Adjusted analyses controlling for effects of other variables - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Adjusted analyses controlling for effects of other variables


Adjusted analyses controlling for effects of other variables – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Adjusted analyses controlling for effects of other variables

Adjusted analysescontrolling for effects of
other variables
  • Modeling of
  • Correlates of single HL variables
  • and complex mix of lifestyle clusters in high
    risk demographically defined groups from single
    risk factor correlates analysis

Full sample, adjusted ORs
Characteristic Hi BP Alc dep FruVeg Q1 Curr smok
Male cf female 0.9 3.2 .87 1.29
Age 20-34 1 1 1 1
35-49 yrs 3.5 .47 .89 1.06
50-64 yrs 11.3 .21 1.1 .70
65 yrs 18.9 .07 1.2 .34
Education low 1 1 1 1
Secondary .8 1.05 1.04 .76
Some tertiary .78 1.40 1.27 .66
Graduate .77 .88 1.52 .48
Indigenous 1.12 1.39 1.04 1.63
Employ job 1 1 1 1
Unemployed .99 1.05 1.05 1.3
Not seeking job 1.38 1.16 1.16 .88
COB Canada 1 1 1 1
Asia .98 .90 .9 .23
Europe/N Amer 1.0 1.12 1.12 .76
Other .92 1.15 1.15 .42
Income low 1 1 1 1
Income 2 1.0 .81 1.09 .84
Income 3 .99 1.01 1.13 .77
Income high .89 1.39 1.24 .62
Food insecurity 1.22 1.52 1.14 1.48
Self reported High BP is most strongly related to
age Other independent correlates include
education Indigenous status Food insecurity
Full sample, adjusted ORs
Characteristic Hi BP Alc dep FruVeg Q1 Curr smok
Male cf female 0.9 3.2 .87 1.29
Age 20-34 1 1 1 1
35-49 yrs 3.5 .47 .89 1.06
50-64 yrs 11.3 .21 1.1 .70
65 yrs 18.9 .07 1.2 .34
Education low 1 1 1 1
Secondary .8 1.05 1.04 .76
Some tertiary .78 1.40 1.27 .66
Graduate .77 .88 1.52 .48
Indigenous 1.12 1.39 1.04 1.63
Employ job 1 1 1 1
Unemployed .99 1.05 1.05 1.3
Not seeking job 1.38 1.16 1.16 .88
COB Canada 1 1 1 1
Asia .98 .90 .9 .23
Europe/N Amer 1.0 1.12 1.12 .76
Other .92 1.15 1.15 .42
Income low 1 1 1 1
Income 2 1.0 .81 1.09 .84
Income 3 .99 1.01 1.13 .77
Income high .89 1.39 1.24 .62
Food insecurity 1.22 1.52 1.14 1.48
Risk odds ratios of alcohol dependent status
declines with age And is higher among males,
indigenous, European/Amer, high income and food
Full sample, adjusted ORs
Characteristic FruVeg Q1 Curr smok
Male cf female .87 1.29
Age 20-34 1 1
35-49 yrs .89 1.06
50-64 yrs 1.1 .70
65 yrs 1.2 .34
Education low 1 1
Secondary 1.04 .76
Some tertiary 1.27 .66
Graduate 1.52 .48
Indigenous 1.04 1.63
Employ job 1 1
Unemployed 1.05 1.3
Not seeking job 1.16 .88
COB Canada 1 1
Asia .9 .23
Europe/N Amer 1.12 .76
Other 1.15 .42
Income low 1 1
Income 2 1.09 .84
Income 3 1.13 .77
Income high 1.24 .62
Food insecurity 1.14 1.48
Being in highest F and V quintile is more likely
among older adults, higher educated, high income
Full sample, adjusted ORs
Characteristic Curr smok
Male cf female 1.29
Age 20-34 1
35-49 yrs 1.06
50-64 yrs .70
65 yrs .34
Education low 1
Secondary .76
Some tert .66
Graduate .48
Indigenous 1.63
Employ job 1
Unemployed 1.3
Not seeking job .88
COB Canada 1
Asia .23
Europe/N Amer .76
Other .42
Income low 1
Income 2 .84
Income 3 .77
Income high .62
Food insecurity 1.48
Current smoking less likely among older Adults,
and more educated, And overseas born Higher
risk among males Indigenous Unemployed And food
Full sample, adjusted ORs
Characteristic overwt obese High active
Male cf female 1.96 1.18 1.42 !!
