next Site
button to add sites.
68Completed Application to OSP
- PI/Department
- Provide completed application to your GC at
least 2 business days before the deadline (5-7 is
better! It will allow time to find the hidden
errors.) - Send via UNL DropBox
- Your GC will review and submit the completed
application to Grants.gov
69Grants.gov Challenges
- Only one person at a time can make changes to
an application package file - Version control is difficult to establish and
maintain - Files are large and unwieldy to transmit, often
clogging email servers and inboxes. Some are too
large to email. - Files have no security and are exploitable via
email - No built-in workflow or institutional routing
functions - No institutional archive of final, submitted
70Submission and Tracking Proposals in Grants.gov
- Processing and routing between Grants.gov and
sponsoring agencies - Email messages
- Help resources
71Submitting Tracking
- 1. GC submits application to Grants.gov
- 2. Grants.gov performs a cursory review and
accepts or rejects the application - 3. Grants.gov sends two email notifications to
the Authorized Representative (AR) to indicate
receipt and application status - 4. When Grants.gov validates the application the
agency retrieves it, and an email is sent to the
AR - The agency may assign a tracking number
- The tracking number may be communicated to the
AR - 5. Further communication will be between the
sponsoring agency and the AR/GC/department.
72Application Error Notification
- Dont be passive. Be proactive!
- Some Agencies will accept corrected
applications up to a certain point. - If you wait too long to check on your
application, you might miss your opportunity to
submit a corrected application. - Each agency will have its own process to
notify you of errors.
73Handling Agency Error Messages
- Open the latest version of the application
- Correct the errors
- Send the corrected application to your GC to
submit through Grants.gov. - A new tracking number will be assigned to your
application every time you submit it through
Notes NSF Make all corrections through
FastLane. DO NOT resubmit your corrected
application through Grants.gov. NIH Logon to
eCommons and check the Status section to find
Warnings Errors. Then follow instructions
74Grants.gov Resources
The website is updated frequently, check it often!
Email support_at_grants.gov Phone
1-800-518-4726 Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.,
75Useful Links
- Grants.gov Vista Office 2007 Compatibility
Compatibility.pdf) - NIH Grants.gov Application Guide
_guide_general_ver2.doc) - NIH FAQs
- (http//era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/faq.htm)
- NIH eSubmission Tips for Investigators
ice.pdf) - NIH Avoiding Common Errors (http//era.nih.gov/Ele
ctronicReceipt/avoiding_errors.htm) - NSF Grants.gov Application Guide
607.pdf) - NASA (Interim) Grants.gov Submission Instructions
s.gov_Instructions_V1.0.pdf) - Stanford Grants.gov Resouces (http//ora.stanford.