Title: Research, Integration, and Becoming a Psychologist
1Research, Integration, and Becoming a Psychologist
2Section Overview
- Research in psychology
- Multicultural counseling and diversity
- Psychotherapy integration
- Theoretical orientation
- Common factors
- Becoming a psychologist
3Section 4 Goals
- Understand role of research in counseling
psychology - Foster interest and research ideas
- Understand integration and common factors
- Understand important focus on diversity in
psychology and proposed models - Increases knowledge of the self as a
multicultural being - Begin to think of yourself and theoretical
orientation - Gain a clearer picture on how to become a
psychologist and help to formalize own plan
4Research Activity
- Learn by involvement
- Think of your experiences as we go through
lecture - In class experience
- Psy 102 experience
- What steps were taken? What was your role?
- What kind of research?
- What are the next steps in the research?
5The Research Process
- Idea/ hypothesis
- Review the literature reformulate research
question - Design method
- How collect, from whom, with what?
- Data collection
- Approval human subjects
- Informed consent
- Analyze/evaluate findings and write-up
- Publish/ share knowledge
- Subsequent studies
6The Role of Research
- Scientist-Practitioner, Boulder Model
- Science informs practice vice-versa
- Collaboration needed
- One of the major aspects/ roles of the profession
- Counselor, teacher, researcher, etc.
- Next steps
- Share knowledge by publishing
- Stimulate further research
7Need for Research
- Need to study empirically to be scientifically
reliable - Therapists experiences of success insufficient
- Creation of knowledge
- Test theories and constructs
- Understanding of human behavior
- Knowledge to prevent, cure, and understand
- Era of managed care and accountability
8Types of Research
- Quantitative and Qualitative
- Each with own methodology and research designs
- Quantitative
- Experimental designs
- Surveys
- Scale construction
- Descriptive statistics
9Types of Research (cont)
- Qualitative
- Focus on the description
- Analogue designs
- Scale down to a few testable variables
- Meta-Analysis
- Analyzes results of several studies on a topic
- Effect size is created
10Research Basics
- Experimental designs
- Establish a relationship exists
- Control groups
- Comparison group
- Problems with control groups
- Ethical concern of non-treatment group
- Difficulty in matching groups
- Is the control really untreated?
11Qualitative Research Methods
- Grounded Theory (Strauss Corbin, 1990, 1999)
- One of several methods
- Theory and relationships emerges
- Data collection strategies
- Focus groups, interviews, Critical incident, etc.
- Triangulation
- Basic Procedure
- Data collection and creating units
- Sorting units and labeling
- Emergence of theory or themes
- Auditing
12Process and Outcome Research
- Process
- What about therapy makes it work
- Outcome
- Effectiveness of psychotherapy
- Joining process and outcome research
- Relate the different aspects of therapy and how
reach relates to the outcome of therapy - Measuring therapeutic process
- Measuring outcomes
13Difficulties in Counseling Research
- Defining change
- Ethical concerns of control groups
- Isolating the active ingredient
- Real world vs. laboratory control
- Complexity of process and outcome research
- Debate if it is necessary to understand why
therapy works versus that it just does
14What is Change?
- Change in presenting problem?
- Who says it changes?
- Symptom removal?
- What if there are multiple symptoms?
- Depends on your theoretical orientation
15Measuring Change
- Personality test before and after therapy
- Therapy tracking tests (e.g, OQ45)
- Sources of measurement
- Clients perspective
- Psychologist perspective
- Important others perspective
- Structured interview w/ neutral therapist
- Rate on several scales
- Assessment of specific behavior change
- Importance of variety of sources and info!!!
16Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
- Eysenck (1952)
- Therapy isnt better than non-treatment
- False finding, but stimulated research
- Smith, Miller, Glass (1980)
- Meta-analysis
- Seligman (1995)- Consumer Reports Study
- Echoed Smith, Miller, Glass (1980)
17Generally Accepted Findings
- On average therapy is effective
- No general differences between therapies
- Dodo bird- all equally effective
- But not equally effective for all clients and all
problems - Contributors to therapeutic outcome
- 40 client effect
- 30 therapeutic relationship
- 15 techniques and therapy differences
- Length of therapy
- 50 of clients improve by 8th session
- Longer isnt necessary better
18Common Factors
- Belief that all theories of therapy have common
factors - Rational for most therapies being equal
- Focus research on finding the common factors
- Frank (1982)
- Combat demoralization Relationship healing
setting process to make sense of experiences
process to believe in
19Common Factors (cont)
- Goldfried (1980)
- Therapeutic relationship, expectancy of help,
reality testing, corrective experience, external
prospective - Bohart Tallman (1996)
- Client active change agent
- Therapist provides tools and work space
- Asay Lambert (1999)
- 30 Therapeutic relationship
- 40 client factors
- 15 expectancy 15 Techniques
20Research and Professional Psychology
- Need to research what makes therapy work
- Especially in the era of accountability
- Compare results of treatments
- Treatment guidelines
- Specify what Xments used for particular disorder
- APA template for evaluating guidelines
- Efficacy- Does therapy work under controlled
conditions? - Effectiveness- Does it work in real life?
21Research and Professional Psychology (cont)
- Division 12 empirically validated treatments
- Effective in 2 control/ analogue studies
- Compared to control or other therapy
- Treatment must be manualized
- Population with same disorder
- Treatment manuals
- Facilitate research
- Effective in the real world?
