Title: MCB 407
1MCB 407
September 11, 2007 Neural Connections Electrical
Synapses Chemical Synapses
2Monosynaptic reflex
recall the two synapses we encountered in the
monosynaptic spinal reflex
3ELECTROTONIC POTENTIALS passive local graded A
CTION POTENTIAL actively propagated all-or-none
4Types of junctions between nerve cells
5re Rm / p(rad)2 where Rmmembranes specific
resistance (rad)radius of cell process
6rc 2re 2Rm / p(rad)2
7Fig 10-1
8Fig 10-2
9Nicholls 9.2 B,C
Electrical synaptic transmission at crayfish
giant synapse
10Passive Properties Important Here VIR!
Fig 10-3
11Fig 10-4
12Kandel 11-5
Channels in gap-junction membrane (negative- stai
ning TEM)
Kandel 11-5
13Fig 10-4
14Gap-junction channels
15Fig 10-5
16Fig 10-5
17Monosynaptic reflex
recall the two synapses we encountered in the
monosynaptic spinal reflex
18Chemical synapses -- transmission is mediated by
secreted neurotransmitter
19Fig 10-6
20Chemical synapse on a postsynaptic spine
21Fig 10-7
22Ionotropic Receptors Metabotropic Receptors
Fig 10-8
23In-Class Exercise
24At a chemical synapse neurotransmitter acts on
postsynaptic membrane at specific
receptors, changing gion(s) (usually but not
always increasing gion(s))
Because Iion gion (Vm Eion), if the
transmitter changes gion for an ion under a net
driving force ..
Iion will change!
25Which ions are involved determines the effect of
the synaptic event.
- If the transmitter-sensitive g increases net flux
of charge into - the postsynaptic cell, then the result is
depolarization (excitation)
2) If the transmitter-sensitive g increases net
flux of charge out of the postsynaptic
cell, then the result is ..
hyperpolarization (inhibition)
but beware . inhibitory synaptic activity need
not result in hyperpolarization!
26(No Transcript)
27frog neuromuscular junction (nmj)