Age 20-34 1 1 1
35-49 yrs 1.63 1.41 .7
50-64 yrs 2.31 1.73 .67
65 yrs n/a n/a .71
Education low 1 1 1
Compl. Secondary .92 .84 1.35
Some tertiary educ .79 .72 1.57
Graduate .80 .74 1.54
Indigenous 1.36 1.48 1.30 !!
Employ job 1 1 1
Unemployed .93 1.02 1.42
Not seeking job 1.00 1.07 1.40
COB Canada 1 1 1
Asia .32 .17 .56
Europe/N Amer .95 .86 .97
Other .73 .58 .72
Income low 1 1 1
Income 2 1.13 1.1 .94
Income 3 1.11 1.02 1.05
Income high 1.09 .97 1.39
Food insecurity 1.14 1.35 .96
Full sample, adj ORs potential for change
Characteristic Changed 12/12 Should do s/thing barriers Intend to change
Male cf fem .72 .83 .84 .75
Age 20-34 1 1 1 1
35-49 yrs .84 1.1 1.12 .89
50-64 yrs .72 .89 .94 .88
65 yrs .74 .53 .78 .62
Education low 1 1 1 1
Secondary 1.3 1.11 .96 1.21
Some tertiary 1.74 1.49 1.42 1.32
Graduate 1.6 1.39 1.20 1.48
indigenous 1.16 1.47 1.01 1.32
Employ job 1 1 1 1
Unemployed .91 1.26 .70 1.17
Not seeking job 1.05 .71 .81 .92
Income low 1 1 1 1
Income 2 .96 1.12 .98 1.02
Income 3 1.06 1.30 .98 1.17
Income high 1.25 1.39 1.04 1.16
Food insecurity 1.08 1.42 1.50 1.26
Indigenous only n4329, adjusted ORs
Characteristic Hi BP Alc dep Fruit/ Veg Curr smok
Male cf fem 1.09 2.9 1.03 1.12
Age 20-34 1 1 1 1
35-49 yrs 3.0 .41 .79 .88
50-64 yrs 7.0 .15 .83 .53
65 yrs 12.3 .17 1.68 .23
Education low 1 1 1 1
Secondary .55 .87 1.56 .65
Some tert .49 1.49 1.29 .55
Graduate .59 1.02 1.75 .47
Employ job 1 1 1 1
Unemployed .52 1.42 .66 .87
Not seeking job .93 .74 1.06 1.10
Income low 1 1 1 1
Income 2 1.2 .9 .84 1.01
Income 3 .86 .74 1.39 .87
Income high .60 1.26 1.19 .83
Food insecurity .99 1.38 .77 1.65
Indigenous only adjusted ORs
Characteristic Overwt Obese Hi active
Male cf fem 1.6 .99 1.53
Age 20-34 1 1 1
35-49 yrs 1.29 1.05 .71
50-64 yrs 1.72 1.75 .62
65 yrs n/a n/a .59
Education low 1 1 1
Secondary 1.05 .93 1.28
Some tert 1.11 1.04 1.48
Graduate 1.22 1.12 1.03
Employ job 1 1 1
Unemployed 1.11 .91 1.91
Not seeking job .96 1.03 1.10
Income low 1 1 1
Income 2 1.16 1.38 .85
Income 3 1.03 1.19 1.01
Income high 1.22 .98 1.10
Food insecurity .85 1.05 .96
Indigenous , adj ORs potential for change
Characteristic Changed 12/12 Should do s/thing barriers Intend to change
Male cf fem .57 .57 .8 .63
Age 20-34 1 1 1 1
35-49 yrs .79 .77 1.22 .93
50-64 yrs .65 .76 1.1 .91
65 yrs .64 .29 .96 .89
Education low 1 1 1 1
Secondary 1.31 1.13 .87 1.13
Some tert 1.54 1.15 1.51 1.57
Graduate 1.26 1.42 1.42 1.2
Employ job 1 1 1 1
Unemployed .9 .91 1.19 1.28
Not seeking job .87 .75 .96 .63
Income low 1 1 1 1
Income 2 .98 1.57 1.18 1.03
Income 3 1.01 1.76 1.46 1.23
Income high 1.39 1.86 1.17 1.13
Food insecurity 1.06 1.65 1.57 .71
Groupings of at risk HL clusters of unhealthy
variables Summary AOR, including community
belonging Mental health correlates and
propensity for change eg. i Overweight and
inactive ii overweight and inactive and smoker
Are there consistent correlates of increasing
risk profiles ?
