Title: Fitting models to data
1Fitting models to data III(More on Maximum
Likelihood Estimation)
2A Cod Example (model assumptions)
- The catch is taken in the middle of the year.
- The catch-at-age and M are known exactly.
- We can therefore compute all the numbers-at-age
given those for the oldest age
3A Cod Example (data assumptions)
- We have survey data for ages 2-14 (the catch data
start in 1959) - A trawl survey index (1983-99) surveys are
conducted at the end of January and at the end of
March. - A gillnet index (1994-98) surveys are conducted
at the start of the year. - We need to account for when the surveys occur
(because fishing mortality can be very high). - We assume that the age-specific indices are
log-normally distributed about the model
predictions (indices cant be negative) and ? is
assumed to differ between the two survey series
but to be the same for each age within a survey
4Calculation details the model
Oldest-age Ns
The terminal numbers-at-age determine the whole
N matrix
Most-recent- year Ns (year ymax)
Terminal numbers-at-age
5Calculation details the likelihood
6Fitting this Model
- The parameters
- We reduce the number of parameters that are
included in the Solver search by using analytical
solutions for the qs and the ?s.
7Analytical Solution for q-I
Being able to find analytical solutions for q and
? is a key skill when fitting fisheries
population dynamics models.
8Analytical Solution for q-II
Repeat this calculation for
9The Binomial Distribution
- The density function
- Z is the observed number of outcomes
- N is the number of trials and
- p is the probability of the event happening on a
given trial. - This density function is used when we have
observed a number of events given a fixed number
of trials (e.g. annual deaths in a population of
known size). Note that the outcome, Z, is
discrete (an integer between 0 and N).
10The Multinomial Distribution
- Here we extend the binomial distribution to
consider multiple possible events - Note
- We use this distribution when we age a sample of
the population / catch (N is the sample size) and
wish to compare the model prediction of the age
distribution of the population / catch with the
11An Example of The Binomial Distribution-I
10 animals in each of 17 size-classes have been
assessed for maturity. Fit the following logistic
function to these data.
12An Example of The Binomial Distribution-II
- We should assume a binomial distribution (because
each animal is either mature or immature). - The likelihood function is
- The negative log-likelihood function is
is the number mature in size-class i
13An Example of The Binomial Distribution-III
14An Example of The Binomial Distribution-III
- An alternative to the binomial distribution is
the normal distribution. The negative
log-likelihood function for this case is - Why is the normal distribution inappropriate for
this problem?
15The Beta distribution
- The density function
- The mean of this distribution is
16The Shapes of the Beta Distribution
17Recap Time
- To apply Maximum Likelihood we
- Find a model for the underlying process.
- Identify how the data relate to this model (i.e.
which error / sampling distribution to use). - Write down the likelihood function.
- Write down the negative log-likelihood.
- Minimize the negative log-likelihood.