Title: Constructing a Sustainable Green Future
1Constructing a Sustainable / Green Future
2Use Net Solar Income
- How can the Sun s Energy be utilized to provide
heat Electricity for Buildings we live work
in ?
3Orientation -
- A fundamental Design Planning decision that
affects building energy use for the life of the
building a recurring energy debt.
4Long Side of Building Facing South
5Sun Path Diagram
6Use the Natural Energies on the site
7Glass Windows
8Many Qualities to Consider
9Window Heat Loss
10Thermal Mass
11Diurnal or 24 hour Temperature Variations due to
Thermal Mass
12Thermal Mass
13Insulation Energy Conservation
14House Thermal Image Huge trades Problem
15F / G
- Insulation
- No
- Gaps
- Voids
- Compression
16Attic Blown-In Foam
17Operating Energy / Building Life
18Trombe , D/G
19Trombe Direct Gain _at_ Willow Bend
- A Precious Resource
- Not to Squander
21Water Analogy
- If all the water on Earth was in a one gallon
Jug, Only about one Tablespoon would be Fresh
22(No Transcript)
23Flagstaff 05
24Rainwater Systems Overview
252,400 Square FootAverage Size Home
- 2,400 Square Foot X
- 625 Gallons / 1,000 Sq Ft inch X
- 20 Inches of Rain
- 30,000 Gallons / Year !!
26Water Runoff
27Terraced Landscaping
28Watson Wick
29Plumbing Fixtures Dual Flush Toilet
30Dual Flush Water Savings
31Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
32Sustainable Building
- Much to Consider
- Knowledge Better Decisions
33Priming the Pedagenesis Creation of Soil
34Afternoon Session Next
35Something Like a Summing Up
- But Actually
- A New Beginning
- A Re defining
- An Integration into Cultural Distinctions
36What are The Benefits ?
- How can Green be seen to be of Cultural
Significance ? - How are the peoples lives bettered with Green
37Nageezi , NM