22Criticisms of Division 12 List
- Almost all CBT
- Fear that list supercede clinical judgment
- Findings just justified since not real- world
- Concerns about therapy manuals
- Use of specific DSM diagnoses
- Limited to therapies that align with medical
23Research and Professional Psychology (cont)
- Informed practitioner
- Both researchers and practitioners need to
collaborate - Publication of research needs to be
user-friendly - Foster research in training programs
- Encourage and facilitate research
- Research training environment is vital
24Research Training Environment (RTE)
- Research training environment is crucial in
graduate programs - Programs need to motivate students
- RTE model (Gelso, 1993)
- Faculty modeling (excited, ok to fail)
- Positive reinforcement
- Early, non-threatening experience
- Idea of bubble hypothesis
- Wedding of science and practice
25Research Discussion Questions
- What forces facilitate the resurgence in process
and outcome research? - Does it matter if we know what aspects of therapy
works (process) as long as we know that it works
(outcome)? - What are you interested in?
26 27The Self as a Multicultural Being
- Wider view of diversity
- What is diversity?
- Recognize your impact
- What is your role?
- How are you diverse?
28Needed Emphasis on Diversity
- Changing population not matched by changing
counselor demographics - Need new model that focus on diversity
- Modification is not enough
29Multi-Cultural Models
- Cross Model of nigrescence (1971, 1995)
- Pre-encounter
- Encounter
- Immersion/Emersion
- Internalization
- Internalization/Commitment
30Multi-Cultural Models
- Addressing Individual Differences- Hayes, 1995
- A- age
- D- generational differences
- D- disability status
- R- religion
- E- ethnicity status
- S- social status
- S- sexual orientation
- I- Indigenous heritage
- N- nationality
- G- Gender
31Cultural Differences in Counseling (Katz, 1985)
- Western
- White male
- Independence
- Competition
- Control/ action oriented
- Time schedules
- Protestant work ethic
- Future oriented
- Impact on therapy
- Focus on individual
- Client can master/ control
- Emphasis on verbal communication, eye contact
- Goals therapy- independence, insight
- 50 minute hour
- YAVIS client
32Feminist Therapy
- Empowerment of the client
- Egalitarian relationship
- Valuing experience
- the person is political
- Recognize impact of society
- Lifting oppression
- Fostering social change
- Advocacy
33Multicultural Competency Areas
- Awareness own diversity and the impact of such
- Knowledge of how theory is culturally embedded
- History and manifestation of oppression/
discrimination - Sociopolitical influences on various groups
34Multicultural Competency Areas (cont)
- Normative values and world views of various
cultural groups - Accurate assessment of competencies
- Properly use and modify tools assessments
- Be awareness of and wiling to discuss differences
and diversity issues with clients
35Psychotherapy Convergence
- Pulling it all together!
- Collaborative relationships between teachers,
researchers, practitioners, and the community - Theories of psychotherapy
- Collaboration with other MHPs
36Defining your Theoretical Orientation
- The primary theory or theories that you prefer to
conceptualize client with - Choice process
- Fits values/personality
- Based on research
- Clinical experience/ graduate training
- Continual process of labeling what you do, how
you see the the world/clients - Consider the counseling approaches
- Difficult to pick one?
37Psychotherapy Integration
- Technical eclecticism
- Theoretical
- Assimilative
- Common factors
38Technical Eclecticism
- Borrow techniques/ procedures from different
approaches - Guided by what works, not theory
- Choose techniques for specific clients
- Strong emphasis on research
- No unified theory
- Models of eclectic therapy
- Lazarus- Multi-Modal Therapy
- Prochaska, Nocross, DiClemente- 6 Stages of
39Theoretical Integration
- Synthesizes techniques and theories
- Use techniques and incorporates the underling
theories into an original theory - Assimilative Integration
- Occurs when theories incorporate ideas of other
theories - Assimilating new ideas into the theory
- Brings theories closer
40Becoming a Psychologist Overview
- Preparing for graduate school as an undergraduate
- Applying to graduate school
- Graduate school and internship
- Post-Doc and licensure
- Starting your career in psychology
41What can I do as an Undergraduate?
- Coursework prepares you!
- Research methods
- Classes in psy. fields interested in
- History Systems
- Volunteer activities
- Community centers
- Hotlines, Rape crisis centers
- Talk with graduate student professionals
- Get involved in research
- Personal and grad student/faculty
42Getting Involved in Research
- More than 102 or extra credit!
- Ideas come from within
- Follow own interests, passions
- Join faculty research team
- Assist a graduate student with research
- Honors Thesis
- Benefits of involvement
- Understanding of the research process
- Facilitate formation of own interests
- Experience needed for graduate school
43Applying to Graduate School
- Survey of program gathering info
- Internet sites
- Insiders Guide to Clinical and Counseling
programs - Talk with professors
- Always think of your needs/ goals as review in
formation - Summary sheets on programs
- Consider
- Interests and goals
- Different degrees and applications of such
44Applying to Grad School (cont)
- Contacting schools
- E-mail and internet requests
- Calling programs
- Application process
- Practice and copy all information
- Mentor and peer review
- Letters of recommendation
- Follow up
- Short list and interviews
45Graduate School SIU style
- Classes
- Research
- Professors teams
- Thesis and Dissertation
- Practicum
- Clinical placements
- Training Assignment
- Clinical placements
- Teaching
- Research
- Typically in 5-year, APA approved site, paid
- Types of sites- consider your interests
- University Counseling Centers
- VA hospitals
- Consortiums
- Application process similar to grad school
- Computer matching of applicants and sites
- Limited positions
- Heavy competition
- Impact of increase of professional programs
47Post-Doc and Licensure
- Post-Doc
- Research and clinical positions
- Licensure
- State laws vary
- Required hours, supervision pre-post doctorate
- Oral and written exam
48Starting your career in psychology!!
- Listen to yourself, goals, dreams, etc.
- Areas of work
- Psychotherapy and counseling
- Assessment
- Teaching
- Research and Publishing
- Consulting
- Administration