Examples Dyads/triads of clusters of risk
factors, adjusted ORs, signif only
Characteristics in of clustered groups HL vars Overwt inactive Smok overwt inactive 5 unhealthy inactive, smok, overwt, low F/Veg, drinker
Male cf females 1.72 2.27 7.65
Belong community 0.77 0.63 0.49
Rated Bad health 2.78 4.49 4.46
Married 1.97 1.49 1.16
Depressed NS 1.32 2.05
Long hours work 1.29 NS 1.96
Age 20-34 1 1 1
35-49 yrs 1.85 1.58 NS
50-64 yrs 2.92 1.59 0.61
Education low 1 1 1
Graduate 0.60 .21 0.12
Indigenous 1.21 3.14 4.39
Unemployed 0.62 NS NS
Income low Q1 1 1 1
Income high Q4 NS .42 0.23
Food insecurity 1.13 1.65 1.99
Changed 12/12 0.54 0.32 0.32
Intend to change 1.30 1.27 1.35
Define population segments on the basis of risk
factor profiles eg. i young males lt35
yrs ii low education males Iii middle aged
low SES females Are there consistent correlates
of demographic subgroups ? Are there any
protective influences which can be identified ?
High risk segments prevalence of HL variables ()
Group Low education males Indig-enous Low educ and young males Low SES women age 30-50
High BP 14 9 3 15
Depend alcohol 17 18 24 5
High F and V quintile 11 15 11 12
Overwt 65 59 48 49
Curr smoker 54 55 69 46
Inactive 61 49 56 62
Confined to young males lt35 yrs, AORs
clustered popn segments HL vars Alcohol depend Overwt Inactive
Belong community NS NS .70
Rated Bad health NS NS 2.70
Married .46 1.80 1.38
Oseas born vs Canad .44 NS 1.66
Depressed 1.28 NS 1.20
Long hours work Ns 1.27 1.48
Indigenous NS 1.50 ns
Unemployed 1.29 .73 0.60
Income high Q4 cf Q1 NS 1.45 NS
Food insecurity NS 0.80 1.21
Changed 12/12 NS 1.17 0.41
Intend to change NS 1.33 0.82
Low educn males, AORs
clustered popn segments HL vars Alcohol depend Overwt In-active Smok-er
Belong community NS NS NS NS
Rated Bad health NS NS NS NS
Married .49 1.83 NS .70
Age 35-49 cf younger 0.63 1.94 NS .70
Age 50-65 0.26 2.6 NS .33
Age 65 0.20 n/a 1.7 .13
Oseas born vs Canad .66 0.7 NS NS
Depressed 1.29 NS NS 1.4
Long hours work NS NS 1.31 NS
lifestress 2.38 NS NS NS
Indigenous 1.61 NS Ns 1.7
Unemployed NS NS NS 3.6
Income high Q4 cf Q1 1.95 2.2 NS NS
Food insecurity 1.47 NS NS 1.6
Changed 12/12 NS NS .48 .63
Intend to change NS 1.26 .65 NS
Low income women 30-50yrs
clustered popn segments HL vars Alcohol depend Overwt In-active Smok-er
Belong community NS NS NS NS
Rated Bad health NS NS NS NS
Married .49 1.83 NS .70
Age 35-49 cf younger 0.63 1.94 NS .70
Age 50-65 0.26 2.6 NS .33
Age 65 0.20 n/a 1.7 .13
Oseas born vs Canad .66 0.7 NS NS
Depressed 1.29 NS NS 1.4
Long hours work NS NS 1.31 NS
lifestress 2.38 NS NS NS
Indigenous 1.61 NS Ns 1.7
Unemployed NS NS NS 3.6
Income high Q4 cf Q1 1.95 2.2 NS NS
Food insecurity 1.47 NS NS 1.6
Changed 12/12 NS NS .48 .63
Intend to change NS 1.26 .65 NS
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